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Thread: Teleporter NPC
31-08-08, 07:09 AM #1
Teleporter NPC
Register to remove this adHere's my new lua teleporter, made on some basic lua scripting, this teleporter is one of the most easy things to change, like make teleports to custom places. Cus this only includes the normal places for and teleporter.
(Need Specific, or custom locations? tell me, then ill do it for u.)
Copy paste this into notepad.
Code:function warp_on_gossip_talk(unit, event, player) unit:CreateGossipMenuForPlayer(3543, player) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 0, "Horde cities", 1, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 0, "Alliance cities", 2, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 0, "Azeroth Instances", 5, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 0, "Outland Instances", 6, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Shattrath", 51, 0) unit:MenuSendToPlayer(player) end function warp_on_gossip_select(unit, event, player, id, intid, code) if(intid == 1) then unit:CreateGossipMenuForPlayer(3542, player) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Orgrimmar", 9, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Undercity", 10, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Thunder Bluff", 11, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Silvermoon", 12, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "[Back]", 100, 0)unit:MenuSendToPlayer(player) end if(intid == 2) then unit:CreateGossipMenuForPlayer(3542, player) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Stormwind", 14, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Ironforge", 15, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Darnassus", 16, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Exodar", 17, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "[Back]", 100, 0) unit:MenuSendToPlayer(player) end if(intid == 5) then unit:CreateGossipMenuForPlayer(3542, player) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 0, "Azeroth Raids", 3, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Shadowfang Keep", 19, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Scarlet Monastery", 20, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Zul'Farrak", 21, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Stratholme", 22, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Scholomance", 23, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Ragefire", 110, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Deathmines", 170, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Those caverns in barrens xX", 111,0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Blackfathom deepths", 112, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "This instance in Stormwind ", 113,0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Gnomeregan", 114, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Razorfen thing number 1", 115, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Razorfen hills", 116, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Uldaman", 117, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Maraudon", 118, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Sunken temple", 119, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Lower Blackrock", 120, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Dire Maul", 121, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Upper Blackrock", 122, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "[Back]", 100, 0) unit:MenuSendToPlayer(player) end if(intid == 6) then unit:CreateGossipMenuForPlayer(3542, player) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Outland Raids", 4, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Hellfire Ramparts", 25, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Blood furnace", 26, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Shattered Halls", 27, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Underbog", 28, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Slave pens", 29, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Steam whatever ", 30, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Mana tombs", 31, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Auchenai crypts", 32, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Sethekk halls", 33, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Shadow lab", 34, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Mechanar", 35, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Bota whatever Oo", 36, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Arcatraz", 37, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Caverns of Time", 52, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "[Back]", 100, 0) unit:MenuSendToPlayer(player) end if(intid == 3) then unit:CreateGossipMenuForPlayer(3542, player) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Onyxias Lair", 39, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Molten Core", 40, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Blackwing Lair", 123, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Zul'Gurub", 41, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Karazhan", 42, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj", 43, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Temple of Ahn'Qiraj", 44, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Naxxramas", 45, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Zul'Aman", 124, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Caverns of Time", 52, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "[Back]", 100, 0) unit:MenuSendToPlayer(player) end if(intid == 4) then unit:CreateGossipMenuForPlayer(3542, player) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Black