Good mornin',

So yes, I counted them.. about 13819053715 ( not sure if I missed one ) people are searching for a cap on one of the above stats, so I thought let's make a guide how to add it.
note #1 : This involves core modifications, so if you're either too stupid or use a Repack, please leave immediately.

note #2 : This is just a flat cap, I know it's better to edit the formula's for the stat percentages if you want to scale, but I figured this out in ~10 minutes so formula editing is not for now.

Okay, after the bunch of notes, let's start.

How to make a cap on the haste percentage ( spell haste ofc ) :
1. Open up Object.h
2. go to line 212.
3. You'll see :
void ApplyPercentModFloatValue(uint16 index, float val, bool apply)
            float value = GetFloatValue(index);
            ApplyPercentModFloatVar(value, val, apply);
            SetFloatValue(index, value);
Edit it like I did :
void ApplyPercentModFloatValue(uint16 index, float val, bool apply)
            float value = GetFloatValue(index);
            ApplyPercentModFloatVar(value, val, apply);
            if(apply && index == CR_HASTE_SPELL && value > /*the haste cap, 50 for example*/ 50)
                value = 50;
            SetFloatValue(index, value);
So, that little if makes the difference, let me explain how it works:
if(apply && index == CR_HASTE_SPELL && value > /*the haste cap, 50 for example*/ 50)
value =  50;
Change the numbers in red to your desired haste cap, in percentages.
4. Recompile ( skip this if you want to add more caps).
5. Celebrate ( I guess? ).

How to make a cap on the parry percentage :
1. Open up Statsystem.cpp
2. Go to line 702.
3. You'll see :
    SetStatFloatValue(PLAYER_PARRY_PERCENTAGE, value);
Replace it with :
   if(value > 50)
        value = 50;
    SetStatFloatValue(PLAYER_PARRY_PERCENTAGE, value);
Again, change the red numbers to your desired parry cap.
4. Recompile ( skip this if you want to add more caps).
5. Celebrate ( again ) .

How to make a cap on the dodge percentage :
1. Open up Statsytem.cpp
2. Go to line : 738
3. You'll see:
SetStatFloatValue(PLAYER_DODGE_PERCENTAGE, value);
Replace with :
if(value > 50)
        value = 50;
    SetStatFloatValue(PLAYER_DODGE_PERCENTAGE, value);
Again, change the red numbers to your desired dodge cap.
4. Recompile ( skip this if you want to add more caps).
5. Celebrate ( aaand again ) .

How to make a cap on the block percentage :
1. Open up Statsystem.cpp
2. go to line : 577
3. You'll see:
SetStatFloatValue(PLAYER_BLOCK_PERCENTAGE, value);
Replace it with :
if(value > 50)
        value = 50;
    SetStatFloatValue(PLAYER_BLOCK_PERCENTAGE, value);
Again, change the red numbers to your desired block ( percentage ) cap.
4. Recompile ( Now you will NEED to since this is the last cap).
5. Celebrate ( I should get a cake now ) .

The haste cap has not been tested yet.
The parry/dodge/block caps work as intended.

Credits for making this guide goes to Jameyboor

› See More: [C++] Adding a haste/parry/dodge/block cap to your core [Trinity/3.3.5a]