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    StickyIcky's Avatar
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    19 Twink Priest Guide (Full, Detailed Guide)

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    Wig's Level 19 Twink Priest Guide
    Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza Guide by «Dimman»

    Priests are amazingly strong healers at level 19. They are often the preferred healing class in Warsong Gulch. They have strong heals, but also an instant cast HoT(Heal Over Time) and bubble. Twink priests don't have the strongest DPS spells around, but their instant cast Shadow Word: Pain can prevent rogues from stealthing or enemies from dropping combat.

    Level 19 twinks will tell you that one of the most annoying forms of CC seen in this bracket is a priest's Psychic Scream, an instant cast fear that can affect 2 enemies. Priests can also be an annoying opponent because of their Dispel Magic, an offensive and defensive spell. Nothing quite gets an enemy flag running group all riled up like a priest dispelling their swiftness potions, freeing their friends from crowd control attempts, and then fearing the flag carrier's guards.

    Priests also provide the most popular twink buff, Power Word: Fortitude.

    I. Gear and Enchants
    II. Bind to Account Items
    III. Quest Items
    IV. Racial Abilities
    V. Talents
    VI. Professions
    VII. Consumables

    I. Gear and Enchant Suggestions

    The level 18 blues bought with honor and tokens are bought at the Warsong Gulch reward vendors. The Horde vendor is in The Barrens and the Alliance vendor is in Ashenvale. For Alliance, this vendor is out of the way, with lots of areas to discover between her and the boat at Darkshore. Watch your XP!

    Are you level 19 already? and still need gear? Follow this guide:

    * Your Main/Friend Running You(I personally prefer mages)

    You stay outside the instance while the Main/Friend clears through the trash mobs(NOT BOSSES), when he gets to the boss, go to where he is.

    I. Make sure you have group loot on.
    II. Aggro the boss with your twink.
    III. Die from the boss BUT do Not release your spirit.
    IV. Your main or your friend kills the boss.
    V. Your main or your friend loots the boss.
    VI. Need on twink, pass on main.

    [ITEM]Lucky Fishing Hat[/ITEM] (Fishing Tournament quest)
    [ITEM]Green Tinted Goggles[/ITEM] (Requires Engineering)
    [ITEM]Shadow Goggles[/ITEM] (Requires Engineering)

    Enchants: [ITEM]Lesser Arcanum of Rumination[/ITEM], [ITEM]Lesser Arcanum of Constitution[/ITEM], [ITEM]Arcanum of Focus[/ITEM]

    The Lucky Fishing Hat is hands down the best in slot item, but it can take weeks to get. In the mean time, the engineering goggles are the only other head item with stats.

    [ITEM]Voice Amplification Modulator[/ITEM] (BoE made from Engineering.)
    [ITEM]Sentinel's Medallion[/ITEM](Alliance)/[ITEM]Scout's Medallion[/ITEM](Horde) (PvP Reward)
    [ITEM]Thick Bronze Necklace[/ITEM] (BoE made from Jewelcrafting.)

    [ITEM]Talbar Mantle[/ITEM] (Quest(Horde-Alliance) in The Barrens.)
    [ITEM]Ghostly Mantle[/ITEM] (Horde only. Quest in Shadowfang Keep)
    [ITEM]Tattered Dreadmist Mantle[/ITEM] (BoA bought with Stone Keeper's Shards.)
    [ITEM]Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle[/ITEM] (BoA bought with Emblems of Heroism.)
    [ITEM]Ritual Amice[/ITEM]with [ITEM]Resilience of the Scourge[/ITEM] (World Drop. Enchant from level 60 Naxx 40 man instance.)

    The Talbar Mantle is probably the most common twink shoulder, used by many classes. If you have the resources to spare, the BoA shoulders are an upgrade to the green shoulders.

