Well i havent seen a guide on how to do this and since i recently got it to work myself ( havent experimented much with it but figured i would put a guide up to do what ive done so far and maybe we can take it further)
SO what we are going to do here is Edit the Spell values for Holy light in the Database so that it heals for more Hp then it is supposed to (*NOTE* as of right now it will not change the icon or the information on the spell just the healed for values)
SO what we need to do is download, install and use DBCtoCSV
Run that inside of your DBC folder to get all of the files in CSV format
Then download DBC editor ( both programs available on *******.COM)
inside the DBC editor program you will click open file button and select the file

once you are exploring the Spell.dbc file inside of DBC editor you are going to find the column that shows the name of the spell..In this case Holy light(it is field 127 that shows the names of the spells)
Now find the name of the spell were looking for .. (notice that there are very many ranks of the spells MORE than there are ingame and some have strange values so until your more familiar with doing this try to stick to the normal ones.)
Go ingame and find the Value of the highest rank of Holy light..(field 144 in DBC editor contains the ranks)
Doing so we find that the spell normally heals for 2195..
Field 80 is the column that dictates how much the spell heals for
Field 36 determines how much Mana it costs to cast the spell
Find the value for 2195 and alter it to say 4128
Close DBC editor and save
Take the Spell.DBC file and drag it over to the DBCtoCVS icon in the DBC folder
It should convert it back to a DBC file.
Load you server and cast your spell
Doing this myself i set it through a series of 5 casts to test it..

Before modding 5 casts were
After modding it was

Now to modify a DD spell
we are going to modify rank 1 Frostbolt..
Search in the above method for Rnk1 frostbolt.
Earlier we found that column 80 was the field for Healing values
column 81 is the field for detrimental values
Checking this and find that normally Rnk1 Frostbolt hits for 17 base damage.
Altering the number for the spell in column 81 will result in it doing more base damage ..
Setting the number to 101 will have a base damage for frostbolt at Rnk 1 of 101..
******notice again that certain values arent used and dont have corresponding ranks**********

For a MELEE spell such as Sinister strike

Find sinister strike rnk1..
Field 36 determines how much Energy the ability costs...
Field 80 Determines how much damage the ability does so rank1 sinister strike does 3dam+weapon
Altering this field to 45 would make rank1 Sinister Strike do 45+weapon damage

For warrior abilites lets find heroic Strike..
Field 36 again shows Rage it costs.. Notice the value is entered with an extra 0.. So 150 means 15 rage.. Just as in Playercreate table 1000 rage means the char has 100
Field 80 determines how much damage the attack does so rank1 does 11 damage+wep
so if you put this to 45... Rank1 heroic strike will do 45+weapon damage..
Now as i said this guide isnt complete im still working on the values for Armor from spells such as demon skin and resitance from other spells..
The real benefit here is this.. altering the values that spells work at customizing your server to your own needs ( less healers than they need to heal for more )

As i said though this guide isnt complete and if theres enough interest i will continue to update this guide as i make discoveries in the formula and anyone else who knows any more of the values feel free to post them..

› See More: Editing Certain spells