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29-11-14, 09:45 PM #1
Written How to setup Crossfaction Battlegrounds
Register to remove this adI want you to read this very carefully, as it is a nice long process. I will be as specific as I can be with this, so bare with me here. Don't blame me if I miss something. :P
#1. Configuration Option
Go into World.h and add: CONFIG_CROSSFACTIONBG inside of:
Code:enum WorldBoolConfigs
Code:m_bool_configs[CONFIG_CROSSFACTIONBG] = sConfigMgr->GetBoolDefault("MixedBGs", true);
#2. Player source & header fileWe will be doing the Player files. To start, open up Player.h and Player.cpp. Once you have those opened;
Go on line #1061 and above line #1066 add:
Code://CROSSFACION BG START private: bool m_ForgetBGPlayers; bool m_ForgetInListPlayers; public: typedef std::vector<uint64> FakePlayers; void FitPlayerInTeam(bool action); void DoForgetPlayersInList(); void DoForgetPlayersInBG(Battleground* pBattleGround); uint8 GetFakeRaceOrRace(); void SetForgetBGPlayers(bool tralse) { m_ForgetBGPlayers = tralse; } bool ShouldForgetBGPlayers() { return m_ForgetBGPlayers; } void SetForgetInListPlayers(bool tralse) { m_ForgetInListPlayers = tralse; } bool ShouldForgetInListPlayers() { return m_ForgetInListPlayers; } bool SendBattleGroundChat(uint32 msgtype, std::string message); void MorphFit(bool value); bool TeamIsBGTeam() { return GetBGTeam() == GetTeam(); } FakePlayers m_FakePlayers; //CROSSFACION BG END
Code:TeamId GetBGTeamId() const { return GetBGTeam() == ALLIANCE ? TEAM_ALLIANCE : TEAM_HORDE; }
I guess on any line under a function of your choice add: (In Player.cpp)
Code:/*#################################################################################### ###############################CROSSFACTION BATTLEGROUNDS############################# ####################################################################################*/ void Player::FitPlayerInTeam(bool action) { ChrRacesEntry const* rEntry = sChrRacesStore.LookupEntry(GetFakeRaceOrRace()); if(rEntry && !TeamIsBGTeam() && action) setFaction(rEntry->FactionID); else setFactionForRace(getRace()); if (action) SetForgetBGPlayers(true); else SetForgetInListPlayers(true); MorphFit(action); if (GetBattleground() && action) ChatHandler(GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("You are playing for the %s%s in %s!", GetBGTeam() == ALLIANCE ? "|cff0000FFalliance|r" : "|cffFF0000horde|r", GetBattleground()->GetName()); } uint8 Player::GetFakeRaceOrRace() { if(!TeamIsBGTeam()) return GetBGTeam() == ALLIANCE ? RACE_HUMAN : RACE_BLOODELF; else return getRace(); } void Player::DoForgetPlayersInList() { // m_FakePlayers is filled from a vector within the battleground // they were in previously so all players that have been in that BG will be invalidated. for (FakePlayers::const_iterator itr = m_FakePlayers.begin(); itr != m_FakePlayers.end(); ++itr) { WorldPacket data(SMSG_INVALIDATE_PLAYER, 8); data << *itr; GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); if (Player* pPlayer = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(*itr)) GetSession()->SendNameQueryOpcode(*itr); } m_FakePlayers.clear(); } void Player::DoForgetPlayersInBG(Battleground* pBattleGround) { if (!pBattleGround || pBattleGround->isArena()) return; for (Battleground::BattlegroundPlayerMap::const_iterator itr = pBattleGround->GetPlayers().begin(); itr != pBattleGround->GetPlayers().end(); ++itr) { // Here we invalidate players in the bg to the added player WorldPacket data1(SMSG_INVALIDATE_PLAYER, 8); data1 << itr->first; GetSession()->SendPacket(&data1); GetSession()->SendNameQueryOpcode(itr->first); if (Player* pPlayer = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(itr->first)) { // Here we invalidate the player added to players in the bg WorldPacket data2(SMSG_INVALIDATE_PLAYER, 8); data2 << GetGUID(); pPlayer->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data2); pPlayer->GetSession()->SendNameQueryOpcode(GetGUID()); } } } bool BattlegroundQueue::CheckCrossFactionMatch(BattlegroundBracketId bracket_id, Battleground* bg) { TC_LOG_DEBUG("misc", "BattleGroundQueue::CheckCrossFactionMatch"); if (bg->isArena()) return