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20-01-09, 02:31 PM #1
Huge Glider Profile List, updating.
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"Proffesion" or "proffesion"
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All of those profiles are from *******, except those I've made myself. Just compiled them all and posted them on this forum instead. (which is better...)
Note; Tried all of those profiles myself, and they are all working
Every profile is working. And they are all virus free, so blame me if you get a virus. (XML can't contain viruses.)
Have fun pro's, will continue to fill whenever I have some free time =) need to do some schoolwork for now.
---------------Eternal air/Relic of Ulduar profile--------------------
Credit goes to i cut u up
Eternal air/Relic of Ulduar profile.
This is what I have been using for a few weeks to farm so i thought i would share it.
In one night i usually get between 20-30 eternal airs and around 200 relics of ulduar. That's pretty amazing in my book. I've stocked up over 3,000relics using this. The ghost profile can be really clumsy because it has that stupid flying mount, but i'd say it works 8/10 times.
Start the bot around the position shown in the lower-most part of the cave. It runs around the circular portion of the cave making a really easy route to follow. Occasionally mobs won't be respawned by the time it gets back around, but i would say they re-spawn each time you make a circle the majority of the time.
I have only seen 2 players in the area over the course of a month's botting.
I use zolofighter so the only thing i would be posting is a .txt document. I think it would be better and easier just to post it here instead of a download.
Happy Botting
FACTION: 30184
Code:8332.147461 -2789.343262 1039.446411 8328.185547 -2786.297119 1039.705811 8324.120117 -2783.171387 1039.731201 8319.853516 -2779.890381 1039.867188 8314.855469 -2777.952148 1040.155029 8309.905273 -2777.619141 1040.026001 8304.720703 -2776.616699 1039.913452 8304.764648 -2782.139648 1040.785645 8304.185547 -2787.662598 1041.549316 8301.109375 -2792.520264 1042.354980 8298.073242 -2796.330322 1042.973511 8294.591797 -2800.698730 1043.486938 8290.992188 -2805.214844 1043.869629 8288.165039 -2808.762207 1044.709839 8286.420898 -2813.678467 1045.555176 8283.901367 -2817.607178 1046.167847 8280.863281 -2821.211914 1047.165283 8277.377930 -2825.346436 1048.228394 8273.781250 -2828.760498 1049.193726 8268.498047 -2830.542725 1050.094849 8263.106445 -2832.361816 1050.643799 8258.162109 -2834.030029 1051.155518 8252.869141 -2835.815674 1051.334351 8247.227539 -2837.718506 1051.507446 8242.252930 -2839.396973 1051.526733 8236.979492 -2841.175781 1051.720093 8231.488281 -2843.028564 1052.004272 8226.200195 -2844.753906 1052.240479 8220.457031 -2843.462891 1051.649902 8214.956055 -2841.738770 1050.893433 8210.618164 -2840.378906 1049.844238 8206.429688 -2839.066162 1048.808350 8202.071289 -2837.700195 1047.405762 8197.613281 -2836.302734 1046.552979 8192.232422 -2834.616211 1046.317871 8187.803711 -2833.228271 1045.564575 8183.214844 -2831.789795 1044.990112 8179.223145 -2829.521240 1044.275879 8174.647949 -2825.979980 1043.807983 8170.057617 -2822.721924 1043.388306 8165.174805 -2821.004150 1043.255615 8160.192871 -2819.251221 1043.053345 8154.992188 -2820.972412 1043.454346 8150.102051 -2822.100342 1043.712891 8145.110840 -2823.172119 1043.891113 8140.217285 -2824.222656 1044.162964 8135.458984 -2825.244141 1044.535522 8130.464355 -2825.515625 1044.637329 8126.815430 -2822.169678 1044.940918 8124.063477 -2817.842529 1045.445923 8121.311523 -2813.515381 1045.999023 8118.699707 -2809.408936 1046.465820 8115.877441 -2804.971436 1045.868896 8113.265625 -2800.865234 1044.932129 8110.513672 -2796.538086 1043.867310 8110.441406 -2792.069092 1042.794434 8111.467773 -2786.934814 1042.325806 8112.485840 -2781.893066 1041.732300 8111.580566 -2776.892822 1041.133789 8110.787109 -2772.033447 1040.099365 8111.983887 -2767.071533 1038.725098 8114.051270 -2762.665527 1037.346313 8115.757324 -2758.261963 1036.246948 8117.959473 -2754.653564 1034.919556 8120.097656 -2751.150391 1033.405029 8122.368164 -2747.430420 1031.856201 8124.983887 -2743.145264 1030.314575 8128.689453 -2740.286133 1029.550903 8133.235840 -2738.081055 1029.286499 8136.900391 -2734.540527 1028.810181 8140.830078 -2731.490967 1028.424194 8144.887695 -2728.342285 1028.666138 8148.732422 -2725.358887 1029.325806 8152.777832 -2722.219727 1030.114746 8157.373535 -2723.115234 1030.939941 8163.050293 -2723.161133 1032.063965 8168.243652 -2723.538818 1032.714966 8173.691406 -2722.211670 1032.859863 8179.402832 -2722.042480 1032.783203 8184.487793 -2722.269287 1032.269409 8189.226074 -2722.480469 1032.859253 8194.472656 -2722.714355 1032.959106 8199.595703 -2722.942871 1032.732422 8204.587891 -2723.165283 1033.308350 8209.580078 -2723.387939 1033.551758 8214.703125 -2723.616455 1034.165771 8219.695313 -2723.838867 1034.663086 8224.810547 -2724.067139 1035.150757 8229.680664 -2724.284180 1035.550903 8234.788086 -2724.511963 1035.658203 8240.434570 -2724.763672 1035.526489 8245.710938 -2724.998779 1035.178711 8250.672852 -2725.220215 1035.026123 8255.746094 -2725.978516 1035.054565 8258.160156 -2730.552490 1035.256958 8259.860352 -2735.353516 1035.519775 8261.954102 -2740.035156 1036.012573 8263.993164 -2744.597412 1036.666748 AUXWAYPOINTS: GHOSTWAYPOINTS: 7914.629883 -2455.204346 1137.962158 7909.889648 -2457.702148 1137.976807 7904.885254 -2461.122559 1138.023071 7899.850586 -2464.473145 1138.607666 7895.931641 -2466.997559 1139.392456 7892.027344 -2469.544922 1140.102295 7886.649414 -2472.798096 1141.543457 7883.015137 -2474.958984 1143.191650 7879.032227 -2477.327393 1145.616943 7874.832520 -2479.824463 1148.363525 7871.032227 -2482.116211 1150.843994 7867.358887 -2484.579590 1152.209595 7862.867188 -2488.901123 1152.857910 7860.437500 -2494.344482 1153.299194 7860.133789 -2500.081299 1154.646484 7861.161133 -2504.817627 1155.357788 7862.955566 -2509.120605 1156.417480 7864.815430 -2513.381348 1157.567505 7867.696777 -2518.704590 1158.303223 7870.157715 -2522.664063 1159.003296 7873.668945 -2526.989990 1159.996826 7876.842285 -2530.722656 1161.104980 7881.256836 -2535.192383 1163.084961 7884.384277 -2537.993896 1164.549072 7888.516602 -2540.598633 1166.184082 7892.145996 -2542.710938 1168.485474 7896.526855 -2544.874512 1170.532349 7901.981934 -2547.517822 1171.864624 7905.761719 -2550.558594 1172.584229 7909.726563 -2554.512939 1171.533569 7913.081543 -2558.064941 1168.776245 7915.923340 -2561.157227 1166.719971 7919.148926 -2564.827148 1164.048340 7922.226563 -2568.329102 1161.395630 7925.460938 -2572.009766 1158.731201 7928.224609 -2575.154053 1157.160645 7931.458984 -2578.834717 1155.742065 7935.140137 -2583.035889 1154.086792 7938.305664 -2586.775635 1152.241089 7941.194336 -2590.712891 1149.517700 7943.404297 -2594.284424 1146.770020 7945.600098 -2598.624023 1143.696045 7946.860352 -2602.630615 1141.528442 7948.326172 -2607.291504 1140.121948 7949.456055 -2612.751221 1138.827637 7949.733398 -2617.627686 1138.420166 7948.775879 -2623.609863 1138.599731 7947.451172 -2629.750977 1139.097046 7945.928223 -2635.864014 1139.496338 7945.071289 -2641.843262 1139.444336 7945.201660 -2646.026367 1137.987671 7946.152832 -2650.832764 1135.853027 7946.914551 -2654.948242 1134.472412 7947.991211 -2659.278076 1138.078125 7949.068848 -2663.269775 1140.628784 7950.923340 -2669.615967 1140.256592 7952.397949 -2674.721924 1140.015259 7953.860352 -2679.803711 1139.775269 7955.678711 -2686.193115 1139.470093 7957.104004 -2691.298340 1139.034180 7958.468750 -2696.396729 1138.366211 7960.201172 -2702.674316 1138.001099 7961.591309 -2707.789551 1138.000488 7963.240723 -2713.855469 1138.000488 7964.526367 -2718.583740 1137.793213 7966.054199 -2724.203613 1137.354980 7967.703613 -2730.269531 1137.354980 7969.352539 -2736.335205 1137.354980 7970.821777 -2741.739258 1137.354980 7972.471191 -2747.804932 1137.354980 7974.124023 -2753.884277 1137.354980 7975.772949 -2759.949951 1137.354980 7977.238770 -2765.340332 1137.354980 7978.524414 -2770.068848 1138.000366 7980.052246 -2775.688721 1138.000366 7981.701172 -2781.754639 1138.000366 7983.354492 -2787.833740 1138.000366 7984.819824 -2793.224121 1138.000366 7986.105469 -2797.952393 1138.550903 7987.691895 -2803.788574 1137.851563 7989.403809 -2810.083984 1137.074097 7990.925293 -2815.679443 1136.163940 7992.210938 -2820.407715 1135.112915 7993.683594 -2825.824951 1135.232178 7995.024414 -2830.756104 1135.349731 7996.500977 -2836.187012 1135.376465 7998.186523 -2842.385742 1136.033325 7999.714355 -2848.005859 1136.818726 8001.315918 -2853.895996 1137.142700 8002.593750 -2858.597168 1138.109253 8004.129395 -2864.244385 1139.164429 8005.825684 -2870.484375 1139.318359 8007.416504 -2876.333984 1138.942627 8009.006836 -2882.183594 1138.467896 8010.472168 -2887.573975 1138.044678 8014.754395 -2892.075195 1138.336548 8019.724121 -2895.546143 1138.317383 8023.534180 -2898.232910 1137.402222 8027.355957 -2900.927490 1136.655762 8032.298340 -2904.413086 1136.385498 8037.241211 -2907.898438 1136.353027 8041.051270 -2910.585205 1137.693604 8044.483398 -2913.005615 1139.314209 8048.293457 -2915.692139 1140.378540 8052.092285 -2918.370850 1141.090454 8057.046387 -2921.864258 1140.852173 8060.856445 -2924.551025 1140.171021 8065.810547 -2928.044434 1139.664307 8069.620605 -2930.731201 1139.058350 8073.418945 -2933.409668 1141.082764 8078.373047 -2936.903076 1141.306763 8083.321289 -2940.793457 1139.990845 8086.564941 -2943.801514 1137.965698 8089.153809 -2946.240723 1136.031006 8092.440430 -2949.321045 1133.251465 8096.698730 -2953.039307 1132.126221 8102.439941 -2958.050537 1130.801758 8106.615234 -2961.704834 1129.970215 8111.905273 -2966.316406 1129.221191 8116.154785 -2969.975586 