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24-09-13, 10:42 PM #1
Vip System / VIP Script for trinitycore
Register to remove this adI have seend that Many of you wanted a Vip system,
So I began to look for one, Once found i Contacted Mr Ghostcrawler,
And asked if i was allowed to Edit and Re-release His Script,
Since many of you want to make vips possible Respawning mobs,
I added the Command ".Vip respawn"
And fixed some minor warnings'.
[C++] Vip system -
The following commands are possible once compiled ;
.vip <-- General command showing its alternatives.
The Prefix is .vip X
So for example .vip tele Stormwind - Teleports the VIP user to stormwind.
-- How to edit the .vip island location?
This is simple - Open the script With Visual C++ or a program of its kind,
And then Search ForCode:static bool HandleVipMallCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Code:me->TeleportTo(1, -11851.820313f, -4769.585449f, 22.753876f, 6.053061f); // MapId, X, Y, Z, O
Also you Need a Decent Ranking System, Since GM Level 1 = Now VIP, Meaning you would have to Check ur Commands Table for any command possible at level 1, and change those.
--How can i edit the Item needed?
This is simple - Open the script with Visual C++ or a program of its kind
Once you have opened it Search forCode:if(player->HasItemCount(313370, 1, false)) // Token ID, Count.
Make sure you also Edit the Destroy Item
By editing the following line ;
Code:player->DestroyItemCount(313370, 1, true, false); // Token ID, Count.
-- How can i Add more Buffs to the .vip Buff command?
This is also simple Open the script with Visual C++ Or a program of its kind.
Search forCode:static bool HandleBuffCommand(ChatHandler * handler, const char * args)
Code:pl->AddAura(48162, pl); pl->AddAura(48074, pl); pl->AddAura(48170, pl); pl->AddAura(43223, pl); pl->AddAura(36880, pl); pl->AddAura(467, pl); pl->AddAura(69994, pl); pl->AddAura(48469, pl);
pl = Player
-> = Reffering what it should do next
AddAura = Adding an Aura Or spell
( = Opening The Command
Numbers = The spell/aura ID
, = Goind to the next Value
Pl = Player
) = Closing the prompt
; = Ending and executing the prompt
^--- Is not the Offical Explenation But just for new Trinitycore users, An explenation on what they do.
So If you are willing to add more spells just add more lines.
Code:pl->AddAura(SPELLID, pl);
Rochet2 - Fixing
Ghostcrawler -Fixing + Scripting
Yvoms - Fixing + scripting + Posting + Guide.
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