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  1. #1
    Graphics Guru

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    LazyBot for 5.1 (working) - NO q&a here - best free bot around :)

    Register to remove this ad
    Status: working with 5.1 (mop) auto-updating
    - only 32bit wow client (HOW TO)
    - don't use mouse hook
    - .NET FRAMEWORK 4.5 REQUIRED for the bot to function proper (HOW TO)

    The link and the bot are on a russian site,
    Lazy Evolution 5.1.0 16309 - (direct download link: here OR here)
    Developer: RageHunter , +REP , and a big thank you from all of us for keeping the bot alive.
    Seems that this will be the version we will use.
    Auto-update feature is added now, so after you download the version above, bot will update itself to the latest version, alot of changes and improvements

    MOP behaviors:
    Made by jumperu:
    Fury Warrior MOP More details in this POST (updated, details in this POST)
    Arms Warrior MOP More details in this POST (new)
    Elemental Shaman MOP More details in this POST (new)
    Blood Death Knight MOP
    Beast Master Hunter MOP
    More details in this POST (updated, maximum tweak)
    Retribution Paladin MOP More details in this POST
    Protection Paladin MOP
    More details in this POST
    Shadow Priest MOP
    More details in this POST (updated, more details in this POST)
    Feral Druid MOP More details in this POST
    Boomkin Druid MOP More details in this POST (new)
    Arcane Mage MOP More details in this POST (new-needs testing)
    Destruction Lock MOP More details in this POST (new-needs testing)
    Made by RageHunter:
    Enhancement Shaman MOP
    Blood Death Knight MOP
    Destruction Warlock MOP

    Made by others:
    Arcane Mage MOP
    Simple behavior, more details in this POST (credits to Mackdaddy2887)
    Frost Mage MOP Simple behavior, more details in this POST (credits to Mackdaddy2887)
    Destro Warlock MOP More details in this POST (credits to Mackdaddy2887)
    Assasination Rogue MOP More details in this POST (credits to Mackdaddy2887)
    Destro Warlock MOP (credits to Tiawaz)
    Balance Druid MOP
    More details in this POST (credits to zekiel247)
    Balance Druid MOP More details in this POST (credits to zekiel247, improved by manninc2000)
    Protection Paladin MOP More details in this POST (credits to Wiccan)
    Retry Paladin MOP More details in this POST (credits to shahharsh2010)
    Brewmaster Monk MOP More details in this POST (credits to EUROBOT)

    New profiles:

    MOP Grinding:
    85-87 - LINK and some details about it HERE - by jumperu (same spot, tweaked by Huntforfun -- LINK)
    86-89 - LINK and some details about it HERE - by jumperu
    86-90 - LINK and some details about it HERE - by jumperu (new, skinning) (neaby zone, made by Haksch -- LINK)
    88-90 - LINK and some details about it HERE - by jumperu
    87-89 - LINK and some details about it HERE - by noyos
    - LINK Jade Forest + vendor - by ragehunter
    88-90 - LINK Eerie wasteland + vendor - by ragehunter (info provided by Mackdaddy2887: "The Eerie wasteland is in DREAD wasteland, obviously, its in the Sunset Brewgarden, northern part of wasteland, their is a flightpoint and a little town there.")
    *PET FARMING (not mop)

    MOP Gathering:
    Kun-Lai Summit - PROFILE
    VOT4W - PROFILE 1 -
    Eerie wasteland - PROFILE
    Jade Forest - PROFILE1 - PROFILE 2
    Townlong Steppes - PROFILE

    DARK SOIL gathering (can be used as a normal gathering profile too) - credits to hypertoken
    MOP POOL FISHING (flying) (all mop zones)- REQ LVL90+Fly mop - credits to hypertoken

    MOP GLORIOUS MAP (RARE HUNTING) - flies around all mop map, needs npc scan addon, made by jumperu
    MOP LOREWALKERS REP - flies around mop map, you need to click the items, made by r0mbot

    Fly Gathering 1-600 - some leveling profiles..

