Hello From me..I make this guide to learn to someone when make his new custom item how to put it into his server.So let's start.1st you need this http://rapidshare.com/files/253118248/Logiciels_L2.rar..But i am going to see now how to put it into at Gracia Final Client..Also you have to do the same for all clients and packs... The weapon,armor sql you take it from your db..And weapongrp,itemname,armorgrp dat files you find it from your FileEdit..First find ID of item that you want..First you open weapon.sql ..For example:
Code: [Select]

INSERT INTO `weapon` VALUES ('6592', 'Angel Slayer - Haste', 'rhand', 'true', '950', '1', '1', 'adamantaite', 's', '246', '5', 'dagger', '12', '-3.00000', '0', '0', '0', '433', '0', '132', '-1', '-1', '48800000', '2052', 'true', 'true', 'true', 'true', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '3564-1;');
So we change id from 6592,for example to 60000 whatever id we want..And name we change it and put the name that we want..Close it and Save it..SQL is ready now..Now lets check dat files..Itemname-e:
For dat files we take the same weapon.
Code: [Select]

6592 Angel Slayer Haste <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. -1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Change again ID and the Name..Close it and after save it..Now check and weapongrp.
Code: [Select]

0 6592 1 1 7 10 0 LineageWeapons.angel_slayer_m00_wp Name_Of_UTX 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 icon.weapon_angel_slayer_i01 -1 950 47 1 0 0 1 27 1 0 1 LineageWeapons.angel_slayer_m00_wp 1 1 Name_Of_UTX 4 "ItemSound.dagger_6|ItemSound.sword_small_2|ItemSo und.sword_mid_2|ItemSound.public_sword_shing_7" ItemSound.itemdrop_dagger ItemSound.itemequip_dagger 5 246 132 3 5 12 -3 0 0 0 433 0 1 1 1000 0 -1 0 LineageEffect.c_u004 LineageWeapons.rangesample 0 0 0 "0,6" "0,1" 0 0 0 0 0 "1,1" "0,7" "0,7" 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 -1 -1 -1Now we change again Id as the other..And also change this Lines Code: [Select]

LineageWeaponsTex.forgotten_blade_t00_wpwith the name that we choose to make our UTX.So we can see the weapon.Close it and save it..
Now you have your new Custom Weapons for your Server.

Lets see now for Armor..It isn't sometink different..So let's see.
1st you have to find the original id of your armor..Px i select a part of draconic armor.
Code: [Select]

INSERT INTO `armor` VALUES ('6379', 'Draconic Leather Armor', 'fullarmor', 'true', 'light', '4950', 'leather', 's', '0', '-1', '-1', '249', '0', '0', '17400000', '748', 'true', 'true', 'true', 'true', '0-0', '0-0;');
Nothink special..Just change again ID and Name..Close save and ready....
After lets see for itemname-e dat.:
Code: [Select]

6379 Draconic Leather Armor Full body armor. -1 4 4 "6379|6382,11486|6380,11483|6381,11484" "DEX+1, STR+1, CON-2, Atk. Spd./P. Atk, +4%, Max MP 289, and weight limit +5759." 0 0 6 "When all set items are enchanted by 6 or higher, M. Def. and Evasion will increase." 1
Again the same change ID and name.So let's see and for armorgrp dat.:
Code: [Select]

