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10-01-09, 10:15 AM #1
Wrath of the Lich King Morph ID's
Register to remove this adHello here some WOTLK morph ID's
Code:.mod morph 21976 - Arthas Small .mod morph 24641 - Arthas Ghost .mod morph 24949 - Arthas Regular .mod morph 22235 - The Lich King without his helmet on .mod morph 22234 - The Lich King With his Helmet on .mod morph 24378 - EntSkinSoftBlue .mod morph 23970 - KrakkenSkinGreen .mod morph 23941 - FlyingNerubianRed .mod morph 23942 - NerubianWarrior_Black .mod morph 23943 - Nerubian_Black .mod morph 23944 - FlyingNerubianYellow .mod morph 23880 - CryptLordSkin_Scourge .mod morph 23881 - CryptLordSkin_Dark .mod morph 23882 - CryptLordSkin_Red .mod morph 23884 - Forskaen Catapult .mod morph 25082 - Frost Nyhm01 .mod morph 25083 - Frost Nyhm02 .mod morph 25084 - Frost Nyhm03 .mod morph 24978 - Penguin!! .mod morph 24926 - LionSeal01 .mod morph 24927 - LionSeal02 .mod morph 24928 - LionSeal03 .mod morph 24929 - LionSeal04 .mod morph 23946 - PolarBearCub .mod morph 23977 - Nerubian_Albino .mod morph 24047 - TundraGiant .mod morph 23681 - SuperZombieblack .mod morph 23684 - AirElementalSkinBlue .mod morph 23693 - MountainGiantCrystal_Skin_WhiteCrystal .mod morph 23699 - FurbolgSkinBlue .mod morph 23700 - FurbolgSkinWhite .mod morph 23704 - DragonSkin1 Azuregoz .mod morph 23772 - DireFurbolg_Red .mod morph 23773 - DireFurbolg_Black .mod morph 23774 - DireFurbolg_White .mod morph 23835 - ArcaneVoidWraithBlue .mod morph 23838 - WargenSkinBrown .mod morph 24101 - Dragon_NorthrendGray .mod morph 24102 - NerubianPriest_Green .mod morph 24128 - NerubianPriest_Red .mod morph 24129 - NerubianPriest_Blue .mod morph 24130 - NerubianPriest_White .mod morph 24137 - DragonSkin1Red .mod morph 24139 - DragonSkin1Black .mod morph 24140 - DragonSkin1Blue .mod morph 24141 - DragonSkin1Bronze .mod morph 24142 - DragonSkin1Green .mod morph 24217 - KeeperOfTheGroveSkin3 .mod morph 24227 - StoneGolemSkinObsidian .mod morph 24240 - SiegeTank .mod morph 24273 - GhoulSkinGrey .mod morph 24274 - SkeletonSkin .mod morph 24275 - WightSkinWhite .mod morph 24301 - NorthrendFleshGiant_Glow .mod morph 24377 - BatSkinWhite01 .mod morph 24961 - AncientofWarSkinSnow .mod morph 24954 - Magnataurblack .mod morph 24942 - EtherialSkin_White .mod morph 24873 - Magnataurblue .mod morph 24834 - NecromancerGreen .mod morph 24804 - NecromancerBlue .mod morph 24803 - UndeadBeast .mod morph 24802 - MountedDeathknightGreenGold_01 .mod morph 24800 - MountedDeathknightWhite_01 .mod morph 24789 - Regular CryptLordSkin .mod morph 24793 - NecromancerPurple .mod morph 24796 - GiantSpider .mod morph 24795 - FungalMonster .mod morph 24794 - MountedDeathknightDarkBlueBlack_01 .mod morph 24792 - FleshGiantSkin1 .mod morph 24787 - NewKel'Thuzad .mod morph 24743 - BlueDragonFlight_01 .mod morph 24593 - Demon Hunter .mod morph 24499 - SkeletonSkinGreen .mod morph 24495 - SkeletonMage .mod morph 24489 - CentaurWarriorSkinWhite .mod morph 24484 - NorthrendFleshGiant_Glow .mod morph 24101 - protodragon_NorthrendGray .mod morph 24082 - SerpentSkinRuby .mod morph 24083 - SerpantSkinBlue .mod morph 24072 - FrostNymph2Winter .mod morph 24071 - ArcticCondorWhite .mod morph 24070 - CentaurWarriorSkinBlack .mod morph 23749 - Velen .mod morph 23684 - AirElementalSkinBlue .mod morph 23709 - CarrionBirdSkinWhite .mod morph 23723 - MountainGiant_Howling1 .mod morph 23730 - BoarSkinCrimson .mod morph 23744 - StoneGolemSkinGrey .mod morph 23745 - StoneGolemSkinPlatinum .mod morph 23747 - NetherDragonPurple .mod morph 23816 - NerubianSpiderlingSkinBlue .mod morph 23819 - NerubianSpiderlingSkinBrown .mod morph 23820 - NerubianSpiderlingSkinRed .mod morph 23821 - NerubianCaster .mod morph 23822 - StoneGolemSkinGold .mod morph 23823 - StoneGolemSkinTurquoise .mod morph 23829 - MountainGiant_Zangarmarsh .mod morph 23912 - HarpyIvory .mod morph 23918 - HarpyBlue .mod morph 23931 - HarpyPurple .mod morph 23951 - WapitiSkinArctic .mod morph 23952 - WapitiSkinGreen .mod morph 23984 - NerubianWarrior_Albino .mod morph 25014 - Sappirion / Frost Dragon .mod morph 25015 - Flame Dragon / Fire Dragon
Code:.mod morph 21682 (Tabard) .mod morph 21774 (this made me laugh) .mod morph 22326 .mod morph 22327 (new dragonkin?) .mod morph 22470 - 22474 (hippogryphs) .mod morph 22708 (snowball thing) .mod morph 22771 & 2 (blue guys) .mod morph 23206 .mod morph 23334 (wyrm) .mod morph 24084 .mod morph 24324 .mod morph 24378 .mod morph 24453 .mod morph 24472 .mod morph 24513 (tabard) .mod morph 24574 (ugly judgment) .mod morph 24593 (demonform?) .mod morph 24792 .mod morph 24930 .mod morph 24964 (Blizz working with wave mech.?)
