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12-02-09, 05:43 PM #1
[RELEASE]any npc a costom teleporter3.0.3(arcemu)
Register to remove this ad- make a new text file name telenpc.lua
- insert the values below
- go into ur DB under creatur_proto
- change the npc flag that u choose that u want to be the npc that will bring up the tele list when click on him And change the Flag to 3
- [OPTIONAL!]if u want to but its not a must u can change the faction to neutral with the faction 35
- make a folder called tele.lua
- copy and paste the lua script from below
- then go to the bottom of the the lua script and change What is red to what u chose
Put the lua file in ur script bin
your done!!
Code:function On_Gossip(unit, event, player) unit:GossipCreateMenu(50, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Horde Cities", 1, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Alliance Cities", 2, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Azeroth Locations", 3, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Azeroth Instances", 5, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Outland Locations", 6, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Outland Instances", 7, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Northrend Locations", 648, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Dalaran", 649, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Shattrath", 8, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Isle of Quel' Danas", 46, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Gurubashi Arena", 45, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Buff me", 99, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Remove Ressurection Sickness", 900, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end function Gossip_Submenus(unit, event, player, id, intid, code) if(intid == 50) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(50, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Horde Cities", 1, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Alliance Cities", 2, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Azeroth Locations", 3, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Azeroth Instances", 5, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Outland Locations", 6, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Outland Instances", 7, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Northrend Locations", 648, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Shattrath", 8, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Isle of Quel' Danas", 46, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Gurubashi Arena", 45, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Buff me", 99, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Remove Ressurection Sickness", 900, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 1) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(51, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Orgrimmar", 10, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Undercity", 11, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Thunder Bluff", 12, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Silvermoon", 13, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 50, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 2) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(52, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Stormwind", 14, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Ironforge", 15, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Darnassus", 16, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Exodar", 17, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 50, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 3) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(53, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Eastern Kingdoms", 40, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Kalidamor", 41, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 50, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 648) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(70, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Dragonblight", 650, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Howling Fjord", 651, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Grizzly Hills", 652, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Icecrown", 653, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Strom Peaks", 654, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Zul'Drak", 655, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Sholazar Basin", 656, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Borean Tundra", 657, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Wintergrasp", 658, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Crystalsong", 659, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 3, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 40) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(54, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Alterac Mountains", 208, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Badlands", 214, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Blasted Lands", 222, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Burning Steppes", 216, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Deadwind Pass", 221, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Dun Morogh", 212, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Duskwood", 220, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Eastern Plaguelands", 206, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Elwynn Forest", 217, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Eversong Woods", 201, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Ghostlands", 202, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Hillsbrad Foothills", 210, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "--->Second Page--->", 42, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 3, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 41) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(55, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Azshara", 109, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Azuremyst Isle", 103, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Bloodmyst Isle", 102, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Darkshore", 105, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Desolace", 113, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Durotar", 111, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Dustwallow Marsh", 117, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Felwood", 107, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Feralas", 116, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Moonglade", 106, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Mulgore", 115, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Silithus", 120, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "--->Second Page--->", 43, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 3, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 42) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(55, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Loch Modan", 213, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Redridge Mountains", 218, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Searing Gorge", 215, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Silverpine Forest", 207, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Strangethorn Vale", 223, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Swamp Of Sorrows", 219, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The Hinterlands", 209, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Trisfal Glades", 205, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Western Plaguelands", 203, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Wetlands", 211, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 3, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 43) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(55, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Stonetalon Mountains", 112, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Tanaris", 121, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Teldrassil", 100, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The Barrens", 114, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Thousand Needles", 118, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Un'Goro Crater", 119, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Winterspring", 108, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 3, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 5) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(56, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Shadowfang Keep", 19, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Zul'Gurub", 20, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Scarlet Monastery", 21, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Stratholme", 22, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Scholomance", 23, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Blackrock", 24, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Onyxia's Lair", 25, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Molten Core", 26, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Karazhan", 27, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Naxxramas", 28, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Caverns Of Time", 29, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 50, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 6) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(57, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Hellfire", 31, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Zangremarsh", 30, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Nagrand", 32, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Blades Edge", 33, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Netherstorm", 34, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Terokkar Forest", 36, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Shadowmoon Valley", 37, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Shattrath", 38, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 50, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 7) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(58, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Outland Raids", 47, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Hellfire Ramparts", 430, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The BloodFurnace", 431, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Shattered Halls", 441, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Mana-Tombs", 434, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Sethekk Halls", 438, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Auchenai Crypts", 435, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Shadow Labyrinth", 440, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Caverns of Time", 436, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Magisters Terrace", 445, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "--->Second Page--->", 48, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 50, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 47) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(59, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Gruul's Lair", 446, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Magtheridon's Lair", 447, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Zul'Aman", 448, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Serpentshrine Cavern", 449, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The Eye", 450, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Black Temple", 451, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Sunwell Plateau", 452, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 7, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 48) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(60, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The Mechanar", 442, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The Botanica", 443, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The Arcatraz", 444, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The Steamvault", 439, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Slave Pens", 432, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The Underbog", 433, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 7, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 8) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(50, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The Great Arena", 38, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 99) then unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(33081, player) unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(33082, player) unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(33080, player) unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(33079, player) unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(33078, player) unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(33077, player) end if(intid == 900) then player:LearnSpell(15007) player:UnlearnSpell(15007) end if(intid == 10) then player:Teleport(1, 1484, -4417, 25) end if(intid == 11) then player:Teleport(0, 1831, 238, 60) end if(intid == 12) then player:Teleport(1, -1277, 118, 131) end if(intid == 13) then player:Teleport(530, 9413, -7277, 14) end if(intid == 14) then player:Teleport(0, -8913.23, 554.633, 94.7944) end if(intid == 15) then player:Teleport(0, -4921.25, -881.542, 502.66) end if(intid == 16) then player:Teleport(1, 9948, 2413, 1327) end if(intid == 17) then player:Teleport(530, -4010.9, -11891.2, -1) end if(intid == 19) then player:Teleport(0, -234.495087, 1561.946411, 76.892143) end if(intid == 20) then player:Teleport(0, -11919.073242, -1202.459374, 92.298744) end if(intid == 21) then player:Teleport(0, 2870.442627, -819.985229, 160.331085) end if(intid == 22) then player:Teleport(0, 3359.111572, -3380.8444238, 144.781860) end if(intid == 