    [ITEM]Caretaker's Cape[/ITEM](Alliance)/[ITEM]Battle Healer's Cloak[/ITEM](Horde) (Bought with Honor and Warsong Gulch Tokens.)
    [ITEM]Feyscale Cloak[/ITEM] (Drops from Deviate Faerie Dragon in Wailing Caverns)
    [ITEM]Miner's Cape[/ITEM] (Drops from Miner Johnson in The Deadmines)

    Enchants: +70 armor,+10 Shadow Resist

    [ITEM]Tree Bark Jacket[/ITEM] (BoE drop from Blackfathom Deeps.)
    [ITEM]Inferno Robe[/ITEM] (Horde only) (Quest in Tauren Mill. Can be enchanted with TBC enchants.)
    [ITEM]Robe of the Moccasin[/ITEM] (Drops from Lord Cobrahn in Wailing Caverns)

    Enchants: +100 HP, +100 Mana, +4 Stats
    Inferno Robe can be enchanted with +15 resilience, +6 stats, +150 HP, +15 spirit

    [ITEM]Mindthrust Bracers[/ITEM] (BoE drop from Shadowfang Keep)
    [ITEM]Crystalline Cuffs[/ITEM] (Drops from Taragaman the Hungerer in Ragefire Chasm)

    Enchants: +15 Spell power, +9 stamina, +9 Spirit,+7 Intellect

    [ITEM]Magefist Gloves[/ITEM] (BoE world drop)
    [ITEM]Raven's Claws[/ITEM] (Drops from Ravenclaw Regent in Silverpine Forest)
    [ITEM]Jutebraid Gloves[/ITEM] (Horde only. Quest reward)
    [ITEM]Gold-flecked Gloves[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Serpent Gloves[/ITEM] (Drops from Sneed in The Deadmines/Lord Serpentis in Wailing Caverns)

    Enchants: +16 Spellpower

    Three of the gloves on this list are nearly identical. For pure healing, the Jutebraid Gloves/Gold-flecked Gloves/Serpent Gloves come out ahead, but for overall balance, Magefist Gloves win.

    [ITEM]Keller's Girdle[/ITEM] (BoE world drop)
    [ITEM]Greenweave Sash[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Shimmering Sash[/ITEM] (BoE world drop)

    [ITEM]Darkweave Breeches[/ITEM] (BoE world drop)
    [ITEM]Shimmering Trousers[/ITEM] (BoE world drop)

    [ITEM]Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots[/ITEM] with Boar's Speed (Fishing tournament quest and enchantable with TBC enchants.)
    [ITEM]Sanguine Sandals[/ITEM] with Minor Speed (BoE world drop)

    Nat Pagle's Boots are the clear best in slot for feet. Their high iLevel means they can be enchanted with TBC enchants. Sanguine sandals are a suitable choice until you can get the fishing boots. Run speed is the preferable enchant and toons without this enchant are easily picked off by their faster moving enemies.

    [ITEM]Lorekeeper's Ring[/ITEM](Alliance)/[ITEM]Advisor's Ring[/ITEM](Horde) (Bought with Honor and Warsong Gulch Tokens.)
    [ITEM]Bronze Band of Force[/ITEM] (Created by Jewelcrafting. Ring gives +6 spell power.)
    [ITEM]Seal of Wrynn[/ITEM] (Alliance only) (Quest chain([ITEM]An Unsent Letter[/ITEM]) beginning in The Deadmines)
    [ITEM]Lavishly Jeweled Ring[/ITEM] (Drops from Gilnid in The Deadmines)
    [ITEM]Seal of Sylvanas[/ITEM] (Horde only) (Quest in Shadowfang Keep)

    [ITEM]Inherited Insignia of the Alliance[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Inherited Insignia of the Horde[/ITEM] (BoA bought with Stone Keeper's Shards)
    [ITEM]Insignia of the Alliance[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Insignia of the Horde[/ITEM] (Bought with PVP Honor)
    [ITEM]Arena Grand Master[/ITEM] (Quest from the Stranglethorn Vale Arena)
    [ITEM]Discerning Eye of the Beast[/ITEM] (BoA bought with Emblems of Heroism)
    [ITEM]Swift Hand of Justice[/ITEM] (BoA bought with Emblems of Heroism)
    [ITEM]Minor Recombobulator[/ITEM] (Requires engineering)

    At 19, the Arena Grand Master trinket can be a game breaker. As the flag runner or the pocket healer for the flag runner, you'll be the target of all 10 of your enemies as you run across the field. This trinket can potentially shield you from all damage for half the length of the field.

