This script will teleport non VIPs out from VIP Mall
Credits Ghostcrawler

- Developer(s): Ghostcrawler336
- Complete: 100%
- ScriptName: 'VIP only area'
- Comment: Tested & Working.
#include "ScriptPCH.h"
class Vip_Access: public PlayerScript
Vip_Access() : PlayerScript("Vip_Access") {}
void OnUpdateZone(Player* player, uint32 /*newZone*/, uint32 /*newArea*/)
if (player->GetAreaId() == 1519 && player->GetSession()->GetSecurity() == SEC_PLAYER)
player->TeleportTo(0, -13328.414063f, 59.765587f, 24.107542f, 0.581469f);
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("|cffff6060[Information]:|r You are not allowed to be here, you aren't a VIP!|r!");
void AddSC_Vip_Access()
new Vip_Access();

› See More: VIP Mall Protection for VIP Scripts