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12-08-11, 10:51 AM #1
[Model Edit]Draenei to High Elf/Pink hair/Hair mod
Register to remove this ad~Hair/Draenei to High Elf patch in one (working) + Pink hair mod! THESE 3 MODS WORK TOGETHER AND NO LONGER BUG OUT!
Each mod has a dependent on one another.
How to download. Save the file to your data folder of World Of Warcraft.
Link for all 3
Patch-H (High elf needs Patch V):
Patch-V( Hair mod needs Patch H):
Patch-P (Pink hair mod needs Patch V/H)
NOTE/Warning: It also shows Blood Elf breast if nothing is equiped ( Blood Elf not High Elf ).
-Patch Description:
Patch-H: Draenei to High Elf (Needs Patch-V to work!)
Patch-V: Hair mod (Needs Draenei to Highelf patch to work.. Patch-H)
Patch-P: Pink hair (Needs Highelf/Hair mod to work!)
-Special Note:
Hair mod part
This is only 1hair style out of many!!
This also colors the hair pink!! for certain hair colors (looks good!) You need all 3 for each one to work
High elf + Hair is Patch H/Patch V (These can work without pink hair [Patch P])
This Screen shot is just Patch H/V
As you can see above this is an Draenei shaman(Now a High Elf!!!)
This Screen Shot is of Patch V/H/P
A Draenei(Now a High Elf) with moderated Hair and Pink Colour.
If you don't want all of them in one here is a link with Patch-V Separated:
Patch - V.mpq
This Patch is a special skin remake of certain places and makes the hair in the game much better longers, bangs,etc it is a very wonderful patch which you may love.
It's an old Patch so it may have a few bugs.
*Other patches that do not work with this patch
I didn't make any of these!!!
I just wanted to share.
All Credits go to Aphrodite and Ihavealife of GetSome Eternal WoW Guild
But anyis welcome
Have Fun!!
› See More: [Model Edit]Draenei to High Elf/Pink hair/Hair modLast edited by Laladin; 12-08-11 at 10:55 AM.
18-06-12, 07:26 AM #2
Wuhu nice
1 question
can you send me the hair patch?
or send me the link pls.
the link with only Hair is not founded
25-09-13, 09:28 AM #3
Register to remove this adI love this mod. I was wondering if there is a version that works for TBC, Cata, and mop?