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  1. #1
    Apple's Avatar
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    GPBot V0991 Beta for WoW 3.3.3a

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    Multi botting :

    Small video made by Detrimon:

    V0991 Public :
    + Can load old profile with commas
    + HasEnchant in GPBItem
    + //me command in GPBot Chat
    + //item1 command in GPBot Chat
    ~ Mount problem
    V0990 Public :
    + Update for WoW 3.3.3 11685
    + Avanced AutoPath Option
    + Approch2 in GControl --> Check API
    + IsAttackable in GPBUnit
    + IsElite in GPBUnit
    + Equip Item check
    + Item Enchant Check
    + HappinessPerCent
    + Node ID in radar
    + Better OnGhost stop walking
    + DistForAutoPath option (don't modify if you don't know what it is)
    + Better ghost flying management.
    + GetObjectFromType in GContext
    + Check following players
    - Trace when bobber bobbing
    ~ Circle path
    ~ Check target distance with autopath
    ~ Check player delay
    ~ Correctly reset path in radar on click new.
    ~ Skin while under attack
    ~ Complex path
    ~ Fly on Ghost
    ~ FindNearestAlly
    ~ Don't cehck following player in BG
    V0982 Beta public
    + BG rez management
    + MaxPathDist option
    + //buffs can you your target's buffs
    ~ Fix fly circle after gather
    ~ Problem with complex path
    ~ Chat problem
    V0981 Beta public
    + CTM On For Fly option
    + Dismount On Gather option
    + increase delay before selling
    ~ close after delay
    V0980 Beta public
    + Update for wow 3.3.2
    + modifications in radar
    + better swimming management
    + more traces when bot is stopping.
    + connect button in profil (connect to nodes)
    + try to reduce AutoPath memory usage
    + Few classes/methods in API (more info later)
    + IsFleeing
    + IsFlying
    + IsWimming
    + isInBG
    + time limit = 3h
    + Only donors can use Addons
    ~ check if dead while casting mount
    ~ crash when saving path without waypoints
    V0974 Beta Public:
    + little GUI update
    + version check
    + Add rotation information in the radar.
    + remove time limitation for Donors
    + AddCorpseToLoot(target) in GPBMain (you can call it after killtarget).
    + Update Generic.cs (Eval) for better condition error catch.
    + Time limit for demonstration = 5h
    + GPBot version in log
    + Add GUI Options
    + Clear textbox after message sending.
    + Save expert for profile
    + Add complex profile making.
    + Path distance info in radar
    + ShowTaskbarPopUp option in config.xml (not in GUI)
    + percent and health point number in GUI
    + popup on dead
    + update profilename on GUI after save.
    ~ Death on OnGoSeller()
    ~ Cloud Farming
    ~ Druid flying form dismount
    ~ Stop stupid rotation if CastSpell on ME
    ~ GUI crash
    ~ minor bugs in generic class config GUI
    ATTENTION : Old  GPBot versions will stop working Wednesday
    don't forget to check new functions in API : GPBot: Main Page
    GPBot Website:
    GPBot : new free WoW Bot

