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Thread: Bounty Hunter
25-07-08, 02:39 AM #1
Bounty Hunter
Register to remove this adCreated By lilNate22
WARNING this script is tested, and works fine on my hope pc (running winxp) HOWEVER on my WS 2003 SE it crashes server, im still wondering why
Bounty Inserter
Code:/*/Bounty Hunter NPC ftw *****ES By:AcDB Aka LilNate22 visit for more */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "Setup.h" #ifdef WIN32 #pragma warning(disable:4305) // warning C4305: 'argument' : truncation from 'double' to 'float' #endif //Start of Script class SCRIPT_DECL HunterNPC : public GossipScript { public: void GossipHello(Object * pObject, Player* Plr , bool AutoSend); void GossipSelectOption(Object * pObject, Player* Plr, uint32 Id, uint32 IntId, const char * Code); void GossipEnd(Object * pObject, Player* Plr); void Destroy() { delete this; } }; void HunterNPC::GossipHello(Object* pObject, Player * Plr, bool AutoSend) { if(Plr->CombatStatus.IsInCombat()){ Plr->BroadcastMessage("You are in combat!"); return; } GossipMenu *Menu; objmgr.CreateGossipMenuForPlayer(&Menu, pObject->GetGUID(), 30013, Plr); Menu->AddItem(1, "I want to hire an Assasin for 100g to kill some one!",1,1); Menu->AddItem(2, "I want to put a bounty on some one for 50g!", 2,1); if(AutoSend) Menu->SendTo(Plr); } //Defining Cases void HunterNPC::GossipSelectOption(Object* pObject, Player* Plr, uint32 Id, uint32 IntId, const char * Code) { GossipMenu * Menu; uint32 plrid; switch(IntId) { case 1: //Service Center { uint32 price = 1000000; uint32 currentgold = Plr->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_COINAGE); if(currentgold>=price) { int32 newgold = currentgold - price; Plr->SetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_COINAGE,newgold); QueryResult*namecheck=WorldDatabase.Query("select `guid` from `characters` where `name`='%s';",Code); if(namecheck){ plrid=namecheck->Fetch()[0].GetUInt32(); WorldDatabase.Query("replace into `assasin` (`hunted`,`GUID`) Values ('1','%u');",plrid); } delete namecheck; } else Plr->BroadcastMessage("You Dont Have enough gold!"); Plr->Gossip_Complete(); }break; case 2: //bounty { uint32 price = 1000000/2; uint32 currentgold = Plr->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_COINAGE); if(currentgold>=price) { int32 newgold = currentgold - price; Plr->SetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_COINAGE,newgold); QueryResult*namecheck=WorldDatabase.Query("select `guid` from `characters` where `name`='%s';",Code); if(namecheck) { plrid=namecheck->Fetch()[0].GetUInt32(); WorldDatabase.Query("replace into bountyhunts (`name`, `plrid`) VALUES ('%s','%u');",Code,plrid); } } Plr->Gossip_Complete(); }break; } }; void HunterNPC::GossipEnd(Object * pObject, Player* Plr) { GossipScript::GossipEnd(pObject, Plr); } void SetupHunterNPC(ScriptMgr * mgr) { GossipScript * gs = (GossipScript*) new HunterNPC(); mgr->register_gossip_script(30015, gs); }
Code:/* Scripted By LilNate22 of AC-DB **** you leeching queers+haters */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "Setup.h" #ifdef WIN32 #pragma warning(disable:4305) // warning C4305: 'argument' : truncation from 'double' to 'float' #endif //Start of Script class SCRIPT_DECL BHNPC : public GossipScript { public: void GossipHello(Object * pObject, Player* Plr , bool AutoSend); void GossipSelectOption(Object * pObject, Player* Plr, uint32 Id, uint32 IntId, const char * Code); void GossipEnd(Object * pObject, Player* Plr); void Destroy() { delete this; } }; void BHNPC::GossipHello(Object* pObject, Player * Plr, bool AutoSend) { if(Plr->CombatStatus.IsInCombat()){ Plr->BroadcastMessage("You are in combat!"); return; } GossipMenu *Menu; objmgr.CreateGossipMenuForPlayer(&Menu, pObject->GetGUID(), 30013, Plr); QueryResult*bountyresult=WorldDatabase.Query("select `name` from `bountyhunts`;"); if( bountyresult ) { int x=bountyresult->GetRowCount(); /*if(x==1) { const char *name=result->Fetch()[0].GetString(); Menu->AddItem->(1,name,1); return; }*/ if(x!=1){ do { const char * name =bountyresult->Fetch()[0].GetString(); Menu->AddItem(1,name,1); } while (bountyresult->NextRow()); } else{ const char * name =bountyresult->Fetch()[0].GetString(); Menu->AddItem(1,name,1); } delete bountyresult; } else { Plr->BroadcastMessage("There are no Bounties"); } if(AutoSend) Menu->SendTo(Plr); } //Defining Cases void BHNPC::GossipSelectOption(Object* pObject, Player* Plr, uint32 Id, uint32 IntId, const char * Code) { GossipMenu * Menu; uint32 plrid; switch(IntId) { case 1: Plr->BroadcastMessage("Go kill that Basterd!"); Plr->Gossip_Complete(); } }; void BHNPC::GossipEnd(Object * pObject, Player* Plr) { GossipScript::GossipEnd(pObject, Plr); } void SetupBHNPC(ScriptMgr * mgr) { GossipScript * gs = (GossipScript*) new BHNPC(); mgr->register_gossip_script(30017, gs); }