Code:Armors: (New Sets?) .mod morph 24357 .mod morph 24355 .mod morph 24358 .mod morph 24361 .mod morph 24363 .mod morph 24366 .mod morph 24547 .mod morph 24548 .mod morph 24591 .mod morph 24642 .mod morph 23463 .mod morph 23488 .mod morph 23749 .mod morph 23824 .mod morph 23825 .mod morph 23859 .mod morph 23866 .mod morph 23937 .mod morph 23911 .mod morph 23919 .mod morph 23963 Doodads: .mod morph 24470 - Hovering Obelisk .mod morph 24712 .mod morph 24807 - Dragonhead with arrow Units: .mod morph 24620 - dragon .mod morph 24753 - serpent .mod morph 24751 - skeleton .mod morph 24862 - strange worm .mod morph 24905 - fiery ghost .mod morph 24926 - strange flying thing .mod morph 24946 - boat with dragonhead .mod morph 24698 - penguin .mod morph 24579 - strange walking undead .mod morph 24417 - ghost statue .mod morph 24710 - rocket mount .mod morph 24693 - zebra mount with horn .mod morph 24447 - ghost gryphon .mod morph 23411 - robot .mod morph 23456 and 23457 - new furbolgs .mod morph 23473 untill 23479 - new bloodelfs .mod morph 23495 - baby kroko .mod morph 23511 - fat guy with small head .mod morph 23523 - fiery draenai ghost .mod morph 23561 untill 23578 (exluding 23574) - nerubian spiders .mod morph 23681 - trembling zombie .mod morph 23682 and 23683 - dark arthas .mod morph 23707 - ragnaros-like grim reaper .mod morph 23724 - wood giant .mod morph 23820, 23819 and 23816 - spiders .mod morph 23817 - lava golem .mod morph 23861 - grub .mod morph 23913 untill 23917 - another spider .mod morph 23946 - baby ice bear Comment by Accesteam: Really cute XD .mod morph 25012 - zombie giant
Code:Little Magnateur .morph 24836 Blistering undead creature .morph 23299 Some sort of ghostly frost worm (new?) .morph 23315 Northrend earth giant .morph 23356
Code:.mod morph 24875 - dragonish think .mod morph 24880 - new armor ? .mod morph 24906 - hound .mod morph 24911 - black or chaos? Dragon .mod morph 24931 - spear .mod morph 24935 - recolor armor .mod morph 24992 - ghoul .mod morph 25006 - lock armor .mod morph 25010 - armor mage ? .mod morph 25012 - undead giant .mod morph 25082 - dyriad
Code:Death Knight Rogue: 25885 Undead Hunter girl: 28213 Death Knight's: 27994 - 27997 New Deathknight set: 26682 New Kealthas: 26574 Strange angel Girl: 27983 SUPER AWESOME Death Knight ARMOR SET !: DeathKnight Set: 24591 Lich King Dragon Smaller: 27067 Lich King Dragon Boss Size: 27971 Lich King Dragon Mount: 27480 Mounts: Bronze Northrend Dragon: 28083 Blue Northrend Dragon: 28081 Green Nothrend Dragon: 28053 Death Flying Mount: 28108 Brown Mammoth: 27237 Black and Red Mammoth:27240 Black and Blue Mammoth: 27241 White Mammoth: 27242 DeathKnight Mount: 27517 Blizzcon Bear Mount(Fun): 27567 MotorBike: 25870 - 25871 Blue Dragon Mount: 27785 Lich King Dragon Mount: 27480 Flying Carpets: Green Flying Carpet: 28082 Purple Flying Carpet: 28064 Blue Flying Carpet: 28063 Black Flying Carpet: 28061 Orange Flying Carpet: 28060 ClockWorn Gnomes: Red ClockWorn Gnome: 28112 Dark ClockWorn Gnome: 28113 Gold ClockWorn Gnome: 28114 Blue ClockWorn Gnome: 28115 Sieges: Canon: 28235 Horde Demolisher Vehicule: 27655 Neutral Demolisher Vehicule: 27658 Others: Brown Death Spider: 28079 Northrend Penguin: 28216 Northrend Ghoul: 28283 Portal Effect: 27393 White Angel: 28136 Nice Skeleton: 27535 Nice Boss: 27636
› See More: Wrath of the Lich King Morph ID's
11-01-09, 06:29 AM #2
Nice. This could be added to my [Release] over in this section as well. to you ASAP.
11-01-09, 07:58 AM #3
Ofcourse put them in your release, but with my credits !
11-01-09, 08:04 AM #4
Register to remove this adOf course! Credits to me and you for the whole compiled list. =)