    Fishing engine modified by romb0t to work with the russian version. (put it in the Engines folder, make one if u don't have it)
    Mill/Prosp Plugin shared by dawawe , more details in this POST
    Mammoth/Jeeves sell plugin, more details in this POST - only works with mammoth on bar1/key1
    Mammoth/Jeeves sell plugin, modified by romb0t - improved to work with any bar/key
    Vertice converter plugin, made by romb0t - converts vertice type from ground mount to normal and vice-versa
    GB converter plugin, it converts a fly profile from GatherBuddy, more details in this THREAD - not tested
    GrinderProfileSwitch switches at a set interval 2 grinding profiles
    - not tested
    Engineer mailer mailing support for engineering, bank summon/deposit, goblin racial support

    Support FORUM made by
    Krack3n to help community members:

    Hello everyone, Jumperu here.

    I've been using LB for around 3 years now, so I created this thread to share my knowledge, help the community of lazybot, post updates for the bot and answer any question that u may have.
    Second, before you start the bot or do anything please read the MANUAL, it explains the basics of the bot, main functions, how to do a profile and setup the bot. Or, if you are lazy, you can watch the video i made wich explains every setting the bot has.

    Info about the bot:

    How to make a Grinding Profile:
    1. Profile settings - New profile
    2. got to subprofile and hit add ... name does not matter, don't modify anything in the level ranges
    3. still at the subprofile tab, go ingame and target a mob in the area you wanna make the profile, then got to the bot and hit the + next to factions, do that for any class of mobs in the area (humans, beasts, etc) , if you wanna ignore a mob in the area target it and hit + next to ignore (usually use it for yellow mobs that don't attack you and don't have good drops)
    4. hit + next to Spots
    5. tick follow spots in order, then go back to general tab
    6. if the area is large and the mobs are far away from eachother, you want select vertice type "ground mount" and record the profile with ground mount, this way the char will walk abit after a kill and if there is no mob near he will mount and go on until he encounters the next mob then dismount, kill, rinse and repeat :) - ground mount vertices will appear as white dots on the graph window of the bot (if area is small choose normal vertices-red dots)
    7. tick "top most" and "record vertices"
    8. drag the profile maker to the side and maximize the game so you can see both where you are going and the graph of the profile - the path you are creating
    9. start walking ingame, when you get within 40yards of something you want to kill, hit "add spot" or F7 ingame
    10. walk to the next mob - pack of mobs and hit "add spot" or F7 again and so on
    11. spots usually are on the path, but you can add some that are slightly off with no problem, bot will go there ---- a spot tells the bot where to go to find fresh mobs to kill- that's why we tick "follow spots in order" so the mobs can respawn and the bot won't return too soon to a recently visited spot, so u can have spots that are not on the path but be carefull where you put them so there are no obstacles between the spot and the path so your char don't get stuck on the return to path
    12. the path you are making can be a straight line, curved line, circle or any shape you want (if it's a line, the bot will go back the same way he came at the end)
    13. if you want to record a path for the bot from the GY to the grinding zone, if you want to ress you can... just untick "record vertices" go and die, now you are at the graveyard... choose vertice type "ground mount" (normal verices don't work for gy path, idk why), and hit record again, an go to the zone you recorded your profile - do not add any spots on this path -, untick record vertices - make sure that this line is linked with the normal path (also know that if you don't add this road the bot won't release, there is no setting to tell it to release, just make this path and that's it)
    14. if you have a town nearby the grinding zone you can record a path to the town so when the bot has full bags and in general setting the "to town when fulll bags" is ticked he will go there are sell/repair. Be on your recorded path, choose "ground mount" vertices" and hit record again, go to town, be carefull to avoid obstacles, i suggest before you hit record to reduce the vertice distance to 10 or 5, so if you make a sudden curve the bot will follow exactly. when you get to town, go to the vendor you wanna use and in subprofile tab, hit + next to "vendor count", untick record vertices (i suggest not use "sell grey/whites" from the general settings-vendor, instead i use 2 addons: Scrap-autosells greys and if u drag an item, any item, to it's sell list, it will auto sell it next time you go to a vendor, and Auto-repair is the 2nd addon)
    15. save your profile naming something like "dustwallow marsh - blackhoof village - humanoids grind lvl 40 - silk farm" for example
    Quick example Photo of a profile
    *make sure you set the correct key for the ground mount in general settings-keys
    I made this guide fast, so tell me if you don't understand something or if there is something to add, everyone is more than welcome to contribute.

