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30-07-08, 09:52 AM #1
The best And Needed Addons <List>
Register to remove this adSup ,Flying Shoe Here , Just a Little List That i Think Is The Best Addons for Anything
Cartographer 3.0
What Is Cartographer
This is a map addon for World of Warcraft that replaces the map and offers shiny features.
The idea is for it to work very much like Google Maps, only in-game.
Download: http://wow.curse.com/downloads/details/12701/
Atlasloot Enchanced
What is Atlasloot
AtlasLoot Enhanced is an UI mod allowing for loot tables of bosses to be browsed whenever needed within the game. It can access full item tooltips, show drop rates, allow items to be chat linked and to use the dressing room. This is One of My Personal Favo
Download: http://wow.curse.com/downloads/details/2983/
What Is KLHThreatMeter
KLHThreatMeter is like a damage meter, except it records your threat. By monitoring all the abilities you use and checking your talents, armour set bonuses and buffs, the addon can recreate the threat list of a mob. This makes tank transitions simple, and allows DPS to maximise their damage without pulling aggro.
Note: due to the intricacies of threat, it is only possible to accurately determine your own threat, because you don't know what talents other players are using; also some abilities can only be detected by the player who uses them. Therefore everyone in your party or raid group needs the addon installed to have their threat appear on the table. In practice only the tanks and DPS need to have the addon, healers might use it to check upcoming tank transitions or warn DPS who are going too high.
Download :http://wow.curse.com/downloads/details/4204/
What Is Actioneer?
Auctioneer is an addon that allows you to view information about an item that may be useful in helping you determine what it's worth.
Straight out of the box, Auctioneer knows much about many items in the game, and will tell you many things about the item when you move your mouse over the item in the game.
Download: http://wow.curse.com/downloads/details/78/
What Is ItemRack?
itemrack: This is a mod to make swapping equipment easier thourgh popout slot menus , equip slots buttons , gear sets and automated swaps.-
Download: http://wow.curse.com/downloads/details/1482/
Titan Panel
What Is Titan Panel?This is the latest version of the new Titan Panel released by the Titan Development Team. The Titan Development Team consists of: HonorGoG, jaketodd422, M_Nyte_Templar (joejanko), Lothaer (Lothayer), oXid_FoX and Tristanian (TristTitan).
Titan Panel adds a control panel bar on the top and/or bottom of the screen and allows a framework for extensive plugin support.
Download: http://wow.curse.com/downloads/details/618/
I Hope This Works For People That Whas In need Of Addons , One Tip , Dont Use to Mutch Addons , A Small Group Of Addons That Gives you Everything you Need Is Perfect , Special Mods For Useless Stuff is Not needed , And Enjoy The Little , erm? Share
GreetzYour Flying Shoe.
› See More: The best And Needed Addons <List>
30-07-08, 09:55 AM #2
02-08-08, 09:44 AM #3
I would recommend bongos. I really love that.
02-08-08, 11:19 AM #4SuccyGuest
There is a bounch of GOOOOOOOOD Add-Ons you haven't in here :P I will tell you some of them now, but I gotta logg now :P
24-01-09, 03:56 PM #5
30-01-09, 10:01 PM #6
07-02-09, 07:11 AM #7
Just one thing! There's no quest addon.
Use Carbonite or Quest Helper.
My favorite is Carbonite =)Metal are supreme.
07-02-09, 06:25 PM #8
not needed but looks great
helps alot
11-02-09, 04:13 PM #9
20-02-09, 09:18 AM #10
Register to remove this adthanks ..
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