I have made a compiled repack ready to go for you use to use. Of course this is in the latest Wcell revision and it's using the latest UDB revision. I havn't done much testing on this repack reason why it's version 1.0 BETA!
Repack specs:

Repack Version: 1.0 - Beta
Server core: Wcell core
DB implemented: UDB (Mangos DB)
Repack type: Blizz-like
Repack compiler: Jenkins

For support regarding this repack go to Unyielding Gaming - Welcome
All my next versions will be posted in UN-Gaming a few days earlier. So it'll be in your convinience to go check out UN-Gaming
Wcell wiki: wiki.wcell.org/index.php/

Wcell GM Commands
Download Repack V1.0

You will notice a small difference from what you are use to when it comes to the file setup. The config file is written in a .xml
Making Wcell server public

Please report all the bugs on Unyielding Gaming - Welcome
The more you report the faster the next version will be released, it's all in your benefit.

CREDITS to Penic

› See More: [3.3.0] Wcell repack