Hello! I am gonna show you how to make Custom Class! (Noob Easy)

1. Start Navicat or watever you use
2. Open your World Database
3. Find playercreateinfo Table

In Playercreateinfo you can find the most!

First Look at The "Race" and "Class" Columns , dont now what is what? then here are the ID's :

Race ID's:


1 Human
2 Orc
3 Dwarf
4 Night Elf
5 Undead
6 Tauren
7 Gnome
8 Troll
10 Blood elf
11 Draenei

Class ID's:

1 Warrior
2 Paladin
3 Hunter
4 Rogue
5 Priest
7 Shaman
8 Mage
9 Warlock
11 Druid
Remember you can make the custom class by using for example Draenei Shaman , then you are on race "11" class "7" . Now find the Column displayID on your Choosen Race+Class , in this column you can change how the race with the class looks , For Example if you put "18892" as DisplayID you will get a Broken Miner as Display .

4. Change your DisplayID on your Choosen Race+Class.

Now take a Look at the Base Columns , change them to watever you want the Custom Race+Class to start with .

5. Change the Base Columns.

6. Now for a Custom Starting Zone! ok , in Playercreateinfo you will find few columns called

MapID and Position X,Y and Z. ok,in game , type .gps in the place you want the custom race+class to start ,or whatevery Command you use to get the cordinates .

When you use the Command you will get Cordinates .
Now all you have to do is change the Starting zone with that cordinates by changind MapID and Position X,Y and > in PlayerCreateinfo

7. Now Leave Playercreateinfo Table and go to Playercreateinfo_spells

8. There search for your class ID and delete everything with that class

9. Now create new record .

10. Now change IndexID to your Class ID .
11. And then in SpellID type in the first spell that you want the custom class to start with .

Keep doing Records till you are done with Starting Spells on that custom class.

13. When you are done , Leave The Playercreateinfo_spells Table.

14. Now open Spells112 or watever the name is on yours spells Table,
15. Then Create Spells for your Custom Class and add them to trainers by using the command .addtrainerspell or use .commands to se what you can use...

P.S: Remember you can change the most with the PlayerCreateinfo_ Tables! Even Starting Items!

› See More: Create a custom class