23) then player:Teleport(0, 1267.468628, -2556.651367, 94.127983) end if(intid == 24) then player:Teleport(0, -7527.129883, -1224.997437, 285.733002) end if(intid == 25) then player:Teleport(1, -4708.491699, -3727.672363, 54.535076) end if(intid == 26) then player:Teleport(0, -7515.409668, -1045.369629, 182.301208) end if(intid == 27) then player:Teleport(0, -11122.913086, -2014.498779, 47.079350) end if(intid == 28) then player:Teleport(0, 3132.915283, -3731.012939, 138.658371) end if(intid == 29) then player:Teleport(1, -8519.718750, -4297.542480, -208.441376) end if(intid == 30) then player:Teleport(530, 57.4, 6837.6, 22.9) end if(intid == 31) then player:Teleport(530, -248, 922, 84) end if (intid == 32) then player:Teleport(530, -468, 8418, 28) end if(intid == 33) then player:Teleport(530, 1546, 6829.7, 127.5) end if(intid == 34) then player:Teleport(530, 3396, 4185, 137) end if(intid == 35) then player:Teleport(530, -2276.82, 5132.03, -8.62994) end if(intid == 36) then player:Teleport(530, -1202, 5316, 33) end if(intid == 37) then player:Teleport(530, -2859, 3182, 10) end if(intid == 38) then player:Teleport(530, -1887, 5359, -12) end if(intid == 100) then player:Teleport(1, 10708.8, 762.092, 1322.37) end if(intid == 102) then player:Teleport(530, -2721.68, -12208.9, 10.0882) end if(intid == 45) then player:Teleport(0, -13243.240234, 197.949799, 32.112690) end if(intid == 103) then player:Teleport(530, -4020.48, -13783.3, 74.9001) end if(intid == 105) then player:Teleport(1, 6207.5, -152.833, 80.8185) end if(intid == 106) then player:Teleport(1, 7180, -2701, 569) end if(intid == 107) then player:Teleport(1, 5483.9, -749.881, 335.621) end if(intid == 108) then player:Teleport(1, 6107.62, -4181.6, 853.322) end if(intid == 109) then player:Teleport(1, 2717, -5968, 106) end if(intid == 111) then player:Teleport(1, 341.42, -4684.7, 31.9493) end if(intid == 112) then player:Teleport(1, 1145.85, 664.812, 143) end if(intid == 113) then player:Teleport(1, -93.1614, 1691.15, 90.0649) end if(intid == 114) then player:Teleport(1, -90.19003, -1943.44, 95) end if(intid == 115) then player:Teleport(1, -1840.75, -456.5, -7.845) end if(intid == 116) then player:Teleport(1, -4588.1, 563.2, 60) end if(intid == 117) then player:Teleport(1, -3463.26, -4123.13, 18.1043) end if(intid == 118) then player:Teleport(1, -4979, -1569.05, -46) end if(intid == 119) then player:Teleport(1, -7932.61, -2139.61, -229.728) end if(intid == 120) then player:Teleport(1, -6294, -369, 1) end if(intid == 121) then player:Teleport(1, -7135.743652, -3785.862305, -28.292633) end if(intid == 201) then player:Teleport(530, 9449.15, -6782.61, 16.6167) end if(intid == 202) then player:Teleport(530, 7880, -6193, 22) end if(intid == 203) then player:Teleport(0, 1224.36, -1151.97, 61.7327) end if(intid == 205) then player:Teleport(0, 2019.35, 1904.36, 106.144) end if(intid == 206) then player:Teleport(0, 1919.44, -4306.23, 77.838) end if(intid == 207) then player:Teleport(0, 511.536, 1638.63, 121.417) end if(intid == 208) then player:Teleport(0, 272.704, -654.514, 129.609) end if(intid == 209) then player:Teleport(0, 139.375, -1982.79, 134.043) end if(intid == 210) then player:Teleport(0, -852.854, -576.712, 21.0293) end if(intid == 211) then player:Teleport(0, -4086.36, -2610.95, 47.0143) end if(intid == 212) then player:Teleport(0, -5658.719238, -472.513367, 396.562592) end if(intid == 213) then player:Teleport(0, -4939.1, -3423.74, 306.595) end if(intid == 214) then player:Teleport(0, -6006.4, -3305.5, 264.1) end if(intid == 215) then player:Teleport(0, -7514.817383, -1045.147949, 182.300507) end if(intid == 216) then player:Teleport(0, -7907.41, -1128.66, 192.056) end if(intid == 217) then player:Teleport(0, -9465.58, 16.8472, 66.921) end if(intid == 218) then player:Teleport(0, -9219.37, -2149.94, 71.606) end if(intid == 219) then player:Teleport(0, -10264.6, -3059.9, 19.9356) end if(intid == 220) then player:Teleport(0, -10517, -1158.39, 40.0542) end if(intid == 221) then player:Teleport(0, -10435.4, -1809.28, 101) end if(intid == 222) then player:Teleport(0, -11204.5, -2730.61, 15.8972) end if(intid == 223) then player:Teleport(0, -11634.8, -54.0697, 14.4439) end if(intid == 430) then player:Teleport(530, -360.671, 3071.9, -15.0977) end if(intid == 431) then player:Teleport(542, -3.9967, 14.6363, -44.8009) end if(intid == 432) then player:Teleport(530, 721.926, 7012.24, -73.065) end if(intid == 433) then player:Teleport(530, 779.802, 6769.33, -71.4282) end if(intid == 434) then player:Teleport(530, -3101.47, 4947.11, -101.177) end if(intid == 435) then player:Teleport(530, -3357.32, 5216.77, -101.049) end if(intid == 436) then player:Teleport(1, -8195.94, -4500.13, 9.60819) end if(intid == 438) then player:Teleport(530, -3360.13, 4667.85, -101.047) end if(intid == 439) then player:Teleport(530, 817.9, 6944.6, -80) end if(intid == 440) then player:Teleport(530, -3635.76, 4931.82, -100.034) end if(intid == 441) then player:Teleport(530, -309.83, 3080.08, -3.63538) end if(intid == 442) then player:Teleport(530, 2885.2, 1564.73, 248.874) end if(intid == 443) then player:Teleport(530, 3405.48, 1489.14, 183.838) end if(intid == 444) then player:Teleport(530, 2872, 1555.29, 253.159) end if(intid == 445) then player:Teleport(530, 4080, 12885, 5) end if(intid == 446) then player:Teleport(530, 3606.85, 5260.49, 4.1724) end if(intid == 447) then player:Teleport(530, -319.635, 3102.03, -113.937) end if(intid == 448) then player:Teleport(530, 6850, -7950, 170) end if(intid == 449) then player:Teleport(530, 742.883, 6867.19, -68.8289) end if(intid == 450) then player:Teleport(530, 3087.22, 1380.7, 184.883) end if(intid == 451) then player:Teleport(530, -3604.74, 328.252, 38.3077) end if(intid == 452) then player:Teleport(530, 12558, -6775, 15.5) end if(intid == 46) then player:Teleport(530, 12956.072266, -6943.814453, 9.968110) end if(intid == 650) then player:Teleport(571, 2981.362305, 291.108032, 84.906631) end if(intid == 651) then player:Teleport(571, 452.491608, -4010.313965, 268.903809) end if(intid == 652) then player:Teleport(571, 3730.314453, -3859.454346, 183.489944) end if(intid == 653) then player:Teleport(571, 6591.855469, 2451.750732, 467.928711) end if(intid == 654) then player:Teleport(571, 7266.094238, -1338.805542, 911.679749) end if(intid == 655) then player:Teleport(571, 5444.818848, -1746.449585, 248.347855) end if(intid == 656) then player:Teleport(571, 4872.304688, 5535.682617, -62.462074) end if(intid == 657) then player:Teleport(571, 4502.164551, 5560.019531, 51.479229) end if(intid == 658) then player:Teleport(571, 4608.474121, 2847.145020, 396.896790) end if(intid == 659) then player:Teleport(571, 5331.596191, 142.360580, 168.219833) end if(intid == 649) then player:Teleport(571, 5806.516602, 628.091370, 647.240662) end end RegisterUnitGossipEvent(Change this to your npc spawn entree, 1, "On_Gossip") RegisterUnitGossipEvent(Change this to your npc spawn entree, 2, "Gossip_Submenus")]
› See More: [RELEASE]any npc a costom teleporter3.0.3(arcemu)
- make a new text file name telenpc.lua
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