1 6379 0 3 4 3 0 dropitems.drop_MFighter_m011_t89_u_m00 mfighter.mfighter_m011_t89_u 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 icon.armor_t89_ul_i00 icon.armor_t89_u_i00 icon.armor_t89_l_i00 4294967295 4950 19 1 0 0 1 8 2 "Fighter.MFighter_m011_u|Fighter.MFighter_m011 _l" 2 "mfighter.mfighter_m011_t89_u|MFighter.MFighter_m0 11_t89_l" 2 "|" "00-FF|00-FF" 2 "|" 2 "Fighter.FFighter_m011_u|Fighter.FFighter_m011 _l" 2 "FFighter.FFighter_m011_t89_u|FFighter.FFighter_m0 11_t89_l" 2 "|" "00-FF|00-FF" 2 "|" 2 "DarkElf.MDarkElf_m001_u|DarkElf.MDarkElf_m007 _l" 2 "MDarkElf.MDarkElf_m001_t89_u|MDarkElf.MDarkElf_m0 07_t89_l" 2 "|" "00-FF|00-FF" 2 "|" 2 "DarkElf.FDarkElf_m007_u|DarkElf.FDarkElf_m008 _l" 2 "FDarkElf.FDarkElf_m007_t89_u|FDarkElf.FDarkElf_m0 08_t89_l" 2 "|" "00-FF|00-FF" 2 "|" 2 "Dwarf.MDwarf_m004_u|Dwarf.MDwarf_m008_l" 2 "MDwarf.MDwarf_m004_t89_u|MDwarf.MDwarf_m008_t89_l " 2 "|" "00-FF|00-FF" 2 "|" 2 "Dwarf.FDwarf_m004_u|Dwarf.FDwarf_m008_l" 2 "FDwarf.FDwarf_m004_t89_u|FDwarf.FDwarf_m008_t89_l " 2 "|" "00-FF|00-FF" 2 "|" 2 "Elf.MElf_m008_u|Elf.MElf_m007_l" 2 "MElf.MElf_m008_t89_u|MElf.MElf_m007_t89_l" 2 "|" "00-FF|00-FF" 2 "|" 2 "Elf.FElf_m008_u|Elf.FElf_m004_l" 2 "FElf.FElf_m008_t89_u|FElf.FElf_m004_t89_l" 2 "|" "00-FF|00-FF" 2 "|" 2 "Magic.MMagic_m011_u|Magic.MMagic_m011_l" 2 "MMagic.MMagic_m011_t89_u|MMagic.MMagic_m011_t89_l " 2 "|" "00-FF|00-FF" 2 "|" 2 "Magic.FMagic_m011_u|Magic.FMagic_m011_l" 2 "FMagic.FMagic_m011_t89_u|FMagic.FMagic_m011_t89_l " 2 "|" "00-FF|00-FF" 2 "|" 2 "Orc.MOrc_m007_u|Orc.MOrc_m006_l" 2 "MOrc.MOrc_m007_t89_u|MOrc.MOrc_m006_t89_l" 2 "|" "00-FF|00-FF" 2 "|" 2 "Orc.FOrc_m007_u|Orc.FOrc_m006_l" 2 "FOrc.FOrc_m007_t89_u|FOrc.FOrc_m006_t89_l" 2 "|" "00-FF|00-FF" 2 "|" 2 "Shaman.MShaman_m007_u|Shaman.MShaman_m007_l" 2 "MShaman.MShaman_m007_t89_u|MShaman.MShaman_m007_t 89_l" 2 "|" "00-FF|00-FF" 2 "|" 2 "Shaman.FShaman_m007_u|Shaman.FShaman_m007_l" 2 "FShaman.FShaman_m007_t89_u|FShaman.FShaman_m007_t 89_l" 2 "|" "00-FF|00-FF" 2 "|" 2 "Kamael.mkamael_m009_u|Kamael.mkamael_m009_l" 3 "mkamael.mkamael_m009_t89_u|mkamael.mkamael_m009_t 89_l|mkamael.mkamael_m009_t89_ut" 2 "Kamael.Mkamael_m000_w_ad00|Kamael.Mkamael_m009_l_ ad00" "77-5F|6C-5F" 2 "Mkamael.Mkamael_m000_t00_w|mkamael.mkamael_m009_t 89_ut" 2 "Kamael.fkamael_m008_u|Kamael.fkamael_m008_l" 3 "fkamael.fkamael_m008_t89_u|fkamael.fkamael_m008_t 89_l|fkamael.fkamael_m008_t89_ut" 2 "Kamael.Fkamael_m000_w_ad00|Kamael.Fkamael_m008_l_ ad00" "77-5F|6C-5F" 2 "Fkamael.Fkamael_m000_t00_w|fkamael.fkamael_m008_t 89_ut" 1 1 0 0 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 4 "ItemSound.shield_bone_1|ItemSound.armor_leather_2 |ItemSound.armor_leather_3|ItemSound.armor_leather _8" ItemSound.itemdrop_armor_leather ItemSound.itemequip_armor_leather 1 0 1 5 0 249 0 0 0
Also you have to change some lines with the name that you used at Unreal..

Lets make and our xml.Take a xml and delete all other thinks that had inside..Go to c:/l2-server/gameserver/data/stats/weapon
and find again ID of weapon that you want px.
Code: [Select]

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<item id="6592" name="Angel Slayer - Haste">
<set val="246" order="0x08" stat="pAtk"/>
<set val="132" order="0x08" stat="mAtk"/>
<set val="12" order="0x08" stat="rCrit"/>
<add val="-3" order="0x10" stat="accCombat"/>
<set val="433" order="0x08" stat="pAtkSpd"/>
<enchant val="0" order="0x0C" stat="pAtk"/>
<enchant val="0" order="0x0C" stat="mAtk"/>
Now change again ID and name with the same that you choose before..
So let's make now and our xml for armor..
Find again ID.
Code: [Select]

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<item id="6379" name="Draconic Leather Armor">
<add val="249" order="0x10" stat="pDef"/>
<enchant val="0" order="0x0C" stat="pDef"/>
Change again ID and the Name close it and save it..

This Guide Has Finished..I hope you like it..

Ps:You need a clear Txt,a clear sql file and a clear xml...

Credits to Legollas®.

› See More: [GUIDE]Make Xml,SQL,Dat Files For Your Server(WOrk With ALL Packs)