1127.925049 8120.440430 -2973.584717 1126.887329 8124.486816 -2976.939941 1125.379517 8128.716309 -2980.773926 1125.207642 8132.645508 -2984.360596 1125.207642 8137.223145 -2988.539063 1125.207642 8141.466797 -2992.412598 1125.207642 8145.415527 -2996.017090 1125.207642 8149.973633 -3000.177490 1125.207642 8154.348145 -3004.096680 1124.183594 8157.710938 -3006.800537 1121.119385 8161.751953 -3009.546143 1117.305542 8165.224609 -3011.894287 1114.030151 8169.270508 -3014.630127 1110.214478 8173.505859 -3017.493652 1108.287842 8178.265137 -3020.711914 1108.287842 8183.024902 -3023.930176 1108.287842 8188.159180 -3027.401855 1108.287842 8192.632813 -3030.426514 1108.287842 8197.700195 -3033.853271 1108.287842 8202.107422 -3036.833252 1108.287842 8207.072266 -3040.015625 1107.628052 8210.759766 -3039.527344 1103.258057 8214.464844 -3038.515137 1099.443726 8218.365234 -3035.578857 1097.590698 8221.664063 -3032.716553 1096.045044 8223.745117 -3028.328857 1094.589722 8225.255859 -3022.544678 1093.688721 8225.429688 -3016.393799 1092.640747 8224.334961 -3010.170654 1091.497559 8223.554688 -3004.729736 1090.942871 8224.834961 -2996.233643 1089.939575 8225.248047 -2991.116699 1088.962891 8226.551758 -2985.694824 1087.937012 8228.983398 -2979.622070 1088.166748 8232.568359 -2975.090820 1087.914307 8236.627930 -2970.607910 1087.146240 8239.947266 -2967.002930 1086.469360 8242.486328 -2963.397217 1085.167603 8244.460938 -2959.175781 1083.347534 8246.146484 -2955.085205 1081.615967 8247.769531 -2949.310791 1079.115601 8249.129883 -2943.843506 1076.537231 8249.965820 -2938.876953 1074.825195 8250.872070 -2933.069580 1072.858643 8251.642578 -2928.107666 1071.183350 8252.053711 -2922.149170 1069.535645 8252.392578 -2916.165039 1067.957642 8252.683594 -2911.028564 1066.603149 8252.912109 -2905.022461 1065.090332 8253.102539 -2899.864014 1063.803345 8253.324219 -2893.854492 1062.303955 8252.379883 -2888.363770 1061.085938 8250.807617 -2882.923096 1059.969727 8248.649414 -2878.184082 1059.186523 8245.512695 -2872.395752 1058.264038 8242.928711 -2867.303711 1057.628540 8240.332031 -2862.188232 1056.990112 8237.344727 -2857.335938 1056.349976 8233.695313 -2852.908691 1055.740845 8229.123047 -2849.481201 1055.195068 8224.392578 -2846.275635 1054.611328 8219.041992 -2844.287598 1053.975708 8213.617188 -2842.420898 1053.337280 8207.791992 -2840.416016 1052.665649 8202.390625 -2838.557129 1052.045166 8196.984375 -2836.718262 1051.418945 8191.553711 -2834.873047 1050.766602 8186.149902 -2833.037354 1050.101196 8180.742676 -2831.125488 1049.458496 8175.673340 -2828.492676 1048.911621 8170.698730 -2825.618896 1048.348389 8165.899414 -2821.838135 1047.771606 8161.798828 -2817.593262 1047.177246 8158.291992 -2813.745117 1046.630981 8155.228516 -2808.975830 1045.887695 8152.016113 -2803.800049 1045.081543 8149.362793 -2798.760254 1044.351196 8147.469727 -2794.268799 1043.675659 8144.808594 -2787.815674 1042.694580 8142.639648 -2782.555664 1041.895020 8140.507324 -2777.280273 1041.098755 8138.791504 -2771.822998 1040.348755 8137.532227 -2766.269775 1039.591431 8136.471680 -2760.678711 1038.803223 8136.708496 -2754.983887 1038.077148 8137.583984 -2749.370850 1037.217896 8138.709961 -2743.792480 1036.503418 8141.341309 -2738.207520 1036.097900 8144.791016 -2733.618652 1035.684082 8148.716797 -2729.449219 1035.215576 8152.836914 -2725.484375 1034.868042 8158.024414 -2722.978760 1035.032349 8163.560547 -2721.474365 1035.176392 8169.199707 -2720.246582 1035.292236 8175.015137 -2719.280273 1035.503174 8181.035645 -2719.297852 1035.922363 8186.321777 -2719.736816 1036.328125 8192.455078 -2720.521973 1036.730225 8197.708008 -2721.299072 1037.059570 8203.826172 -2722.211670 1037.443237 8209.016602 -2723.190186 1037.756836 8214.626953 -2724.380615 1038.097656 8221.140625 -2725.670898 1038.437622 8226.369141 -2726.634277 1038.632568 8232.020508 -2727.652832 1038.769897 8237.764648 -2728.420654 1038.592529 8243.663086 -2729.385742 1038.647827 8249.345703 -2731.037354 1038.987305 8254.340820 -2732.756348 1039.328857 8259.787109 -2734.630615 1039.701416 8265.208984 -2736.496338 1040.072144 8271.483398 -2738.655762 1040.501343 8276.905273 -2740.521484 1040.872070 8282.351563 -2742.395996 1041.244629 8287.798828 -2744.270264 1041.617065 8293.195313 -2746.127441 1041.986206 8298.079102 -2748.083008 1041.555420 8302.041992 -2752.796143 1041.251465 8305.871094 -2760.454834 1042.073120 8306.050781 -2765.632080 1043.283447 8306.093750 -2770.778320 1044.501343 8304.055664 -2776.973877 1045.686646 8302.134766 -2781.860352 1046.541748 8300.149414 -2786.696289 1047.368530 8296.886719 -2792.430664 1048.170776 8293.916992 -2797.303223 1048.841187 8290.913086 -2802.183838 1049.524170 8287.556641 -2806.777832 1050.315552 8283.577148 -2811.456055 1051.140259 8279.916016 -2815.257324 1051.804688 8275.616211 -2819.654785 1052.571533 8270.729492 -2823.417236 1053.109985 8265.986328 -2826.629639 1053.555786 