    › See More: GPBot V0991 Beta for WoW 3.3.3a

  2. #2
    StickyIcky's Avatar
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    Here's a bigger changelog:
    V0991 Public :
    + Can load old profile with commas
    + HasEnchant in GPBItem
    + //me command in GPBot Chat
    + //item1 command in GPBot Chat
    ~ Mount problem
    V0990 Public :
    + Update for WoW 3.3.3 11685
    + Avanced AutoPath Option
    + Approch2 in GControl --> Check API
    + IsAttackable in GPBUnit
    + IsElite in GPBUnit
    + Equip Item check
    + Item Enchant Check
    + HappinessPerCent
    + Node ID in radar
    + Better OnGhost stop walking
    + DistForAutoPath option (don't modify if you don't know what it is)
    + Better ghost flying management.
    + GetObjectFromType in GContext
    + Check following players
    - Trace when bobber bobbing
    ~ Circle path
    ~ Check target distance with autopath
    ~ Check player delay
    ~ Correctly reset path in radar on click new.
    ~ Skin while under attack
    ~ Complex path
    ~ Fly on Ghost
    ~ FindNearestAlly
    ~ Don't cehck following player in BG
    V0982 Beta public
    + BG rez management
    + MaxPathDist option
    + //buffs can you your target's buffs
    ~ Fix fly circle after gather
    ~ Problem with complex path
    ~ Chat problem
    V0981 Beta public
    + CTM On For Fly option
    + Dismount On Gather option
    + increase delay before selling
    ~ close after delay
    V0980 Beta public
    + Update for wow 3.3.2
    + modifications in radar
    + better swimming management
    + more traces when bot is stopping.
    + connect button in profil (connect to nodes)
    + try to reduce AutoPath memory usage
    + Few classes/methods in API (more info later)
    + IsFleeing
    + IsFlying
    + IsWimming
    + isInBG
    + time limit = 3h
    + Only donors can use Addons
    ~ check if dead while casting mount
    ~ crash when saving path without waypoints
    V0974 Beta Public:
    + little GUI update
    + version check
    + Add rotation information in the radar.
    + remove time limitation for Donors
    + AddCorpseToLoot(target) in GPBMain (you can call it after killtarget).
    + Update Generic.cs (Eval) for better condition error catch.
    + Time limit for demonstration = 5h
    + GPBot version in log
    + Add GUI Options
    + Clear textbox after message sending.
    + Save expert for profile
    + Add complex profile making.
    + Path distance info in radar
    + ShowTaskbarPopUp option in config.xml (not in GUI)
    + percent and health point number in GUI
    + popup on dead
    + update profilename on GUI after save.
    ~ Death on OnGoSeller()
    ~ Cloud Farming
    ~ Druid flying form dismount
    ~ Stop stupid rotation if CastSpell on ME
    ~ GUI crash
    ~ minor bugs in generic class config GUI
    ATTENTION : Old GPBot versions will stop working Wednesday
    V0973 Beta Public :
    + Cloud Gathering
    + druid flying form management
    + AutoRelog Addon
    + MailBox management
    ~ should not try to target a player any more.
    V0972 Beta Public
    + auto load last profile
    + Better autopath on Ghost
    + Stuck delegate and callback in GContext (check API)
    + Move back if stuckcounter = 5
    + new GUI
    + faster response after rez
    + chat message filter
    + check if we can cast mount (ground)
    ~ mount after selling
    ~ dismount on go seller
    ~ All profile use dot as number separator
    ~ add herbs
    ~ some misspell
    ~ bad key save in config.xml
    ATTENTION : old EU profiles can't work has it, you have to modify comma ',' by dot '.' in coordinates
    V0971 Beta Public
    ~ following a blacklisted target
    ~ figth back
    ~ Autopath
    - run WoW
    V0970 Public :
    + Update for WoW 3.3.0 (Big Thx to Pimpace for his help)
    + blacklist functions in API
    + doRefresh function in API
    + Ignore Z coordinate if we are not on a flying mount.
    + Better skip waypoint calcualtion.
    + Better death detection in combat
    + OnPostLoot after cashing a fish
    + Anti AFK while fishing
    + NbSlotLeft can be negative
    + Better mount management --> more fluid 
    + Extract AutoPath as a DLL and use PPather algo.
    + few modifications in AutoPath : should be better than before (combat detection, death path generation)
    + Now bot stop after selling items if nbSlotLeft <= NbSlotsLeftForGoVendor
    + Rewrite OnGoSeller() logic. Now your toon come back to normal path after 
    + Vendor pathing rewrite.
    + Circle path should work correctly
    ~ bug with check player while gathering
    ~ stop button
    ~ WoW Load screen management
    ~ shouldn't do infinit loop in selecting target.
    ~ Selecting dead unit
    ~ Selecting too far unit
    ~ OnSale bug.
    ~ Path fileName
    ~ Retry if /script RepopMe() doesn't work.
    GPBot V0965 Beta public :
    + pid in GUI
    + StopIfInventoryFull option
    + Memrory acces in API
    + Modify GConfig for nodegraph access
    + Inventory management
    + Better loading screen management