    [ITEM]Gravestone Scepter[/ITEM] (Quest(Horde-Alliance) in Blackfathom Deeps)
    [ITEM]Banshee Rod[/ITEM] (BoE drop, but considering it drops from a rare elite in Ghostlands, dont' count on finding this on the Alliance auction house.)
    [ITEM]Cookie's Stirring Rod[/ITEM] (Drops from Cookie in The Deadmines)
    [ITEM]Skycaller[/ITEM] (BoE world drop)

    The Gravestone Scepter is the clear best in slot, but until you make it out to Blackfathom Deeps at level 18, one of these other wands can help you. Banshee Rod is the only other wands with stats, but the Cookie's Stirring Rod and Skycaller can be much easier to get a hold of, especially for Alliance, for your temporary wand.

    [ITEM]Staff of the Blessed Seer[/ITEM] (BoE drop from Blackfathom Deeps)
    [ITEM]Staff of the Friar[/ITEM] (BoE drop from Blackfathom Deeps)
    [ITEM]Twisted Chanter's Staff[/ITEM] (BoE world drop)
    [ITEM]Crescent Staff[/ITEM] (Horde only) (Quest in Wailing Caverns)
    [ITEM]Lorekeeper's Staff[/ITEM](Alliance)/[ITEM]Advisor's Gnarled Staff[/ITEM](Horde) (Bought with honor and Warsong Gulch Tokens.)

    Enchants: +30 Spellpower, +20 Spirit, +22 Intellect

    Many twinks have multiple weapons for different occasions and swap between them frequently. A priest twink commonly has a primary healing staff, a regen staff and sometimes an intellect staff for max mana.

    Staff of the Blessed Seer + spell power enchant would be the strongest healing staff combo.
    Staff of the Friar + spirit enchant would be the highest regen staff combo and useful to equip during downtime.
    Twisted Chanter's Staff + intellect enchant would be the highest intellect combo and useful to have equipped at the beginning of combat.
    For the Horde, Crescent Staff is a great all purpose staff for anyone who can't track down one of the above staves, or doesn't want to fuss around with multiple weapons.

    II. Bind to Account Items

    Stats for Bind on Account items when scaled to level 19.

    [ITEM]Discerning Eye of the Beast[/ITEM]
    +7 Spell power
    Restores 2% of your maximum mana whenever you kill a target that yields experience or honor.
    (You have to get the killing blow)

    [ITEM]Swift Hand of Justice[/ITEM]
    +6 Haste
    Equip: Heals you for to 2% of your maximum health whenever you kill a target that yields experience or honor.
    (You have to get the killing blow.)

    [ITEM]Inherited Insignia of the Alliance[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Inherited Insignia of the Horde[/ITEM]
    +6 Resilience
    Removes all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character. (5 Min Cool down)

    [ITEM]Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle[/ITEM]
    +5 Stamina
    +3 Crit
    +5 Resilience
    +6 Spell power

    [ITEM]Tattered Dreadmist Mantle[/ITEM]
    +3 Stamina
    +3 Intellect
    +5 Spirit
    +6 Spell power

    III. Quest Items

    Extended information for items obtained from quests.

    [ITEM]Lucky Fishing Hat[/ITEM]
    Reward for turning in Keefer's Angelfish
    Rare fish are caught during the Sunday fishing tournament in Stranglethorn Vale, between 2:00-4:00 pm
    You need fishing 225 skill to catch these fish, attainable with 125 skill and a +100 lure.
    Journeyman Fishing (75-150) requires level 10 to train.
    Gives no XP

    [ITEM]Talbar Mantle[/ITEM]
    Reward from the quest, In Nightmares (Alliance)/In Nightmares (Horde)
    Quest begins The Barrens and is attainable at level 10.
    Gives 2000 XP

    [ITEM]Ghostly Mantle[/ITEM] (Horde only)
    Reward from the quest Deathstalkers in Shadowfang
    Quest begins in The Sepulcher in Silverpine Forest and takes place in Shadowfang Keep.
    Attainable at level 18.
    Gives 3050 XP.

    [ITEM]Inferno Robe[/ITEM] (Horde only)
    Reward for the quest, WANTED: Baron Vardus
    Quest begins in Tauren Mill.
    You must complete the quest WANTED: Syndicate Personal before this quest opens up.
    Level requirement appears to be level 17.

