Chimpeon (
Chimpeon - Plays Your Game
), a Windows key sender and auto clicker that can perform the following actions in many games including World of Warcraft:

  • Automate attack rotations for raids, dungeons, battlegrounds, mob farming and levelling
  • Accept raid, dungeon, battleground and arena queue notifications
  • Craft items and perform repetitive tasks like Milling and Prospecting
  • Prevent AFK
  • Automate chat (for advertising services, gold, gear and guilds)
  • Move a character (in a limited way)
  • Perform an entire attack rotation by spamming just a single key

The software is simple to use (no scripting is required) and is one of the safest methods to automate your WOW gameplay - it doesn't alter game files, memory or CPU processes.

Key and mouse buttons used in-game are triggered using either a time interval or a pixel colour change, allowing complete control over game automation.

A fully functional (yet time restricted) installation is available for
on the Chimpeon website.

Chimpeon is fully documented on its website...
are provided to aid with configuration and use.

To get you going, read the PDF guides on the developer's website...

NOTE: Chimpeon does not contain a virus or malware...
View the VirusTotal report
. In fact, the developer seems reputable and is very helpful.

Chimpeon - Plays Your Game

Chimpeon works great alongside WOW addons like WeakAuras 2 and TellMeWhen...

WeakAuras 2 Download -

TellMeWhen Download -
TellMeWhen Class Profiles -

Setting up Chimpeon to react to WOW addons like TellMeWhen is easy as this image demonstrates...

Configure a TellMeWhen Spell Icon in Chimpeon Small.jpg

› See More: Chimpeon Key Sender / Auto Clicker