false; // Only do this if crossbg's are enabled. // Here we will add all players to selectionpool, later we check if there are enough and launch a bg. FillXPlayersToBG(bracket_id, bg, true); uint8 MPT = bg->GetMinPlayersPerTeam(); if (m_SelectionPools[TEAM_ALLIANCE].GetPlayerCount() < MPT || m_SelectionPools[TEAM_HORDE].GetPlayerCount() < MPT) { TC_LOG_DEBUG("misc", "Not enough players. Has: %u Need: %u", m_SelectionPools[TEAM_ALLIANCE].GetPlayerCount() + m_SelectionPools[TEAM_HORDE].GetPlayerCount(), MPT * 2); return false; } return true; } // This function will invite players in the least populated faction, which makes battleground queues much faster. // This function will return true if cross faction battlegrounds are enabled, otherwise return false, // which is useful in FillPlayersToBG. Because then we can interrupt the regular invitation if cross faction bg's are enabled. bool BattlegroundQueue::FillXPlayersToBG(BattlegroundBracketId bracket_id, Battleground* bg, bool start) { if (sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_CROSSFACTIONBG)) { int32 aliFree = start ? bg->GetMinPlayersPerTeam() : bg->GetFreeSlotsForTeam(ALLIANCE); int32 hordeFree = start ? bg->GetMinPlayersPerTeam() : bg->GetFreeSlotsForTeam(HORDE); // Empty selection pools. They will be refilled from queued groups. m_SelectionPools[TEAM_ALLIANCE].Init(); m_SelectionPools[TEAM_HORDE].Init(); int32 valiFree = aliFree; int32 vhordeFree = hordeFree; int32 diff = 0; TC_LOG_DEBUG("misc", "valiFree: %u vhordeFree: %u", valiFree, vhordeFree); for (GroupsQueueType::iterator itr = m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_MIXED].begin(); itr != m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_MIXED].end(); ++itr) { if ((*itr)->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID) continue; diff = abs(valiFree - vhordeFree); bool moreAli = valiFree < vhordeFree; if (diff > 0) (*itr)->Team = moreAli ? HORDE : ALLIANCE; bool alliance = (*itr)->Team == ALLIANCE; if (m_SelectionPools[alliance ? TEAM_ALLIANCE : TEAM_HORDE].AddGroup((*itr), alliance ? aliFree : hordeFree)) { uint8 GSize = (*itr)->Players.size(); alliance ? valiFree -= GSize : vhordeFree -= GSize; } } return true; } return false; } bool Player::SendBattleGroundChat(uint32 msgtype, std::string message) { float distance = msgtype == CHAT_MSG_SAY ? sWorld->getFloatConfig(CONFIG_LISTEN_RANGE_SAY) : sWorld->getFloatConfig(CONFIG_LISTEN_RANGE_YELL); if (Battleground* pBattleGround = GetBattleground()) { for (Battleground::BattlegroundPlayerMap::const_iterator itr = pBattleGround->GetPlayers().begin(); itr != pBattleGround->GetPlayers().end(); ++itr) { if (Player* pPlayer = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(itr->first)) { if (GetDistance2d(pPlayer->GetPositionX(), pPlayer->GetPositionY()) <= distance) { if (GetBGTeam() == pPlayer->GetBGTeam()) { WorldPacket data; ChatHandler::BuildChatPacket(data, ChatMsg(msgtype), LANG_UNIVERSAL, pPlayer, NULL, message); pPlayer->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } else if (msgtype != CHAT_MSG_EMOTE) { WorldPacket data; ChatHandler::BuildChatPacket(data, ChatMsg(msgtype), pPlayer->GetTeam() == ALLIANCE ? LANG_ORCISH : LANG_COMMON, pPlayer, NULL, message); pPlayer->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } } } } return true; } else return false; } void Player::MorphFit(bool value) { if (!TeamIsBGTeam() && value) { if (GetBGTeam() == ALLIANCE) { if (getGender() == GENDER_MALE) { SetDisplayId(19723); SetNativeDisplayId(19723); } else { SetDisplayId(19724); SetNativeDisplayId(19724); } } else { if (getGender() == GENDER_MALE) { SetDisplayId(20578); SetNativeDisplayId(20578); } else { SetDisplayId(20579); SetNativeDisplayId(20579); } } } else InitDisplayIds(); }
#3. Unit.cpp & Handlers
In QueryHandler.cpp under SendNameQueryOpcode(uint64 guid), change:
(On line #51)
Code:data << uint8(nameData->m_race);
Code:data << uint8(player ? player->GetFakeRaceOrRace() : nameData->m_race);
Under void WorldSession::HandleTimeSyncResp(WorldPacket& recvData) add:
