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Thread: Vote PoP-Up Script
23-01-09, 01:06 PM #1
Vote PoP-Up Script
Register to remove this adCREDITS TO ONA FROM rzf for editing it.
Ok so i was looking for a Vote pop Script and dident find non good on any forums, so i when to extremetop100 and got one from a server site then edited it. I take no credit for this, i only edited some parts and shared with y'all ^_^. Put this block of code in your Index.php or News.php w.e it uses
-Live Demo HERE
Code:<SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2> var ns4=document.layers var ie4=document.all var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all var dragswitch=0 var nsx var nsy var nstemp function drag_dropns(name){ if (!ns4) return temp=eval(name) temp.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN | Event.MOUSEUP) temp.onmousedown=gons temp.onmousemove=dragns temp.onmouseup=stopns } function gons(e){ temp.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE) nsx=e.x nsy=e.y } function dragns(e){ if (dragswitch==1){ temp.moveBy(e.x-nsx,e.y-nsy) return false } } function stopns(){ temp.releaseEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE) } function drag_drop(e){ if (ie4&&dragapproved){ return false } else if (ns6&&dragapproved){ return false } } function initializedrag(e){ crossobj=ns6? document.getElementById("dnwtop_100_showimage") : document.all.dnwtop_100_showimage var firedobj=ns6? : event.srcElement var topelement=ns6? "HTML" : "BODY" while (firedobj.tagName!=topelement&&!="dragbar"){ firedobj=ns6? firedobj.parentNode : firedobj.parentElement } if ("dragbar"){ offsetx=ie4? event.clientX : e.clientX offsety=ie4? event.clientY : e.clientY tempx=parseInt( tempy=parseInt( dragapproved=true document.onmousemove=drag_drop } } document.onmousedown=initializedrag document.onmouseup=new Function("dragapproved=false") ////drag drop functions end here////// function hidebox(){ if (ie4||ns6)"hidden" else if (ns4) document.dnwtop_100_showimage.visibility="hide" } document.write(''); document.write('<div id="dnwtop_100_showimage" style="z-index: 300; position:absolute;width:380px;left:80;top:60"><table border="1" bordercolor="#006699" width="380" bgcolor="006699" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td width="100%"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="36"><tr><td width="100%" background="" id="dragbar" title="vote" height="25"><ilayer width="100%" onSelectStart="return false"><layer width="100%" onMouseover="dragswitch=1;if (ns4) drag_dropns(dnwtop_100_showimage)" onMouseout="dragswitch=0"><span style="font-weight: bold; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color: 006699; padding: 6px; padding-bottom: 4px;"><font color="white">Vote for Us</font></span></layer></ilayer></td></tr><tr><td width="100%" bgcolor="#000000" style="padding:10px; border: solid FFFFFF 0px; border-top:0px; font-family:Verdana; font-size:12px; color:000000;"><!-- PUT YOUR CONTENT BETWEEN HERE ----><i><BR><center><b><a href="VOTEING SITE URL"><img src="SOME KINDA OF BANNER OR PIC URL HERE" border="no"></a></font><br><br><br><font color="white">Click Yes Or No To Vote For US!<br></font> <font color="black"></font><font color="black"></b></i><br><br><div align="center"></font><br><a href="VOTEING SITE URL HERE" rel="nofollow" target="_new" ><img src="" border="0"></a> <a href="#" onClick="hidebox();return false"><img src="" border="0"></a> </div><!-- END YOUR CONTENT HERE-----></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></div></center>'); </SCRIPT>
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