    How to make a Flying Profile:


    Third i will post some common errors of the bot and what to do.

    Message: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.Inner exception:
    Source: mscorlib
    Stack trace: at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
    at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError()
    at System.IO.File.Move(String sourceFileName, String destFileName)
    at LazyEvo.Program.Main() in D:\bot\source\LazyBot evolution\Lazy Evolution\Program.cs:line 57
    Target site: Void WinIOError(Int32, System.String)
    Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
    Link: )

    • Make sure you have installed the latest version of .net framework ( should work on win 7 but if it doesn't .net 4.5 would do )
    • I don't think the bot works on win 8, saw some1 post this error once.
    • Don't start wow in x64.
    • Make sure you start the bot as administrator.
    • Delete from the logs folder, LogFile.txt and OldLogFile.txt ( ty romb0t )

    Message: Inner exception:
    Source: Lazy Evolution
    Stack trace: at LazyEvo.LFlyingEngine.Settings.SaveSettingsClick(Object sender, EventArgs e) location D:\bot\source\LazyBot evolution\Lazy Evolution\LFlyingEngine\Settings.cs:line 79
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
    at DevComponents.DotNetBar.ButtonX.OnClick(EventArgs e)
    at DevComponents.DotNetBar.ButtonX.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
    Target site: Void SaveSettingsClick(System.Object, System.EventArgs)
    Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
    • If u get an error like this one, it means you are missing a .dll file, wich u can download here QuickGraph.dll
    • If it's not that, check if you have set in engine settings/mount key - the key for the mount, must be same as in wow bar 1-6 key 1-0

    Message: Unable to connect to the remote server
    Inner exception: Source: SystemStack trace:    
    at System.Net.FtpWebRequest.GetResponse()   at System.Xml.XmlDownloadManager.GetNonFileStream(Uri uri, ICredentials credentials)   at System.Xml.XmlDownloadManager.GetStream(Uri uri, ICredentials credentials)   at System.Xml.XmlUrlResolver.GetEntity(Uri absoluteUri, String role, Type ofObjectToReturn)   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.OpenUrlDelegate(Object xmlResolver)   at System.Threading.CompressedStack.runTryCode(Object userData)   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.
    ExecuteCodeWithGuaranteedCleanup(TryCode code, CleanupCode backoutCode, Object userData)   
    • Something is blocking _Update.exe, a firewall or your network settings.
    • Ragehunter's auto-update server is offline.

    [11:39:34 PM] [Engine] Exception System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
    at System.Text.StringBuilder.FormatError()
    at System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(IFormatProvider provider, String format, Object[] args)
    at System.String.Format(IFormatProvider provider, String format, Object[] args)
    at LazyLib.Logging.Write(LogType color, String format, Object[] args)
    at LazyLib.Helpers.MouseHelper.get_MousePosition()
    at LazyLib.Wow.PObject.LetsSearch(UInt64 guid, Boolean multiclick, Boolean click)
    at LazyLib.Wow.PObject.InteractOrTarget(Boolean multiclick)
    at LazyLib.Wow.PObject.Interact(Boolean multiclick)
    at LazyEvo.LFlyingEngine.Activity.Gather.DismountAndHarvest(PGameObject harvest, Ticker timeOut)
    at LazyEvo.LFlyingEngine.Activity.Gather.GatherNode(PGameObject harvest)
    at LazyEvo.LFlyingEngine.States.StateGather.DoWork()
    at LazyLib.FSM.Engine.Run()

    • This error is from mouse hook, disable it in general settings.
    • DO NOT USE MOUSE HOOK! I hope i was clear