    [ITEM]Jutebraid Gloves[/ITEM] (Horde only)
    Reward for the quest chain beginning with The Runed Scroll
    Quest begins from an item dropped by Aean Swiftriver in The Barrens and requires level 15 to attain.
    Chain gives 5500 XP.

    [ITEM]Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots[/ITEM]
    Reward for turning in Brownell's Blue Striped Racer
    Rare fish are caught during the Sunday fishing tournament in Stranglethorn Vale, between 2:00-4:00 pm
    You need fishing 225 skill to catch these fish, attainable with 125 skill and a +100 lure.
    Journeyman Fishing (75-150) requires level 10 to train.
    Gives no XP

    [ITEM]Seal of Wrynn[/ITEM] (Alliance only)
    Reward for the quest chain beginning with The Unsent Letter, beginning in The Deadmines.
    The Unsent Letter is attainable at level 16.
    Quests turn ins for the entire chain gives approximately 14000 XP.
    [ITEM]Seal of Sylvanas[/ITEM] (Horde only)
    Reward for Arugal Must Die
    Quest begins in Silverpine Forest and is attainable at level 18.
    Gives 3300 XP

    [ITEM]Arena Grand Master[/ITEM]
    Reward from Arena Grandmaster
    Quest begins in the Stranglethorn Vale Arena
    Turning in the first Arena Master gives 825 XP, but none of the other turn ins give XP.

    [ITEM]Gravestone Scepter[/ITEM]
    Reward from the quest Blackfathom Villany (Alliance)/Blackfathom Villany (Horde)
    Quest begins in Blackfathom Deeps and requires level 18 to attain.

    [ITEM]Crescent Staff[/ITEM] (Horde only)
    Reward from the quest chain beginning with The Forgotten Pools.
    Quest is attainable at level 13.
    Quest turn ins for the entire chain give approximately 6000 XP.

    IV. Useful Racial Abilities


    Gift of the Naaru
    Heals the target of 170 damage over 15sec. The amount healed is increased based on the caster's Spell Power or Attack Power,
    whichever is higher. This ability does not lose casting time from taking damage. 3 minute cooldown.

    Heroic Presence
    Increases chance to hit with all spells and attacks by 1% for you and all party members within 30 yards.


    Activate to gain immunity to poison, disease, and bleed (will also remove these types of debuffs); +10% Armor; Lasts 8 seconds. 3 minute cooldown.

    Frost Resistance
    Reduces the chance you will be hit by Frost spells by 2%.


    Every Man for Himself
    Removes all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character. This effect shares a cooldown with other similar effects, 2 minute cooldown.

    Increases your Stealth detection, passive.

    The Human Spirit
    Increase spirit by 3%.

    Night Elf:

    Activate to slip into the shadows, reducing the chance for enemies to detect your presence. Lasts until cancelled or upon moving. Any threat is restored versus enemies still in combat upon cancellation of this effect, 2 minute cooldown.

    Reduces the chance that melee and ranged attackers will hit you by 2%.

    Nature Resistance
    Reduces the chance you will be hit by Nature spells by 2%.

    Blood Elf:

    Arcane Torrent(Runic Power-Mana-Energy)
    Activate to silence all enemies within 8 yards for 2 seconds. In addition, you gain 15 Energy, 15 Runic Power or 6% Mana. 2 min. cooldown.

    Magic Resistance
    Reduces the chance you will be hit by spells by 2%


    Activate to increase attack and casting speed for 10 seconds. Speed is raised by 10% at full health, increasing as health is lost to a maximum bonus of 30%. 3 minute cooldown.

    Increase health regeneration bonus by 10%. Also allows 10% of normal health regen during combat.

    Da Voodoo Shuffle
    Reduces the duration of all movement impairing effects by 15%. Trolls be flippin' out mon!


    Will of the Forsaken
    Removes any Charm, Fear and Sleep effect. 2 minute cooldown.

    When activated, regenerates 7% of total health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. Only works on Humanoid or Undead corpses within 5 yards. Any movement, action, or damage taken while Cannibalizing will cancel the effect.

    Shadow Resistance
    Reduces the chance you will be hit by Shadow spells by 2%.