Code:Battleground* bg = _player->GetBattleground(); if (bg) { if (_player->ShouldForgetBGPlayers()) { _player->DoForgetPlayersInBG(bg); _player->SetForgetBGPlayers(false); } } else if (_player->ShouldForgetInListPlayers()) { _player->DoForgetPlayersInList(); _player->SetForgetInListPlayers(false); }
Inside of void WorldSession::HandleMessagechatOpcode(WorldPacket& recvData) add:
Code:if (!GetPlayer()->IsGameMaster()) if (GetPlayer()->SendBattleGroundChat(type, msg)) return;
Inside of void WorldSession::HandlePlayerLogin(LoginQueryHolder* holder)
Under line #1031 add:
Code:if (sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_CROSSFACTIONBG)) { float x = pCurrChar->GetPositionX(); float y = pCurrChar->GetPositionY(); float z = pCurrChar->GetPositionZ(); uint32 hm = pCurrChar->m_homebindMapId; float hx = pCurrChar->m_homebindX; float hy = pCurrChar->m_homebindX; float hz = pCurrChar->m_homebindX; if (z+1 < pCurrChar->GetMap()->GetHeight(x, y, MAX_HEIGHT) && pCurrChar->GetMap()->IsOutdoors(x, y, z)) pCurrChar->TeleportTo(hm, hx, hy, hz, 0); } if (pCurrChar->GetBattleground() && !pCurrChar->GetBattleground()->isArena()) pCurrChar->FitPlayerInTeam(true); else pCurrChar->FitPlayerInTeam(false);
Inside of void Unit::RestoreFaction()
On line #15921, replace:
#4. BattlegroundQueue.cpp & BattlegroundQueue.h
Open BattlegroundQueue.h..
Inside of enum BattlegroundQueueGroupTypes under BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_HORDE = 3, add:
(Just change the 4 to a 5)
Code:bool FillXPlayersToBG(BattlegroundBracketId bracket_id, Battleground* bg, bool start = false); bool CheckCrossFactionMatch(BattlegroundBracketId bracket_id, Battleground* bg);
On line #840, replace:
Code:if (CheckNormalMatch(bg_template, bracket_id, MinPlayersPerTeam, MaxPlayersPerTeam) || (bg_template->isArena() && CheckSkirmishForSameFaction(bracket_id, MinPlayersPerTeam)))
Code:if (CheckNormalMatch(bg_template, bracket_id, MinPlayersPerTeam, MaxPlayersPerTeam) || (bg_template->isArena() && CheckSkirmishForSameFaction(bracket_id, MinPlayersPerTeam)) || CheckCrossFactionMatch(bracket_id, bg_template))
On line #747, replace:
Code:if (m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_ALLIANCE].empty() && m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_HORDE].empty() && m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_ALLIANCE].empty() && m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_HORDE].empty()) return;
Code:if (m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_ALLIANCE].empty() && m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_HORDE].empty() && m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_ALLIANCE].empty() && m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_HORDE].empty() && m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_MIXED].empty()) return;
Code:if (!bg->isArena()) if (FillXPlayersToBG(bracket_id, bg, false)) return;
Code:for (uint32 j = index; j < BG_QUEUE_GROUP_TYPES_COUNT; j += BG_TEAMS_COUNT)
Code:for (uint32 j = 0; j < BG_QUEUE_GROUP_TYPES_COUNT; ++j)
Code:TC_LOG_ERROR("bg.battleground", "BattlegroundQueue: couldn't find player %s (GUID: %u)", playerName.c_str(), GUID_LOPART(guid));
Code:TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "BattlegroundQueue: couldn't find player %s (GUID: %u)", playerName.c_str(), GUID_LOPART(guid));
Inside of GroupQueueInfo* BattlegroundQueue::AddGroup(Player* leader, Group* grp, BattlegroundTypeId BgTypeId, PvPDifficultyEntry const* bracketEntry, uint8 ArenaType, bool isRated, bool isPremade, uint32 ArenaRating, uint32 MatchmakerRating, uint32 arenateamid)
On line #143 replace:
Code:ginfo->Team = leader->GetTeam();
Code:ginfo->Team = leader->GetBGTeam();
Code:if (sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_CROSSFACTIONBG) && ArenaType == 0) index = BG_QUEUE_MIXED;