    ~ CTM pb after loading screen
    ~ chat bug
    ~ crashing bug
    ~ Correct chat offset (thx to pimpace)
    ~ mount after fight
    ~ mount and dismount when aggro
    ~ open nodes.xml
    ~ rename AddIn to AddOn
    don't forget to check new functions in API : http://www.gpbot.com/API
     New Version V0962 
    + AuraStack in API (GPBUnit)
    + hasAtLeastOneBuff in API (GPBUnit)
    + Common.Sit
    + Player check around nodes
    + button for resize.
    + gathering options.
    + OnDoFish() in API
    + Min/Max level in profil
    + Separate mount management (normal/sell)
    + notification on mousseover in task bar
    + IsDead for GPBUnit
    + Common.FlyMount in config.xml
    + Auto reload last profil
    + Ignore agro option
    + Profil GUI update
    ~ AutoSelfCast
    ~ CTM bug
    ~ mount problem
    ~ timer for send key
    ~ keys management
    ~ bug with send keys
    - UseMountForSell option
    - Common.Dismount in config.xml
    - Backward onRest when taking damage
    New version V0959 Beta 
    - Fix GoToSeller problem when got attacked
    - Fix Problem with random stop walking
    - Fix problem ding cooldown
    - Update API
    - Update Generic.cs for last API
    New version V0958
    - Better mob selection with blacklist
    - Better Selling Path error anddle
    - Modification a Generic.cs by Pimpace
    - API update (http://www.gpbot.com/API/)
    New version V0957
    - Add Running power
    - Add Pet Happiness
    - Try to fix problem with AutoPath under water
    - Try to fix problem with mob targetting
    - API update
    - Correct IsCasting function (now test channeled spells to)
    - Can't remember :(
    New version V0955
     - Pet management rewrite
     - Add Me.Combo --> give your combo points
     - Better pull management 
    New Version V0954
    - Aggro management rewrite
    - Mob selection rewrite
    - Add some Pimpace code.
    Version V0953
    - just little correction from previous version (sorry for my bad copy/past)
    new version V0952 :
    - Add state OnPull (ATTENTION --> update your fightbooks)
    - New API can be found here GPBot: Main Page
    - Fix Seller Path (I test it 3 times and it works for me)
    - Add logs if you try to skin a Unit unskinable
    new version V0951 :
    - Found a bug with seller path
    - Add GContext and GControl classes
    - Try to fix loot pb for hunter
    - OnRest -> no Health lost check
    - ....
    new version V095 :
    - Update for wow 3.2.2
    - Add a launcher
    - remove bug "using GPBot.Input;"
    - All update for V0944 you can't test due to stupid bug
    new version V0944 :
    - cooldown management rewrite
    - beta testers feedbacks integrate  
    - Debug traces
    - More traces with OnSale()
    new version V094 :
    - wait end of cast before casting new one
    - chat multilog problem solve
    - GUI update
    Sorry don't have more time today. New update this weekend.
    new version V093 :
     - correct loop on seller (thx to Pattalutt for report)
     - correct problem with wisp detection (thx to Pattalutt for report)
     - If you toon dies, it won't go in PostCombat (thx to Pattalutt for report)
    new version V092 :
     - Tried to fixed most bugs reported by Pattalutt (thx to him)
     - Add wisp check options (sound,close wow, close bot)
    new version V091 :
     - Adding Max tries option for Loot/skin/Gather
     - Time limitation is 10 hours
    new version V09 :
     - Better Flying mount management
     - Add sell/repair Function
     - Lots of code modification/optimisation
    new version V086 :
     - Increase path creation timeout
     - Correct bug with "OnRoaming" loop
     - Speed improvement.
     - Add isTagged check 
    New version V085 :
     - Better CTM amnagement
     - Better autoPath (still have some work on it)
     - Add Log directory
     - Add more logs messages for debug.
     - Try to optimise code for better performances
    + --> Add
    - --> Remove
    ~ --> Correct

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Ty for sharing..ill give a try and test

  4. #4
    Bing's Avatar
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    Wow, this looks pretty good, even better since it's free!
    Leecher - 01/07/10!
    Active Member - 05/07/10!
    Moderator - 14/08/10!
    Contributor - 15/09/10!

  5. #5

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    Does this work for 3.3.5?

    Made By Me 8/20/2010

  6. #6
    Elite Member
    Dimman's Avatar
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    Yea the newer versions does.
    No touching please.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Good deal, any idea where i can find the newer version for this?

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
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    Did the full version every come out ? -___-

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    This could be hopeful for someone

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