Code:/*/Bounty Hunter NPC ftw *****ES By:AcDB Aka LilNate22 visit for more */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "Setup.h" void onPVPBounty(Player*hunter, Player*bounty) { QueryResult*victimcheck=WorldDatabase.Query("select `name` from `bountyhunts` where `plrid`='%u';",bounty->GetGUID()); bool bountycheck=false; if(victimcheck) bountycheck=true; if(bountycheck==true) { hunter->BroadcastMessage("Target...|CFFFF66FF Assasinated |r"); QueryResult*clearbounty=WorldDatabase.Query("Delete from `bountyhunts` WHERE `plrid`='%u';",bounty->GetGUID()); ItemPrototype *proto = ItemPrototypeStorage.LookupEntry(94); SlotResult slotresult; slotresult = hunter->GetItemInterface()->FindFreeInventorySlot(proto); //hunter->BroadcastMessage("|CFFFF00FF Greater PvP Token|r Recieved"); if(!slotresult.Result) { hunter->GetItemInterface()->BuildInventoryChangeError(NULL, NULL, INV_ERR_INVENTORY_FULL); hunter->BroadcastMessage("Bag Full!"); } else { Item *itm = objmgr.CreateItem(94, hunter); itm->SetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_STACK_COUNT, 1); hunter->GetItemInterface()->SafeAddItem(itm,slotresult.ContainerSlot, slotresult.Slot); //hunter->GetItemInterface()->SafeAddItem(itm,slotresult.ContainerSlot, slotresult.Slot); } delete victimcheck; delete clearbounty; } } void SetupBountyPVP(ScriptMgr * mgr) { //GossipScript * gs = (GossipScript*) new BountyNPC(); /* Teleporter List */ //mgr->register_gossip_script(100001, gs); // Nega mgr->register_hook(SERVER_HOOK_EVENT_ON_KILL_PLAYER, onPVPBounty); }
Code:/* Assasin System Created by: Ac-Db (lilnate22) so suck it you ****s from ******* License: GNuGPLv3 Additional: leave credits or die::::Dedicated to Kristen */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "Setup.h" #ifdef WIN32 #pragma warning(disable:4305) // warning C4305: 'argument' : truncation from 'double' to 'float' #endif void AssasinSystem (Player* plr){ char checking[200]; int faction=plr->GetTeam(); int killerfaction; CreatureSpawn * sp = new CreatureSpawn; sprintf(checking,"SELECT `hunted` FROM `assasin` WHERE `GUID`='%i';", plr->GetGUID()); QueryResult*check=WorldDatabase.Query(checking); uint32 hunt=0; if(!check) {return;} //Not sure if i need to do this 2x...prolly not...but to be safe... else//the player is hunted { if(check) { Field*hunted=check->Fetch(); hunt=hunted[0].GetUInt32(); } }//else::if!check bracket //We need the opposite of the players faction if (faction==0) {killerfaction=2;} else {killerfaction=1;} ///////////////////////////////////////////// if(hunt>0) { uint32 entry=123455; plr->BroadcastMessage("Theres an |CFF33CC33 Assasin after you|r!"); plr->PlaySoundToSet(10178); CreatureInfo * info = CreatureNameStorage.LookupEntry(123455); info->GenerateModelId(&sp->displayid); sp->entry = entry; sp->form = 0; sp->id = objmgr.GenerateCreatureSpawnID(); sp->movetype = 0; sp->x = plr->GetPositionX(); sp->y = plr->GetPositionY(); sp->z = plr->GetPositionZ(); sp->o = plr->GetOrientation(); sp->emote_state =0; sp->flags = 0; sp->factionid = killerfaction; sp->bytes=0; sp->bytes2=0; //sp->respawnNpcLink = 0; sp->stand_state = 0; sp->channel_spell=sp->channel_target_creature=sp->channel_target_go=0; Creature * p = plr->GetMapMgr()->CreateCreature(entry); ASSERT(p); p->Load(sp, (uint32)NULL, NULL); p->PushToWorld(plr->GetMapMgr()); uint32 x = plr->GetMapMgr()->GetPosX(plr->GetPositionX()); uint32 y = plr->GetMapMgr()->GetPosY(plr->GetPositionY()); // Add spawn to map /*plr->GetMapMgr()->GetBaseMap()->GetSpawnsListAndCreate( x, y)->CreatureSpawns.push_back(sp);*/ } } void Assasin(ScriptMgr * mgr) { mgr->register_hook(SERVER_HOOK_EVENT_ON_ENTER_WORLD, AssasinSystem); }
Code:#include "StdAfx.h" #include "Setup.h" #define PvP_Guard 123455 class PvPGuard : public CreatureAIScript { public: ADD_CREATURE_FACTORY_FUNCTION(PvPGuard); PvPGuard(Creature* pCreature) : CreatureAIScript(pCreature) { } void OnTargetDied(Unit *mTarget) { if(mTarget->IsPlayer()) { //random code to do something when the mob kills a player? QueryResult*reseting=WorldDatabase.Query("delete from `assasin` WHERE `GUID`='%u';",mTarget->GetGUID()); _unit->Despawn(1,0); } } }; void SetupPvPGuards(ScriptMgr * mgr) { mgr->register_creature_script(PvP_Guard, &PvPGuard::Create); }
› See More: Bounty Hunter
29-07-08, 03:06 PM #2
Thank you for the source
04-08-08, 03:20 AM #3
Register to remove this adwo i havent seen this in forever i remember how cool it was to have a bounty placed on you and people hunting you lol
Edit: need to spread teh rep cookiesyour mother