8261.244141 -2829.841797 1054.001587 8256.544922 -2832.317383 1054.205078 8250.911133 -2834.896484 1054.326050 8245.596680 -2837.149902 1054.295410 8240.662109 -2839.207520 1054.234741 8234.966797 -2841.582275 1054.164673 8229.271484 -2843.957275 1054.094727 8224.110352 -2846.360596 1053.529907 8219.916016 -2850.284668 1053.614990 8216.467773 -2854.242676 1053.785156 8215.331055 -2859.903076 1053.930054 8215.354492 -2865.809326 1054.514282 8215.219727 -2870.874023 1055.669800 8214.178711 -2875.553955 1057.084351 8212.466797 -2881.476807 1057.340576 8209.462891 -2886.357910 1056.997192 8206.390625 -2891.223389 1056.539307 8202.022461 -2895.511230 1055.943237 8197.515625 -2898.995117 1055.188354 8193.023438 -2902.500977 1054.475708 8188.936035 -2906.568115 1054.593506 8185.061035 -2910.802002 1054.819946 8184.547852 -2916.089600 1054.926880 8186.197266 -2921.126953 1054.474731 8191.347656 -2924.086670 1054.084595 8197.280273 -2925.595703 1053.875732 8202.519531 -2924.686035 1054.021973 8208.584961 -2923.460449 1054.283447 8213.803711 -2922.012695 1056.424438 8217.428711 -2921.008545 1060.186279 8222.112305 -2919.177490 1060.567383 8227.805664 -2916.758545 1060.205200 8231.540039 -2913.000488 1060.056763 8235.458984 -2908.221680 1059.833496 8237.008789 -2902.304199 1058.732056
Credit goes to 7itanium
Frostweave Profile for Zul'Drak 200-400g/hour, depending on your server economy.
I found a really leet place to farm frostweave in Zul'Drak so I made a profile up for it. I was doing this at 73... but I wouldnt reccomend it untill about 75 as it will make it go much faster
Frostweave Cloth
Crystallized Water
some greens and blues
I was averaging about 150G per hour at 73... so im sure its MUCH better at 75+ and it would be leet at 80
I hope you all enjoy it!
RapidShare: Easy Filehosting
I will be making some more higher level ones shortly for more eternals and cloth!!
-------------68-74 1,000g/day - Borean Tundra, repair, restock etc.---------------
Credit goes to TabooCrime
68-74 1,000g/day - Borean Tundra, repair, restock etc.
This profile:
Vendors (buy/sell) and Repairs
It also makes me ~1,000g a day off just trash/coin + whatever the Frostweave cloth sells for (on my server is ~12g per stack)
This is waypoint profile and it starts at the Warsong Holds innkeeper. Your character will go from buying food/water at the innkeeper, to repair, then off to the grinding area, which is SteelJaw, and is quite a run (about four mins), but with twenty slot bags, Glider only has to do this once every four hours or so.
In order for this to vendor successfully, you will need to do a few things:
1) In your glider options under misc, tick 'Stop when bags are full'
2) Your food, water, and hearth stone must be on the same bar
3) Your Food/water has to be something the Innkeeper sells and if you are melee you must also choose a water or glider will bug out.
4) Make sure your specific food/water is recognized in your Keys>common options, or glider will bug out
5) You will need a restarter, set it to restart in five seconds if glider stops.
I ran my sixty eight DK on this profile and did great. I got about 150k through lvl seventy three, then it dropped to about 95k at seventy four, i only had the gear DKs leave epl with cept my weapon was an upgraded green.
[IMG]http://www.************/forums/images/greenfox/attach/xml.gif[/IMG] TabooCrime's steeljaw VWP and GWP 68-74.xml (19.3 KB, 119 views)
---------------------Eternal Air Farming.--------------------
Eternal Air Farming.
Credits go to Me.
Profile is in Borean Tundra, around 73,36. Killing Steam Rager - NPC - World of Warcraft.I have tested this for over a week and gwp works perfect and ive got over 30 eternals in 1 night on a 72 Demo lock.
Profile d/l: RapidShare: Easy Filehosting
Virus scan: Virustotal. MD5: 5b90889d1457b5bb0c3d78799b14d11b
Have fun and good luck pro's
---------------- [Profile] Storm Peaks 78-80 ubergold!---------------
Credits go to 7itanium.<--- Such a nice guy, he taught me all I know about profiles.
Made up this profile for storm peaks.
Can be used for farming, or for leveling 78-80.... comes in very handy and I got a LOT of gold from this profile running it overnight.
Located on the Snowdrift Plains, in Storm Peaks.
*80,000-130,000 exp per hour
*Ghost Waypoints
*Vendor Waypoints buy/repair/sell
*lvl 78-80 mobs
*Drops lots of eternal air
*Various Greens and Blue Drops
*Over 200G per hour on average with a lvl 80
RapidShare: Easy Filehosting
-------------[78-82]Eternal Air (Wintergrasp) Big Profile------------
Credits go to ShadowSyth
Zone: Almost the whole bottom of Wintergrasp
Drop Chance: 30-60% (Drops 1-3 per mob)
When Wintergrasp is controlled by your faction big mobs will spawn, they have 100%
drop rate and drops 3 of them most of the time.
You're getting some Eternal Earth cause there's some Earth Elementals in the area too.
I think it was around 500 waypoints, so it's pretty big.