Temple", 50, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Tempest Keep", 49, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Gruuls Lair", 48, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Serpentshrine caverns", 47, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "Maghteridons Lair", 46, 0) unit:MenuAddItem(player, 5, "[Back]", 100, 0) unit:MenuSendToPlayer(player) end if(intid == 12) then player:Teleport(530, 9400.486328, -7278.376953, 14.206780) end if(intid == 9) then player:Teleport(1, 1371.068970, -4370.801758, 26.052483) end if(intid == 11) then player:Teleport(1, -1304.569946, 205.285004, 68.681396) end if(intid == 10) then player:Teleport(0, 2050.203125, 285.650604, 56.994549) end if(intid == 17) then player:Teleport(530, -4072.202393, -12014.337891, -1.277277) end if(intid == 14) then player:Teleport(0, -9100.480469, 406.950745, 92.594185) endif (intid == 15) then player:Teleport(0, -5028.265137, -825.976563, 495.301575) end if(intid == 16) then player:Teleport(1, 9985.907227, 1971.155640, 1326.815674) end if(intid == 51) then player:Teleport(530, -1887.510010, 5359.379883, -12.427300) end if(intid == 19) then player:Teleport(0, -234.495087, 1561.946411, 76.892143) end if(intid == 20) then player:Teleport(0, 2870.442627, -819.985229, 160.331085) end if(intid == 21) then player:Teleport(1, -6797.278809, -2903.917969, 9.953360)end if(intid == 41) then player:Teleport(0, -11919.073242, -1202.459374, 92.298744)end if(intid == 43) then player:Teleport(1, -8394.730469, 1485.658447, 21.038563)end if(intid == 44) then player:Teleport(1, -8247.316406, 1970.156860, 129.071472) end if(intid == 40) then player:Teleport(409, 1089.6, -470.19, -106.41)end if(intid == 39) thenplayer:Teleport(1, -4746, -3749, -4.0) end if(intid == 45) then player:Teleport(533, 3006.06, -3436.72, 293.891) end if(intid = 23) then player:Teleport(0, 1267.468628, -2556.651367, 94.127983) end if(intid == 24) then player:Teleport(0, 3359.111572, -3380.8444238, 144.781860) end if(intid == 38) then player:Teleport(0, -7527.129883, -1224.997437, 285.733002) end if(intid == 42) thenplayer:Teleport(532, -11087.3, -1977.47, 49.6135) end if(intid == 52) then player:Teleport(1, -8519.718750, -4297.542480, -208.441376) end if(intid == 25) then player:Teleport(530, -360.670990, 3071.899902, -15.097700) end if(intid == 26) then player:Teleport(530, -303.506012, 3164.820068, 31.742500)end if(intid == 27) then player:Teleport(530, -311.083527, 3083.291748, -3.745923)end if(intid == 28) then player:Teleport(530, 777.088989, 6763.450195, -72.062561) end if(intid == 29) then player:Teleport(530, 719.507996, 6999.339844, -73.074303) end if(intid == 30) then player:Teleport(530, 816.590027, 6934.669922, -80.544601)end if(intid == 31) then player:Teleport(530, -3079.810059, 4943.040039, -101.046997) end if(intid == 32) then player:Teleport(530, -3361.959961, 5225.770020, -101.047997)end if(intid == 33) then player:Teleport(530, -3362.219971, 4660.410156, -101.049004)end if(intid == 34) then player:Teleport(530, -3645.060059, 4943.620117, -101.047997)end if(intid == 35) then player:Teleport(530, 2862.409912, 1546.089966, 252.158691) end if(intid == 36) then player:Teleport(530, 3413.649902, 1483.319946, 182.837997) end if(intid == 37) then player:Teleport(530, 3311.598145, 1332.745117, 505.557251) end if(intid == 46) then player:Teleport(530, -313.678986, 3088.350098, -116.501999) end if(intid == 47) then player:Teleport(530, 830.542908, 6865.445801, -63.785503) end if(intid == 48) then player:Teleport(530, 3549.424072, 5179.854004, -4.430779) end if(intid == 49) then player:Teleport(530, 3087.310059, 1373.790039, 184.643005) end if(intid == 50) then player:Teleport(530, -3609.739990, 328.252014, 37.307701) end if(intid == 124) then player:Teleport(530, 6850, -7950, 170) end if(intid == 136) then player:Teleport(0, -13152.9, 342.729, 53.1328) end if(intid = 110) then player:Teleport(389, 1.7849, -14.3685, -16.5533) end if(intid == 111) then player:Teleport(1, -746.207, -2213.18, 15.8909) end if(intid == 112) then player:Teleport(48, -152.984, 106.33, -39.0953) end if(intid == 113) then player:Teleport(0, -8776.78, 836.753, 93.1946)end if(intid == 114) then player:Teleport(0, -5189.22, 524.796, 389.107) end if(intid == 115) then player:Teleport(1, -4464.92, -1666.24, 91) end if(intid == 116) then player:Teleport(129, 2591.99, 1101.25, 52.8593) end if(intid == 117) then player:Teleport(70, -228.193, 46.1602, -45.0186) end if(intid == 118) then player:Teleport(349, 419.84, 11.3365, -131.079) end if(intid == 119) then player:Teleport(0, -10349.1, -3849.67, -24.6078) end if(intid == 120) then player:Teleport(230, 596.432, -188.498, -49) end if(intid == 121) then player:Teleport(429, 254.588, -24.7395, -1.56062) end if(intid == 122) then player:Teleport(229, 73.5083, -215.044, 53.3869) end if(intid == 123) then player:Teleport(469, -7665.55, -1102.49, 400.679) end if(intid == 170) then player:Teleport(0, -11079.8, 1506.98, 42.9594) end intid = 0 end RegisterGossipEvent(12345 , 1, "warp_on_gossip_talk") --change the NPC ID RegisterGossipEvent(12345 , 2, "warp_on_gossip_select") -- here too
First put the teleporter into your scripts folder, make sure u have lua enabled in u configs.
Then restart u server and enjoy!
If this helped remember to
OBS! U need to create the npc yourself, id is 12345 as normal.
› See More: Teleporter NPCLast edited by Synthetic; 02-09-08 at 03:33 PM.
31-08-08, 09:29 AM #2
Again, nice just what i needed in my server.
01-09-08, 01:43 PM #3
Nice MA!
Gosh nice i love it ! i will use this in my server
01-09-08, 01:52 PM #4
Damn, thats so nice it works perfect +Rep+Rep+Rep+Rep
10-02-09, 05:09 AM #5
Register to remove this adhow do I make the sql?... I opened in notepad, saves as .sql butit had errors