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23-10-13, 07:37 AM #1
MMOfuse 4.3.4 blizzlike cataclysm repack
Register to remove this adI did some test with the horde & alliance start zone ( first quest )..
Orc : ok
Undeath : Nok seems the that first quest of the Undeath is not working ( broken )
Taurent : ok
Troll : ok
BloodElf : ok
Goblin : ok
Human : ok
Dwarf : ( n ) ok ... you can accept quest from rockjaw invaders & NPC questgiver
Night elfs : ( n )ok ... you need to accept nightsaber slain quest from a nightsaber instead of NPCQuestgiver
Gnome : ok
Draenei : ok
Worgen : ok
maybe you dev's of this repack know about it , but could not find it , so i thought i report this one
Orc quest line till lvl 8
Class Shaman
without GM ability's /commands
Valley of trails
wow Questhelper: first zone not working ( some quest don't have point of interest)
- your place in the world: working ( finished )
- invaders in our home : working ( finished )
minor bug : human ( rogue) mob not attacking when comming out of stealth ( this only occur when you attack them from max distance in "my case shaman lightning bolt"... when close combat, the mob attacks )
also some mop's "respawn" in stealth some not.
- Galgar's cactus apple: working ( finished )
- Primal strike : not working ( i think this training quest for all races and classes have the same bug ) < --- major bug this one shoudl be rechecked
- Burning blade medallion : working ( finished )
- Lazy peons : working ( finished )
minor bug : you get the quest from a lazy peon instead of questgiver
some sleeping peon's get up when you reached them.
- Thazz'rill's Pick : working ( finished )
- Sting of scorpion : working ( finished )
- Hana'zua quest : dunno know if its normal but i never took a quest from questgiver jet i could complete,
however i got the follow up quest Sarkoth : working ( finished )
- Back to the den : working ( finished )
- Vile familiars : working ( finished )
Sen jin village
Questhelper working
aggro range is to big
randomly stay in combat, cant drink eat
- Breaking the chain : wroking ( finished )
minor bug : Nortwatch Lug spawn on the same spawn target as the nortwatch supply crate .
suplly crate also react as a mob when you come in aggro range
- Cleaning up the coastline : working ( finished )
- Cleanup the on isle E : working ( finshed )
- War on the nortwatch agression : working ( finished )
- Purge the village : working ( finished )
- Never trust a big bard en smile : seems broken no venom absorbation from clattering scorpid
- No more mercy : working ( finished )
minor bug('s) : to many spanws ( nagas and dark spear trolls) dunno if its normal darkspear trolls are fighting along with me.
- An ancient enemy : seems broken , talking with vol'jin to start the mini event duz not work
- Riding on : seems broken raider Jhash duz not bring us to Razor hill , i could finish it by going on foot and giev in quest ...
- Meats to ogrimar : working ( finished )
- Ride to ogrimar : working ( finished )
Lift @ valley of the strength broken
Lift @ The drag broken
Update 2
taurent quest
class shaman
without GM ability's /commands
taurent shaman dont have racial spell
most mobs don't drop items nor quest items
aggro range is do wide
Camp Narache
Questhelper working
- The first step : working ( finished )
- Rite of the strenght : working ( finished )
- Our tribe, Imprisoned : working ( finished )
minor bug : captured brave stay's in cage.
- Go to Adana : working ( finished )
- Primal strike : seems broken ( class quest here also not working like orc shaman )
- Etched note : working ( finished )
- Stop the Torncallers : working ( finsihed )
- Rite the corrage : seems broken cannot collect quest item / no quest item drop ( guns )
- Rite of honor : seems broken no quest item drop ( mane )
- The battleboars : working ( finished )
- rune inscribed note : working ( finished )
stuck lvl 4
dark spear isle
Questhelper working
seems lots of bugs with Troll race .
- The rise of the dark spear: working ( finished)
minor bug: tiki target follows me like normal mobs.
- A rough start : working ( finished )
- Proving pit : seems broken darkspear jailor duz not atcivate quest ...
stuck lvl 3
I know its still alpha but i share what i come across doing the player way to see what happend and where it stops so you guy's know where the look & what to do ...
will keep updating this for the horde part , later when enough time i will do the alliance unless someone else want to do that part, only start zone ( till major city )
› See More: MMOfuse 4.3.4 blizzlike cataclysm repack ( undeath bug)Last edited by swubu; 24-10-13 at 05:26 PM. Reason: updating
23-10-13, 10:16 AM #2
23-10-13, 11:09 AM #3
20-04-14, 04:39 AM #4
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