The Fourth War

The actual story starts not way far back in time, just a couple of years after Illidan Stormrage’s not death, but it’s soul’s disparition from Azeroth, because you can expect a comeback from his tricky mind.

Before this event ever happened, Maiev, former jailor of Illidan and convict, and Akama, a loyal servant of Illidan, allied and rallied a group of adventurers to enter the Black Temple, leading up to the final battle with Illidan himself - the battle that ended the Betrayer’s life, Akama hoping to fill the temple back with holy light as it used to be, a peaceful sacred site, which served as the refuge of the Prophet Velen.

After Gul’dan’s death, a small shard of his soul remained within the bleached bone of his skull, whispering to whoever held it, proved to still be dangerous, even in death. Illidan Stormrage found and took the skull, absorbing its power, remaining only half night elf and becoming half demon.

The actual story starting from here, Maiev, Akama and a group of adventurers battled their way to Illidan, to depower him by slaying him and taking the Skull of Gul’dan. After achieving victory upon Illidan, the Skull of Gul’dan got taken by Maiev and Akama to a safe place. On the way to the said place, Gul’dan was whispering to both of them through it’s skull, planning on taking control of them, which he managed. With their mind controlled, Maiev and Akama go back to the temple to stop it’s cleanse and claim it as their own, to fulfill their evil plans of taking over Azeroth.
They both commanded their small army from the temple to listen to their commands, and defend the temple while the second and last wave of troops arrive. Akama’s army being located in the Tempest Keep and Maiev’s near the World Tree in the Hyjal’s summit. A group formed of pick up adventurers killed their army from the said locations and were on a run to them to stop Gul’dan once and for all, in which it happened.

Sargeras, commander of Gul’dan, saw Gul’dan’s fail to take over Azeroth through Akama and Maiev, and sent an illusion of himself to the place of incident and talked to him through it’s skull saying he’s disappointed, destroying the skull, thus erasing Gul’dan from the face of the world. He turned it’s face to the group of adventurers saying he’ll finish Gul’dan’s job, and they should not even think of disturbing him in the process or he will destroy them. Sargeras not knowing the group’s combat capacity, and their affiliation with the Prophet Velen, turned his back at them, showing it’s weak point - his servants - from which he gets all his power.

The group of adventurers rally to it’s servants’ lair, killing them thus lowering Sargeras’ power, but not being enough. They get aid from the Prophet Velen itself, busting into Sargeras’ sanctum, the Obsidian Sanctum, managing to end it’s life, even though not being easy. The Titan’s, hearing that, rush to the place of incident to see it through their own eyes. Sargeras’ evil and demonic ashes somehow take over the Titans, driving them mad and thirsty of Azeroth destroying.
Hearing that, the Prophet Velen goes back to the Shattrath City, preparing for the unimaginable, destroying the Titans, the order bringers of the worlds. They first go quickly through the Halls of Lightning, for the magical key of Ulduar, killing every single demi-Titans they found guarding the way to the key. With the key in it’s hands, Velen proceeds opening the great gate of Ulduar, camping a base at the inside entrance, to gather a bigger army, and gather power to buff it’s nearby army to empower their hits, able damaging the great Titans. Velen succeeds into destroying the Titans, thus freeing the world from it’s destruction.

The Prophet Velen may never not be ready for another world war as The Betrayer, Illidan Stormrage, may make his comeback and try to take over Azeroth with his unknown formed powerful army and unthinkable allies.

Instances progression

Note: this may get changed in the future.
There is a pre-raid dungeon that prepares you for it, named the Shadow Labyrinth, where it drops level 255 blue quality gear that is a requirement for the raids.

After you’re set with level 255 blue quality gear, you may now face the true outer world’s terrors - the villains.
The instances, by their order of doing:
Tempest Keep (Tier 1 set dropping dungeon): Here you’re faced with Akama’s army, with 4 bosses. Killing bosses, drop tier tokens, which can be spent at the vendor at the entrance, and the missing gear dropping at the bosses. Here you’re presented with a quest that you have to complete by diminishing Akama’s army, by killing a said number of troops. Once done, you’re given half of a crystal.
Note: this drops only half of the Tier 1 set.
Hyjal Summit (Tier 1 set dropping dungeon): Here’s Maiev’s army, with also 4 bosses. Killing bosses, drop tier tokens, which can be spent at the vendor at the entrance, and the missing gear dropping at the bosses. You’re again presented with a quest that you have to complete by diminishing Maiev’s army, by killing a said number of troops. Once done, you’re given half of a crystal, which can be linked with the other half, turning into the “key” for the next raid, the Black Temple.
Note: this drops the other half of the Tier 1 set.
Black Temple (Tier 2 set dropping raid): Here’s where Maiev and Akama are living. Here you may find X bosses.
Note: this is not finished yet, thus the lack of informations.
Molten Core (Tier 3 set dropping raid): Here’s where Sargeras’ minions are. Here you may find X bosses.
Note: this is not finished yet, thus the lack of informations.
Obsidian Sanctum (Tier 4 set dropping raid): Here’s where you may find Sargeras. There are X bosses.
Note: this is not finished yet, thus the lack of informations.
Halls of Lightning (Tier 5 set dropping raid): Here’s where you may find the demi-Titans. There are X bosses.
Note: this is not finished yet, thus the lack of informations.
Ulduar (Tier 6 set dropping raid): Here’s where all the Titans are. There are X bosses.
Note: more to be added(not finished)

How to level

“How do I level ?!” you may ask. Well, we're here to show you.

First, on this server, you don’t just level, but you are granted levels by completing the training ground’s tasks. There are 3 training grounds in Auchidon where you’re sent to level up. You must prove worthy of those levels by killing the said bosses, this completing the task, and being sent to the next training ground. In each training ground, each boss killed drop equipment as reward.

The leveling goes like this:
- There are four bosses, with it’s guarding minions before them. You’ll have to go through the minions and kill the bosses mentioned in the tasks (quests) given by the dungeoneer inside said training grounds.

- The leveling training grounds are: Mana Thombs (level 1 to 80), Auchenai Crypts (level 80 to 170) and Sethekk Halls (level 170 to 255).

Each boss you kill drops equipment as the reward, as a helping hand for the next task bosses.

› See More: Oblivion - Gul'dan's Reign - New 255 FUN REALM released