Originally Posted by DISCLAIMER THE WISE

  • Tanks, stay away from this thread, it's not for you.
  • Healers, it's risky for you but you can give a shot.
  • DD, keep in mind your queue is usually long.

  1. Queue for LFR
  2. Press accept when invitation pop out
  3. Teleport Out
  4. Wait patiently and cross your fingers nobody will notice your absence
  5. ????????
  6. Profit

When last boss is killed you will receive your reward (valor/gold/satchel). Obviously no loot will be awarded for this but you can use this little bug to avoid being locked on boss for your utility, ie: you want valor points from BRF but keep your LFR lockout clean too because this week you'll finish legendary abrogator stone step and you want to be ready to start the elemental runes step.

Originally Posted by TIPS THE RIGHTEOUS

  • Don't go afk: some UI can show player status in raid frame and Ready Check could be your enemy
  • Keep an eye on your chat: Sometimes it's helpful to understand the progress of the instance and if you are in danger
  • If someone spot you're outside: Tell them you try to get tp but after loading screen your still out of the instance.
  • If someone ask a vote to kick: Teleport in, reach the group, teleport out right before a boss pull

Originally Posted by ADDITION THE ADDICTED
This script is a useful 2-way TP:
/run LFGTeleport(IsInLFGDungeon())
Teleport out if you're inside an instance, teleport in if you... ok you have it figured out

› See More: Get your weekly LFR Reward without doing LFR