-------------Eternal Water Farm------------
Credits go to EvA-Freak
Though I had to fix a download link myself, were only available for ******* members otherwise =)
Made a small profiles for eternal water
Zone Dragonblight
<The Mirror of Dawn>
i leave it there for 20-40min and i have 3-7greens and 5x Eternal waters
i put them in ah for 5x for 110-150g sells fast
made 1k gold in a day
Virustotal. MD5: 2fcb3a7f6103b547831620e3890d6964
------------[78-82] Eternal Life (Wintergrasp)----------
Credit goes to ShadowSyth
Zone: The green area around 10,61.
Drop Chance: 25-30% (Drops 1-2 per mob)
Pretty nice place for farming, cause you can't pull extra mobs by a mistake.
The mobs are flowers in the ground, they'll only attack you if you attack them.
In next patch is it possible to herb the mobs.
------------- 1500-2000g OverNight Profile-------------
Credit goes to zeil
This Glider Profile was made and has been tested to its performance i have made 1500-2000g overnight depends on your server, I recommand to only use this profile at night im on Stormscale high pop server and at night ive seen about 2-3 people farming herbs here is a SS where it is.
"It's left of Thunderfall if you can't see that, he marked it really weak "
This profile Skinns and loots Chunk O' Mamoth witch a stack sells for 30g each Stack . + Arctic Fur this profile is ment for 77-80 you will earn more gold if you are 80 but a good spot to grind/makemoney.
RapidShare: Easy Filehosting
for all those who couldnt dl from Rapid share cause to many download revised link go here
76-80_Skinning_Icecrown.xml -
hope this can be useful to people thanks.
--------[78-82] Eternal Fire (Wintergrasp)------
Credit goes to ShadowSyth
Zone: The darkred/black area around 86,70.
Drop Chance: 30-60% (Drops 1-3 per mob)
When Wintergrasp is controlled by your faction big mobs will spawn,
they have 100% drop rate and drops 3 of them most of the time.
-----------------------------------------------------------Eternal Fire farm 2k/24 hours-------------------------------------------------------
Credit goes to footspeedy
I made this profile to farm Eternal fire, I was having no luck scamming gold so I decided to make a Eternal fire glide. They go for about 60g each on my server
What you are farming, Crystallized Fire 10 of them turn into one Eternal fire.
This path is near a horde camp, and I should also say that there are always a few people here. I havnt gotten ban yet from gliding here but there is always a first [IMG]http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/frown.gif[/IMG] Also don't be afraid to give me feed back, has ghost waypoints but no vendor. Also used Elite no pather sorry [IMG]http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/frown.gif[/IMG]
Location: Northrend, Borean Tundra
Mob level: 69-70
Elemental: Fire
Creatures name: Raging Boiler
Crystallized Fire drop chance: 37.0
Starting Area: West of Fizzcrank airstrip
Eternal fire link: Eternal Fire - Thottbot: World of Warcraft
Download profile here: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
Good luck, safe botting!
------------------------------------------------------Eternal Air-----------------------------------------------------------
Credits go to footspeedy and Me.
Location: Northrend Howling Fjord Howling Fjord - Thottbot: World of Warcraft
Elemental type: Life
Drop change: 31.6
Item being farmed: Crystallized life Crystallized Life - Thottbot: World of Warcraft
Creatures name: Thornvine Creeper Creature: Thornvine Creeper - Thottbot: World of Warcraft
Mob level: 69-70
Horde only
Additional info, Thornvine Creepers are very easy to kill, not only is this a great farming profile but a very good leveling profile.
Additional Loot:
Swamp moss: 85.9 drop % (high), Swamp Moss - Thottbot: World of Warcraft
Death Cap Fungus: 16.0 drop % (low) Death Cap Fungus - Thottbot: World of Warcraft
Sandals of Broken Dreams: 0.2 drop % (Very low) Sandals of Broken Dreams - Thottbot: World of Warcraft
Also a bunch of greens, 1 blue, no epics says Thottbot: World of Warcraft
Copyright© by "Blindguard" LTD 2008, All rights reserved.
› See More: Huge Glider Profile List, updating.Last edited by Blindguard; 31-01-09 at 02:01 PM. Reason: Added more profiles.
20-01-09, 02:40 PM #2
----------------------------70-80 glider pack------------------------------
Credit goes to Me.
So some kids were asking for 70-80 glider packs... so I found some and I think that I should post it here 2 becouse its great pack =)
I know it works becouse it took me to 80 [IMG]http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/wink.gif[/IMG]
Download: <-- Thanks to Swing for Re-Up
Great skinner profile, Really get's the job done. (Good Farmer)
This is a profile that mostly kills nutrual mob's, but you get awsome xp/hr. I didn't die once and went for very long periods. Let it run when I went to class came back and was still running! (No whispers) I would autoloot everything on this profile, The junk loot sells for alot!
I will admit I died a few times but I had my pull distance to close, (Pull Distance: 25-30) Run's well, Becarefull, you can afk. But not for long periods.
78-80 (Req. Northend Flying)
Mega cash, Fire Mage. Thsi is were lootfilter comes it! Set loot filter to only loot the Crystallized & Eternals (Also the greens) will take you to 80 no problems! What a better place to get great xp and make awsome money!
(This profiles were taken from mmogliders forum I just packed`em and uploaded here for you)
Have fun!
Edit, had to add this as this profile won't be complete without it imo, but it's optional.
Loot Filter:
Loot Filter 3.6 <---- I rly recommend it for you =)
--------------------------1-80 Glider pack---------------------------
Credit goes to Me.
These profiles were not made by me, they are just some of the collection ive built up over time.
Please dont flame if you have some of these profiles.
This pack includes Battlegrounds, Instances, Farming, Go To's, Trade skills and Leveling profiles.
Anyway, heres the download link:
Enjoy =)
------------------------------------------------------------------1-20 leveling------------------------------------------------------------------------
Credits won't go to anyone as I don't know who made this profile.