Code:if (Battleground* bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundTemplate(ginfo->BgTypeId)) { char const* bgName = bg->GetName(); uint32 MinPlayers = bg->GetMinPlayersPerTeam(); uint32 qHorde = 0; uint32 qAlliance = 0; uint32 q_min_level = bracketEntry->minLevel; uint32 q_max_level = bracketEntry->maxLevel; GroupsQueueType::const_iterator itr; for (itr = m_QueuedGroups[bracketId][BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_ALLIANCE].begin(); itr != m_QueuedGroups[bracketId][BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_ALLIANCE].end(); ++itr) if (!(*itr)->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID) qAlliance += (*itr)->Players.size(); for (itr = m_QueuedGroups[bracketId][BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_HORDE].begin(); itr != m_QueuedGroups[bracketId][BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_HORDE].end(); ++itr) if (!(*itr)->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID) qHorde += (*itr)->Players.size(); // Show queue status to player only (when joining queue) if (sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_ANNOUNCER_PLAYERONLY)) { ChatHandler(leader->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage(LANG_BG_QUEUE_ANNOUNCE_SELF, bgName, q_min_level, q_max_level, qAlliance, (MinPlayers > qAlliance) ? MinPlayers - qAlliance : (uint32)0, qHorde, (MinPlayers > qHorde) ? MinPlayers - qHorde : (uint32)0); } // System message else { sWorld->SendWorldText(LANG_BG_QUEUE_ANNOUNCE_WORLD, bgName, q_min_level, q_max_level, qAlliance, (MinPlayers > qAlliance) ? MinPlayers - qAlliance : (uint32)0, qHorde, (MinPlayers > qHorde) ? MinPlayers - qHorde : (uint32)0); } }
Code:if (Battleground* bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundTemplate(ginfo->BgTypeId)) { if (sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_CROSSFACTIONBG)) { char const* bgName = bg->GetName(); uint32 MinPlayers = bg->GetMinPlayersPerTeam()*2; uint32 qPlayers = 0; uint32 q_min_level = bracketEntry->minLevel; uint32 q_max_level = bracketEntry->maxLevel; for (GroupsQueueType::const_iterator itr = m_QueuedGroups[bracketId][BG_QUEUE_MIXED].begin(); itr != m_QueuedGroups[bracketId][BG_QUEUE_MIXED].end(); ++itr) if (!(*itr)->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID) qPlayers += (*itr)->Players.size(); if (sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_ANNOUNCER_PLAYERONLY)) ChatHandler(leader->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Queue status for %s (Lvl: %u to %u) Queued players: %u (Need at least %u more)", bgName, q_min_level, q_max_level, qPlayers, MinPlayers - qPlayers); else { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "|cffff0000[BG Queue Announcer]:|r " << bgName << " -- [" << q_min_level << "-" << q_max_level << "]" << qPlayers << "/" << MinPlayers; sWorld->SendGlobalText(ss.str().c_str(), NULL); } } else { char const* bgName = bg->GetName(); uint32 MinPlayers = bg->GetMinPlayersPerTeam(); uint32 qHorde = 0; uint32 qAlliance = 0; uint32 q_min_level = bracketEntry->minLevel; uint32 q_max_level = bracketEntry->maxLevel; GroupsQueueType::const_iterator itr; for (itr = m_QueuedGroups[bracketId][BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_ALLIANCE].begin(); itr != m_QueuedGroups[bracketId][BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_ALLIANCE].end(); ++itr) if (!(*itr)->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID) qAlliance += (*itr)->Players.size(); for (itr = m_QueuedGroups[bracketId][BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_HORDE].begin(); itr != m_QueuedGroups[bracketId][BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_HORDE].end(); ++itr) if (!(*itr)->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID) qHorde += (*itr)->Players.size(); // Show queue status to player only (when joining queue) if (sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_ANNOUNCER_PLAYERONLY)) { ChatHandler(leader->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage(LANG_BG_QUEUE_ANNOUNCE_SELF, bgName, q_min_level, q_max_level, qAlliance, (MinPlayers > qAlliance) ? MinPlayers - qAlliance : (uint32)0, qHorde, (MinPlayers > qHorde) ? MinPlayers - qHorde : (uint32)0); } // System message else { sWorld->SendWorldText(LANG_BG_QUEUE_ANNOUNCE_WORLD, bgName, q_min_level, q_max_level, qAlliance, (MinPlayers > qAlliance) ? MinPlayers - qAlliance : (uint32)0, qHorde, (MinPlayers > qHorde) ? MinPlayers - qHorde : (uint32)0); } } }
And that should be it! Enjoy.
Credits : Tommy
› See More: Written How to setup Crossfaction Battlegrounds
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