    Other smaller problems:
    Check in engine settings that you have ticked on Gather: herb/mine, and at "max enemy at node: 1" (or 2 if your bot can handle, 0 if u don't want the bot to fight at all - lvl 80 botting in twilight or something like that)

    If you have a problem and want to post here for help please use some simple guidelines, and make sure u did this before you post:

    • Tick "log debug", wich is next to the start button, and copy/paste the log, you can almost always find the cause of the problem in the LB log.
    • Put your spells on bar 1-6 key 1-0 (not 11,12)
    • If the bot presses the ESC key alot, then it's a problem with the behavior, go to combat settings, select each tab (pre-pull,pull,combat,rest,buffs), and take the spells there one by one and at target choose "unchanged"
    • Disable all addons before u start the bot, they interfere with LB, most common one is bartender.
    • Some problems were reported from users with AVG anti-virus, idk in what way it interferes with the bot, but disable it if you have troubles and keep an eye on it to see if that fixed it
    • Mail only works with flying engine, and only if the profile already has "to town waypoints" or if u record them and if u have ticked "to town when bags are full" - check the video on how to make a flying profile, or how to add "to town" waypoints to an already made profile
    • There are 2 types of profiles:
      - Grinding profiles that work only when the Grinding engine is selected (the profile is composed from 2 files, like example.xml + example.xml.path,
      - Gathering profile that work only when the Flying Engine is selected (the profile is composed from only 1 file, like example.xml - these are the same as 3-4 years ago when the bot started, so no matter how old it is, they will work, nothing changed).
      Trying to load a profile with a wrong engine will lead to an error message "Could not load a valid profile for the selected engine".

    Q: What are Behaviors?
    A: Behaviors are combat rules so the bot knows how to fight, there are different for each char...warr/pala/dk..etc...and each specc fury/retry/etc...The behaviors must be put in the Behaviors folder inside LB folder, then you go to combat settings in the bot, and choose the one for your char class/spec. If the folder does not exist, make it, name it exactly: Behaviors
    After this, open the bot, click combat settings and from the drop-down menu up where is says: select behavior....select your class behavior

    Q: What are Profiles?
    A: Profile is the path that tells the bot where to go and who to kill. you can save these anywhere on your comp, then load them from profile settings/load a profile..
    There are 2 kind of profiles....1 for each engine....
    fly gathering profile ..wich is 1 file...name.xml....
    grinding profile...wich is made of 2 files...name.xml and name.path.xml

    Q: Shall i use Mouse Hook or Memory Writing?
    A: Never use Mouse Hook. As for Memory Writing:
    If you don't use MW:
    upside: blizzard scans your comp it won't detect the bot.
    downside: it will steal your mouse so you can't do something else at the comp
    If you use MW:
    upside: you can use your comp while botting, bot will not bother you, just put it in background, small wow window, don't minimize wow or the bot
    downside: if you get reported and blizz scans you, it will "probably" find the bot attached to wow.exe (don't ask me the probability % cause idk)

    Some PROFILES to get you started.

    If you have more questions, need help with something bigger or anything, any1 can reach me on skype, my id is jumperu

    Another guide for LazyBot, altough it is for an outdated version, maybe some1 will find something usefull by reading it LINK
    Also a well written botting guide you should read: POST

    I do not really support this, but i compiled an old lazybot v 4.0.6 for private servers (molten and others) LINK

    DO NOT USE MOUSE HOOK, reports of bans from it are increasing lately(feb 2012), also in version 5.0.5 there is an error when using it.


    › See More: LazyBot for 5.1 (working) - NO q&a here - best free bot around :)
    Last edited by Wise; 04-02-13 at 08:14 PM.

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  3. #2

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  4. #3

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    lazy problems

    um i downloaded it and installed it but it not detecting me in game is it something i done? and what plz help?

  5. #4

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    why did u just copy-paste this from OwnedCore forum? You did not even ask before doing so!....very rude and i hope your forum won't last long, just copying someone else's work is wrong!



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