This works without glider elite
-Nonstop leveling from 1-20 (Nightelf starting area)
-Vendors for repair, food, water, fish (for pets), and arrows.
-Works without 'Glider Elite'
-Place your 'Glider' folder into your C drive (C:\Glider).
-Place the file 'Nightelf 1-20 Group' into your Glider 'Groups' folder (C:\Glider\Groups\Nightelf 1-20 Group)
-Place the folder 'Nightelf 1-20 Group' into your Glider 'Profiles' folder (C:\Glider\Profiles\Nightelf 1-20 Group\)
-In Glider under the 'General' tab change the 'Remote Control' password to whatever you like. Open GliderMonkey and under the 'Basic' tab enter the password you just made under 'Glider Password'. If you want to use the login feature enter your username and password. Click on the 'Advanced' tab, check 'Profile Injection', then click 'Find' and select C:\Glider\Groups\Nightelf 1-20 Group.xml
Required WoW Addons:
-Reagent Restocker
Used for buying reagents, arrows, food, water, etc....
Type /rr in game to bring up the options screen. Here you need to select 'Sell grays', and also set it to buy arrows or whatever food you wish to use (see list below). Also select the option to auto repair.
Required Tools:
If you use lootfilter make sure to open the menu (/lf in game) and click on the 'Vendor' tab and uncheck 'Open when talking to vendor'.
Helpful WoW Addons:
-Lootfilter Loot Filter - Addons - Curse
Used for automatically deleting unwanted items.
Vendor Info (for Reagant Restocker):
-Arrows: Rough Arrow (Levels 1-10), Sharp Arrow (Levels 10-15)
-Fish: Longjaw Mud Snapper (Levels 10-15), Bristle Whisker Catfish (Levels 15-20)
-Water: Refreshing Spring Water (Levels 1-5), Ice Cold Milk (Levels 5-15), Melon Juice (Levels 15-20)
-Food: Bean Soup (Levels 1-5), Versicolor Treat (Levels 5-7), Freshly Baked Bread (Levels 7-10), Steamed Mandu (Levels 15-20)
I don't use food or water, and I use the same arrows and fish the whole time.
-If you're a melee class and don't have a ranged weapon you must set pull distance to 5 under your class options, unless you're a class like a rogue, then you can choose to 'Open with Cheap Shot' and put 'Sinister Strike' in slot 8 on bar 5 (Shift+5). Once you learn a skill that allows you to attack from longer ranged you can change your pull distance back to 25 or whatever your range is for the spell you're using. This does limit your experience per hour, but that's how Glider works and it won't last for long as you'll gain a spell for long distance attacking sooner or later.
-Make sure to uncheck 'Reset buffs' (Miscellaneous tab) until you actually learn the buff spells.
-If you select a hunter as your class you should stock up on arrows because Glider will stop when your arrows run out. Group profiles are setup to repair on x amount of deaths. All profiles in this group repair after 3 deaths, so it will only buy arrows after you die 3 times. Glider's vendor feature is pretty messed up, so it's not possible to make a decent profile group that uses vendor waypoints... for now at least. You'll also want to get your pet at level 10 to avoid dying too much.
-You'll want to learn your new skills once every 3-5 levels to avoid dying a lot.
Download Nightelf 1-20 ... at - Free File Hosting, Free Image Hosting, Free Music Hosting, Free Video Hosting, ...
virus scan
Virustotal. MD5: 9a3c2da716b86f4649eaeee74fff2ffa
------------------------------------------------------Full 1-80 profiles HUGE collection-----------------------------------------------------
This profile is a starter profile for humans (alliance) that will kill mobs in the zone Northshire Valley. This glider profile was made for leechers and members alike, and is as usual of good quality. The Vendor waypoints are not really necessary but adding them makes it even easier. Just start your human, log in, start glider, go 2 hours afk and you are level 6. Happy gliding as usual and don't forget to drop the rep hammer if you like my work.
* Location: Elwynn Forest, Northshire Valley
* Level range: 1-5
* XP per hour: 5-10 k. 10 k on Rogue.
* Ghost waypoints: yes
* Vendor waypoints: yes, repairs/sells/buys in Northshire Valley.
* Amount of players: 10 every hour
* Mobs: Neutral Mobs - wolves and Kobolds.
* Ads: Never. All the mobs are neutral
* Pulling Range: 30 yards
* Walk to Pull: Off
* Drops: Crappy starter gear. Sometimes a bag.
* Skinning: No
* Mining: No
Takes me around 2 hours to level my character up to level 6. You should not level above 6 because the wolves then get grey and don't really give a lot of XP anymore. I suggest you to move to Goldshire after getting your level 6 skills.
This profile will level you from level 6 to level 10 in the zone Elwynn Forest which is close to Stormwind. The profile vendors and has ghost waypoints. The bot will vendor in Goldshire and then continue running downwards until he reaches the Maclure Vineyards. Once he reached them Glider wills start killing boars. The boars can also be skinned to get up to 75 skinning skill points. The profile is for alliance.
* Location: Elwynn Forest, Goldshire
* Level range: 6-10
* XP per hour: 5-15 k.
* Ghost waypoints: yes
* Vendor waypoints: yes, repairs/sells/buys in Goldshire
* Amount of players: 2 every hour
* Mobs: Mostly Boars level 5-7
* Ads: Usually no ads because the boars are neutral. Could be that some humans attack you.
* Walk to Pull: Off
* Drops: Mostly Trash loot, nothing good.
* Skinning: Yes (requires level 1 up to 75)
* Mining: No
Very good profile and you will not get killed by anything. The mobs are all very easy to take and you should reach level 10 within 2 hours starting from level 6. Happy gliding and don't forget to post feedback and to add me some rep if you liked this glide.
This glider profile will take you from level 10 to level 16 by gliding mobs around Westfall. I used this profile with my paladin and had some problems with a nearby dust-devil. Let me know how it works or I might work on another profile. This profile is made for Alliance.