    V. Talents

    2/2 Healing Focus(Rank 1-Rank 2)
    3/3 Improved Renew(Rank 1-Rank 2-Rank 3)
    5/5 Divine Fury(Rank 1-Rank 2-Rank 3-Rank 4-Rank 5)

    VI. Professions


    Engineering is probably the most popular twink profession. This is mainly because with the exception of the sometimes hard to obtain Lucky Fishing Hat, the only head items with stats available to a level 19 are the engineering goggles.

    Engineering also provides a few other useful tools.

    [ITEM]Big Bronze Bomb[/ITEM]
    Other than the goggles, this is another main reason why twinks pick up engineering. This bomb deals fire damage to a 5 yard radius and stuns targets for 2 seconds.

    [ITEM]Heavy Dynamite[/ITEM]
    This bomb packs the biggest punch than the Big Bronze Bomb, and has the advantage of being able to be thrown while running.

    [ITEM]Explosive Sheep[/ITEM]
    This fluffy sheep can be deployed ahead of time, and will follow you around until it finds a target to charge and damage.

    [ITEM]Discombobulator Ray[/ITEM]
    This item doesn't require engineering to use. Transforms the target into a leper gnome, reducing the melee and spell power by 40 and slowing their movement speed by 20% for 12 seconds. Great to use on flag carriers!

    [ITEM]Minor Recombobulator[/ITEM]
    This trinket dispells a polymorph effect on a target, also restoring 150-250 health and mana.


    Mining goes hand in hand with engineering, but it also provides the passive ability: Toughness. The highest level mining attainable at level 19 is Journeyman Mining, providing Toughness Rank 2(+5 Stamina).


    Herbalism provides the castable heal, Lifeblood. A level 19 can obtain Lifeblood Rank 2, healing you for 480 over 5 seconds. This heal can be used while stealthed or invisible, but note that after casting, flowers begin to bloom around you, possibly giving away your location. [SCREENSHOT]

    This spell does not scale with spell power, but it is a mana free, instant cast heal.

    First Aid:

    Maximum attainable level of first aid at level 19 is 225 skill. Level 225 skill allows the player to make [ITEM]Heavy Runecloth Bandage[/ITEM] which heals for 2000 over 8 seconds.

    VII. Consumables

    [ITEM]Rumsey Rum Black Label[/ITEM]
    Increases stamina by 15 for 15 minutes.
    Easily bought in bulk from the bartender in old Southshore, located in the Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad Foothills instance. The instance requires level 66 to enter.

    [ITEM]Swiftness Potion[/ITEM]
    Increases run speed by 50% for 15 seconds.
    A must have for flag running or catching flag carriers.

    [ITEM]Lesser Mana Potion[/ITEM]
    Restores 280-360 mana.

    [ITEM]Healing Potion[/ITEM]
    Restores 260-360 HP.
    [ITEM]Elixir of Wisdom[/ITEM]
    Increases intellect by 6 for 1 hour. Guardian elixir

    [ITEM]Minor Wizard Oil[/ITEM]
    While applied to target weapon it increases spell power by 8. Lasts for 1 hour.

    [ITEM]Scroll of Intellect[/ITEM]
    Increases the reader's intellect by 4 for 30 minutes.
    [ITEM]Scroll of Stamina[/ITEM]
    Increases the reader's stamina by 4 for 30 minutes.
    [ITEM]Scroll of Spirit II[/ITEM]
    Increases reader's spirit by 7 for 30 minutes.

    [ITEM]Magic Dust[/ITEM]
    A secret weapon in battlegrounds. This dust can put an enemy to sleep for up to 30 seconds. (It's not effected by the CC cap.) Very useful when swarming the group of enemies holding your flag.

    The use of magic dust in battlegrounds is very rare, most likely because the item is difficult to farm. It only drops off Defias Thug, Defias Cutpurse, Kul Tiras Sailor and Dust Devil in Westfall, but you can sometimes find it for cheap on the auction house.

    › See More: 19 Twink Priest Guide (Full, Detailed Guide)
    Last edited by StickyIcky; 13-11-09 at 08:00 PM.

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    StickyIcky's Avatar
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    MSoul, add the wowhead item BBCode back please

  4. #3
    Senior Sergeant
    .SalMAX™'s Avatar
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    Great Guide Sticky. I might use this On a Twink server I play on.

    thank you
    Don't Forget to for useful releases!. It gives you good luck! Just Like Lucky charms!



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