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13-01-10, 04:46 PM #1
Temporarily Make Your Character Female
Register to remove this ad1) Buy [Pigymy Oil].
2) Buy [Savory Deviate Delight].
3) Drink the [Pigymy Oil] until your character changes into a pigymy.
4) Use the [Savory Deviate Delight], and your character will be a female pirate or ninja.
› See More: Temporarily Make Your Character FemaleLearn to Dupe Items, Earn 40,000g Hourly, Fly in Azeroth, and Other Confounding Warcraft Secrets -www.warwealth.com.
13-01-10, 05:15 PM #2
Nice, you should add some screens too
/regrds DimmanNo touching please.
20-01-10, 02:11 PM #3
Well, it's not an "Exploit" as thats working as intended.
You can also do it with the Orb of Deception, just use the Oil, use the Orb, and your a female whatever.
25-01-10, 09:54 AM #4
If your character is female it will be a female pirate if you eat the fish right and male if its a male character ??
No touching please.
25-01-10, 03:14 PM #5
ha i wana try this
25-01-10, 03:26 PM #6
25-01-10, 05:26 PM #7
26-01-10, 03:09 AM #8
Nice!but i have no rep for now.
when i have it
10-02-10, 11:11 AM #9
19-02-10, 12:04 PM #10
Register to remove this adnot works for me