I`ve seen alot of guides here about these raptors, mostly where you can find them and how much money you can get for them. But actually no guide detailed how to do them. After 7-8 days of constant farming, i thought about making a guide on how to really farm them.

For now i only farmed Leaping Hatchling and Darting Hatchling, because they are low levels, but i will update this guide with other raptors too, when i will have high enough level to farm them

So first lets start with the [item=48118]Leaping Hatchling[/item]

This is how the Leaping Hatchling looks, he also has special animations, from time to time he will stop, leap to you and make a screech sound.

The Leaping Hatchling drops from Takk the Leaper

Takk the Leaper spawns from 4 to 6 hours.

You find him in The Barrens
You need:
A lvl 20 character that you dont play with, so you leave him at the zone where Takk spawns and log out and play with your main.
This is how i farm him. I have made a new notepad text file named Takk the Leaper. What i do is note the hour i found him and the exact location.

So i note like this:


Spawned at coords: xx.xx xx.xx. Time: xx.xx
Spawned at coords: yy.yy yy.yy Time: yy.yy
Spawned at coords: zz.zz zz.zz Time: zz.zz

So you will note the coords you killed him and time he spawned.
After 4 hours you log back on your character you farm Takk with, look for him, kill him, loot, note in your agenda the coords and time, then log out. After 4 hours do this again.

Since now i got the Leaping Hatchling for 18 times.

Takk spawned for me only in these 2 exact spots:

Coords: 59.65 8.37


Coords: 60.53 9.87

So i farmed him only in these two places, once he spawns at the first coords, than at the second, then again at first and he keeps spawning like this.

For example, this is my journal from the first day i started farming him:

Time: 15:45 - Coords: 59.6 8.3

Time: 20:21 - Coords: 60.5 9.8

Time: 00:24 - Coords: 59.6 8.3

I only found him once in these 2 new spots, but only wants, he seems to spawn there very rare.

Coords 60.9 12.6


Coords: 58.4 7.3

Another good advice, when you see someone else trying
to farm him, you tell them that he spawns easyer if you kill the other raptors around.

The raptors and Plainstriders and Zhevras in the zone ar all lvl 16-18. I say that if all of them all killed only raptors will spawn and when all the raptors spawned are level 18, Takk will appear, which is pretty false.

But when i say that, the others trying to farm him get busy killing all the raptors around and are always walking and running in circles hoping for Takk to appear. When he appears of course they will be away killing other raptors, so i kill Takk, loot him and skin him so his body dissapears. When they see me i tell them i havent found him yet and that i dont have time to wait and log out.

Of course they will stay there for like another hours hoping Takk appears, but i already killed him and i know i will have to get back after 4 hours.

I also tell them that i already have the Leaping Hatchling on all my other characters, and if i find him first i will let them have it. So they will trust that even if they dont find him i find it and give the loot to them, which actually never happened

So basically what i do is camp a character in the place i took the screenshot, log in from 4 to 4 hours, kill takk and note the time and place where i find him, so i can keep better track of the things.

Also remember to skin him so nobody finds out he actually spawned, and they cant track him like you are going to do.

On my realm the Leaping Hatchling sells for 700g at AH, i sell them for 500g and make lots of profit.



[Darting Hatchling]

Coming soon...

Another tip: dont put all the Hatchlings at once. I done that once and in 48 hours nobody bought. Now i have them all in bank, and put just ONE hatchling once, and after it sells another ONE, but ONE, and so on.

This way people will se that there is only one and they will think they wont have the chance to buy one so cheap again.

› See More: [Guide]How to farm the new raptor hatchlings