* Location: Westfall
* Level range: 10-16
* XP per hour: 10-25k
* Ghost waypoints: yes
* Vendor waypoints: yes, repairs/sells/buys at Sentinel Hill
* Amount of players: 2 every hour
* Mobs: Wolves, Buzzards, Boars
* Ads: 1 every 10 minutes
* Walk to Pull: Off
* Drops: Mostly Trash loot, nothing good.
* Skinning: Yes (levels up to 130)
* Mining: No
* Notes: Be careful with the Dust Devil.
This profile worked quite well with my paladin, let me know how it works for you and don't forget to also add some rep if you like my work.
This glider profile is located east of Sentinel Hill in Westfall. It will go to the dead acre and then farm harvesters, buzzards and boars. The harvesters hit quite fast that's why I suggest not starting gliding before level 16. I started at level 15 with my Paladin and must say that it worked quite well.
* Location: Westfall
* Level range: 10-16
* XP per hour: 10-25k
* Ghost waypoints: yes
* Vendor waypoints: yes, repairs/sells/buys at Sentinel Hill
* Amount of players: 2 every hour
* Mobs: Buzzards, Harvesters, Boars
* Ads: 1 every 15 minutes
* Walk to Pull: Off
* Drops: Trash loot, some greens.
* Skinning: No
* Mining: No
This profile is pretty good and got me to level 22 in one night. Westfall in general is a good gliding spot. Happy gliding as usual. Don't forget to give feedback and to drop the rep-hammer.
This profile will get you from level 22 to level 28 in Duskwood. It is farming wolves which can also be skinned. You require 125 Skinning for that and can level up your skinning to 215. The profile starts in Darkshire and is made for the Alliance.
* Location: Duskwood
* Level range: 22-28
* XP per hour: 15-30 k. 30 k on Paladin
* Ghost waypoints: yes
* Vendor waypoints: yes, repairs/sells/buys in Darkshire
* Amount of players: 1 every hour
* Mobs: Wolves
* Ads: 4 every 60 minutes
* Pulling Range: 30 yards
* Walk to Pull: Off
* Drops: Nothing good, some greens.
* Skinning: Yes (130+)
* Mining: No
Leveled from level 22 to level 28 here and then continued with Ogres in Duskwood.
This profile is in Duskwood at the Vul'Gore ogre mound and will farm ogres. The level of the Ogres is 28-30. The profile vendors starting in Dark shire. It was a little hard for me at level 28 but give it a try.
* Location: Duskwood
* Level range: 28-34
* XP per hour: 15-30 k. 20 k on Paladin
* Ghost waypoints: yes
* Vendor waypoints: yes, repairs/sells/buys in Darkshire
* Amount of players: 4 every hour
* Mobs: Wolves
* Ads: 4 every 60 minutes
* Pulling Range: 30 yards
* Walk to Pull: Off
* Drops: Silk Cloth, Trash, some Greens
* Skinning: No
* Mining: No
Happy gliding and don't forget to add some feedback.
This profile was made for me for leveling up from 46 to 50 in Tanaris. I have been gliding in Stranglethorn before to level 46 to then start grinding Ogres in Tanaris. This profile is located at the famous Southmoon-ruins location, known for good and well dropping AFK-glides. This profile might be in use by other botters depending on your server's population. I did not see any player in 20 hours of grinding there. The profile was originally made by someone on the glider forums, I tweaked it and added vendor and ghostwaypoints.
* Location: Tanaris, Southmoon ruins - at the Southern mountain range.
* Factions: VWP and GWP both for Horde and Alliance.
* Level range: 46-50
* XP per hour: 25-40 k. 32k for me with Retribution Pala.
* Ghost waypoints: yes
* Vendor waypoints: yes, repairs/sells/buys at Gadgetzan
* Amount of players: 1 every hour
* Mobs: Various beasts, such as deers, grizzlies, horses.
* Ads: Can happen, but very rare. Sometimes a rare elite every 8 hours.
* Pulling Range: 30-36 yards
* Walk to Pull: Off, else you might walk into rocks
* Drops: Mageweave, various greens, blues and occasionally epics.
* Skinning: No
* Mining: No
Happy Gliding
This profile will glide you from level 48 to level 53 in the south-eastern area of Tanaris. The area is called lands end and is located behind the Souther Mountrain range. A consequence is that you will rarely see other players. I used this glide on 5 characters and did not encounter any players so far. The glide farms Turtles which have no-real aggro range, making it very easy to farm them. Only bad thing: they got a little more HP then other mobs (but less damage). Gliding turtles is always a good way of getting good xp with only few deaths. This profile rocks, all I can say .
* Location: Tanaris, Lands End - South-East beach
* Factions: VWP and GWP both for Horde and Alliance.
* Level range: 48-53
* XP per hour: 25-40 k. 30k for my Retribution Pala.
* Ghost waypoints: yes
* Vendor waypoints: yes, repairs/sells/buys in Gadgetzan
* Amount of players: 1 every 24 hours. If then most likely a botter.
* Mobs: Turtles (Surf Gliders)
* Ads: Can happen, but very rare as the turtles have a very low aggro range.
* Pulling Range: 30-36 yards
* Walk to Pull: As always, off. 10 yards would be okay, but better turn it off.
* Drops: Clams containing pearls, various greens, blues and occasionally epics.
* Skinning: Yes, Thick Leather, Turtle Scales.
* Mining: No
This profile is located in the Borean Tundra at a somehow quiet location. It will attack neutral mobs making it a lot easier to glide. The mobs are relatively easy to kill, have however no special drops. I myself have glided there and did not see a lot players passing by.
* Location: The Borean Tundra, The Flood Plains, near Kaskala on the coast.
* Factions: VWP for Alliance only. Remove them if you are horde.
* Level range: 69-74
* XP per hour: 100-150 k. 130 on completely green equipped warlock.
