Hey I've been doing a lot of experiment lately and let me know what you guys think or if you have the solution. Please let us know.
Statistics - Community - World of Warcraft

This character has over 1 million honorable kills in one continent. (Eastern Kingdom)
So unrealistic so I decided to find out how he does it. He isn't the only one.

So I tried to find spirit healer but not any kind of spirit healer. A unique one that would res you automatically every 30 second so no res sickness or res delay.
I found one in Tol Barad but it seems like when my lowbies trial account "level 6" res there... and my level 14 warrior kill it... my level 14 warrior did not get any honorable kills at all. So I decided to switch it... the level 6 kill the level 14 warrior. Did not get any honorable kills.

Did they fix this? Under what circumstance will it count?
I watched a video of other people doing world pvp in Tol Barad peninsula and they get the hks from the res.

If Blizz screwed up Tol Barad... then what other spawn is good and still working for such exploits to work?

› See More: [Detected] Honorable kills exploits