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14-11-09, 11:37 AM #1
[Release-LuaHypArc] Teleporter with Chat Commands
Register to remove this adHere is Script that i made now... I saw something like this on ac-web so i got an idea...
Teleporter in chat... Example if you want to go in Orgrimmar and you cant find teleporter just type #Orgrimmar...
You must have LuaHypArc to get this working...
You can get it from here: LuaHypArc - Revision 25: /installer
Code:print("LunarSCR Teleporter- Do not remove credits,Please.") -- Messages: local RELOAD_MSG = "#Reload" local SHATTRATH_MSG = "#Shattrath" local DALARAN_MSG = "#Dalaran" local ORGRIMMAR_MSG = "#Orgrimmar" local THUNDERBLUFF_MSG = "#Thunderbluff" local SILVERMOON_MSG = "#Silvermoon" local UNDERCITY_MSG = "#Undercity" local STORMWIND_MSG = "#Stormwind" local IRONFORGE_MSG = "#Ironforge" local EXODAR_MSG = "#Exodar" local DARNASSUS_MSG = "#Darnassus" local GURUBASHI_MSG = "#Gurubashi" local MALL_MSG = "#Mall" local REVIVE_MSG = "#Revive" local LEVELROAD_MSG = "#LvlRoad" local REMOVERESS_MSG = "#RemoveRess" local HEAL_MSG = "#Heal" local REPAIRGNOME_MSG = "#RepairMe" local SETLEVEL_MSG = "#Level80" local BUFFS_MSG = "#Buffs" local DRINK_MSG = "#drink" local FOOD_MSG = "#food" local COMMANDLIST_MSG = "#commands" -- Config: local MALL = {MAP = 0, X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0} -- change to the map, x, y, and z coordinates of your mall (self explanatory). local LEVELROAD= {MAP = 0, X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0} -- change to the map, x, y, and z coordinates of your Leveling Road (self explanatory). local BUFFIDS = {58452, 48104, 48102, 48469, 61024, 20217, 48161, 48073, 48169, 54675, 15366, 33077, 53307, 43017, 5697, 132, 1706, 16618, 48100, 58451} -- add/remove spell IDs for buffs (used in the buff command). local FOOD_ID = 45932 -- change to the entry ID for the food to be added to the player (20 of the item is added each time). local DRINK_ID = 42777 -- same as food, just the drink's entry ID -- Config end. -- Do not change anything below this unless you know what you're doing. function OnChat(event, pPlayer, message, type, language) if(message == RELOAD_MSG and pPlayer:IsGm()) then ReloadLuaEngine() end if(message == ORGRIMMAR_MSG) then pPlayer:Teleport(1, 1502.71, -4415.42, 22.5512) end if(message == THUNDERBLUFF_MSG) then pPlayer:Teleport(1, -1285.42, 176.523, 130.994) end if(message == SILVERMOON_MSG) then pPlayer:Teleport(530, 9414.18, -7278.97, 15.2031) end if(message == UNDERCITY_MSG) then pPlayer:Teleport(0, 1831.26, 238.53, 61.52) end if(message == STORMWIND_MSG) then pPlayer:Teleport(0, -8913.23, 554.633, 94.7944) end if(message == IRONFORGE_MSG) then pPlayer:Teleport(0, -4981.25, -881.542, 502.66) end if(message == EXODAR_MSG) then pPlayer:Teleport(530, -4014.08, -11895.8, -0.99324) end if(message == DARNASSUS_MSG) then pPlayer:Teleport(1, 8795.8, 969.427, 31.1955) end if(message == REPAIRGNOME_MSG) then local x = pPlayer:GetX () local y = pPlayer:GetY () local z = pPlayer:GetZ () local o = pPlayer:GetO () pPlayer:SpawnCreature (19383, x, y, z, o, 35, 70000) end if (message == MALL_MSG) then plr:Teleport(MALL.MAP, MALL.X, MALL.Y, MALL.Z) end if(message == REVIVE_MSG) then pPlayer:CastSpell(50768) end if (message == LEVELROAD_MSG) then plr:Teleport(LEVELROAD.MAP, LEVELROAD.X, LEVELROAD.Y, LEVELROAD.Z) end if(message == HEAL_MSG) then pPlayer:CastSpell(58053) end if (message == BUFF_MSG) then for k, v in pairs(BUFFIDS) do plr:CastSpell(v) -- plr:AddAura(v, 600000, true) end if(message == REMOVERESS_MSG) then pPlayer:LearnSpell(15007) pPlayer:UnlearnSpell(15007) end if(message == SETLEVEL_MSG) then if(pPlayer:PlayerLevel() < 80) then pPlayer:SetPlayerLeveL(80) end elseif (pPlayer:GetPlayerLevel() == 80) then pPlayer:SendChatMessageToPlayer(15, 0, "You are already 80!) end if(message == GURUBASHI_MSG) then pPlayer:Teleport(0, -13152.9, 342.729, 53.1328) end if(message == DALARAN_MSG) then pPlayer:Teleport(571, 5785.24, 724.91, 641.081) end if(message == SHATTRATH_MSG) then pPlayer:Teleport(530, -1722.58, 5382.7, 2.47504) end if (message == FOOD_MSG) then plr:AddItem(FOOD_ID, 20) end if (message == DRINK_MSG) then plr:AddItem(DRINK_ID, 20) end if (message == COMMANDLIST_MSG) then plr:SendBroadcastMessage("Current commands:\n"..ORGRIMMAR_MSG.." - teleports you to the Orgimmar.\n"..THUNDERBLUFF_MSG.." - teleports you to the ThunderBluff.\n"..SILVERMOON_MSG.." - teleports you to the SilverMoon.\n"..UNDERCITY_MSG.." - teleports you to the UnderCity.\n"..STORMWIND_MSG.." - teleports you to the StormWind.\n"..IRONFORGE_MSG.." - teleports you to the IronForge.\n"..EXODAR_MSG .." - teleports you to the Exodar.\n"..DARNASSUS_MSG.." - teleports you to the Darnassus.\n"..REPAIRGNOME_MSG.." - Are you broken!??? Ohh damn call then our mighty gnome with this command.\n"..HEAL_MSG.." - Do you need HEAL?? Then this is right Command for you.\n"..REMOVERESS_MSG.." - Revmove your ressickness.\n"..SETLEVEL_MSG.." - Level you up to level 80.\n"..GURUBASHI_MSG.." - teleports you to the Gurubashi Arena.\n"..DALARAN_MSG.." - teleports you to the Dalaran.\n"..SHATTRATH_MSG.." - teleports you to the Shattrath.\n"..LEVELROAD_MSG.." - teleports you to the Leveling Road.\n"..MALL_MSG.." - teleports you to the mall.\n"..FOOD_MSG.." - adds food to your inventory.\n"..DRINK_MSG.." - adds drink to your inventory.\n"..BUFF_MSG.." - adds a number of buffs to you.\n"..COMMANDLIST_MSG.." - displays a list of commands.") end end RegisterServerHook(16, "OnChat")
› See More: [Release-LuaHypArc] Teleporter with Chat CommandsLast edited by Onlykl; 05-12-09 at 10:53 AM.
16-11-09, 03:57 AM #2
Cool. Another nice work done with LuaHypArc!
me if I have helped you in anyway ^^ Example: Sharing a repack, answering questions... Well you know the rest xD. As long as I help you!
16-11-09, 11:02 AM #3
Nice release, thanks for contributing
No touching please.
16-11-09, 04:00 PM #4
Hand out credits miss!
17-11-09, 03:31 AM #5
Credits? Whatever for? He made it
me if I have helped you in anyway ^^ Example: Sharing a repack, answering questions... Well you know the rest xD. As long as I help you!
17-11-09, 09:05 AM #6
He "combined" it, that's something different than scripting it yourself.
And by the way it's not working anyway.
18-11-09, 03:28 AM #7
Register to remove this adDo you have LuaHypArc?
me if I have helped you in anyway ^^ Example: Sharing a repack, answering questions... Well you know the rest xD. As long as I help you!
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