* Waypoints: 92
* Ghost waypoints: yes
* Vendor waypoints: no
* Amount of players: 2 every hour
* Mobs: 70-71 Marsh Caribou (neutral) and 70-71 Gorlock Waddler/Steam Belcher
* Ads: Once or twice when walking around the lake.
* Pulling Range: 30 yards
* Drops: Trash.
* Skinning: Yes.
This is profile in Zul'Drak can take you from level 75 to level 80. You will get decent drops and good XP per hour. The drops include Frostweave Cloth and Crystallized water (for eternal Water). I made around 150 gold per hour using this profile. I farmed for 5 days and only died because of some players killing me. The zone is quite populated depending on the server, so be careful.
* Location: Zul'Drak, Dark'sotra fields
* Level range: 74-80
* XP per hour: 100-150 k. 130 on completely green equipped warlock.
* Ghost waypoints: yes
* Vendor waypoints: yes, repairs/sells/buys in Argent Dawn.
* Amount of players: 2 every hour
* Mobs: 75-76 Crazed water Spirit, 75-76 Drakkari Water Binder
* Ads: Once or twice when walking around the lake.
* Pulling Range: 30-36 yards
* Walk to Pull: Off
* Drops: Frostweave Cloth, Eternal Water, various greens, blues and trash. All in all 100-200 gold per hour.
* Skinning: No
* Mining: No
Link for ALL:
Edit: LOL forgot linkness
Yeah, sorry for some blank level spots. People gotta learn when to do SOME work ya know lol. But whatever. Happy Gliding!
-----------------------------------------------------------1-80 pack---------------------------------------------------
Credits go to Noname37
Hey everyone!
Since I have only seen one or two of these "1-80 packs" I thought I would post mine.
This pack has a TON of profiles that I have used for various characters.
Most of them have my personal tweaks to them, such as added ghost waypoints or some of them I completely redid. There are a few Pather profiles from 70-80 because I just started using pather and creating profiles. Though most of them are other people's that I have modified.
They are all .xml's so you shouldn't need a Virus scan to know there is no way I can pack a virus on an xml [IMG]http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/biggrin.gif[/IMG]
Each section contains various profiles to suit your needs. For instance 1-20 has profiles for Both horde and alliance, as well as different areas to level.
Anyway, have fun! Some of these profiles are other peoples, and I can't name exactly who's they are because I have so many, but Credits go to them!
1.) Open "Noname37's Pack".rar.
2.) DRAG AND DROP (not extract) the "Profiles" folder contained in the .rar to your desktop.
3.) Open the Profiles folder, and move whatever you need over to your Profiles over in your GLIDER folder.
4.) Start glider, Click "Load Profile" and dig through the folders to find the one you want.
5.) Have fun! [IMG]http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/biggrin.gif[/IMG]
Hope this helps some people. I'm not just putting this up here for rep, I want you guys to have all the profiles I have, They are all very well done and you shouldn't have to many problems with them.
One thing though, most of these sadly do not have repair or mail waypoints added to them [IMG]http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/frown.gif[/IMG] Feel free to add them though!
Copyright© by "Blindguard" LTD 2008, all rights reserved.
Last edited by Blindguard; 31-01-09 at 02:02 PM. Reason: Added more profiles.
20-01-09, 02:40 PM #3
---------------------Richie`s Perfect 1-450 Mining Pack [Alliance and Horde]--------------------------
Credit goes to richie
Richie`s Perfect 1-450 Mining Pack [Alliance and Horde]
Richie`s Perfect Mining Pack!
I decided to share something on here also.
Package includes tasks for both factions until 125 after that both factions can use same tasks.
Tell me what you think and if there is some kind of errors.
Download Links:
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
Send big files the easy way. Files too large for email attachments? No problem!
Richie_s_Mining_Pack.rar -- - free file hosting --
---------------------------------------------------7itanium's Ultimate Farmpack---------------------Gold + Leveling-----------------------------------------------------
This is my first ever profile pack I have released. Hopefully there will be many more where that came form in the future. This includes many of my older profile packs, and all of my newer Northrend farming packs... Most of these packs are previously unreleased until today- though I have released a couple of these on ******* in the past.
I hope you enjoy my profile pack, be on the lookout for volume 2 coming soon. These are the best of my glider profiles and the ones I have used to make thousands of gold on live servers. I may release additional profile packs in the future at a cost (to non-******* members) but they will always remain free to my friends here at *******.
-Farming profiles for Northrend as well as Outland
-Leveling Profiles non-stop from 1-80
-GoTo Profiles to and from most major areas of the game
-Make THOUSANDS of gold overnight with some of these profiles.. including rare drops and farming of materials.
RapidShare: Easy Filehosting
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
Each profile have the herb farm so you can use it to farm herb.
Horde :
1-75 : Durotar
75-135 : Barrens
135-150 : Stonetalon
1-75 Elwyn Forrest
75-150 Westfall
Both: 150+
150-230 Arathi Highlands
230-260 Feralas
260-300 UnGoro
300-320 Felwood
320-375 Zangarmarsh
Let the bot discover the land and he farm herbalism for u.
[IMG]http://www.************/forums/images/greenfox/attach/zip.gif[/IMG] PPather Gal Herbalism (6.6 KB, 50 views)
Copyright© by "Blindguard" LTD 2008, all rights reserved.Last edited by Blindguard; 31-01-09 at 02:03 PM. Reason: Added mo
20-01-09, 02:55 PM #4
20-01-09, 03:53 PM #5
21-01-09, 06:18 AM #6
22-01-09, 01:39 AM #7
11-02-09, 04:19 PM #8
thats alot of profiles, really well done, must of taken you a while to put all of this together.
LOLZ at the copyright :P
12-02-09, 12:51 AM #9
Yes, indeed it took a while, but I haven't added any new profiles yet, will do soon enough though.
Glad you like it, and ye, it's copyright :P
Metal are supreme.
17-03-10, 04:42 AM #10