Hi guys, I recently had a repack and it had the Catapult - FLY FLY in it so I thought;" Hey thats awesome!" until I spawned it.. It did nothing so well I tried to change it.

So first you want to open up the DB and go to

Then look for your gameobject (or create one) I used a catapult.

Entry ID: Can be whatever you want. I chose 70000
Type: 22, Or if other people know another type to make it interactable.. ^^
name: Can be whatever you want.. I chose Catapult.
category: Got no clue what that is, Leave it at 0
CastBarText: If it's a spell with a casttime that what you type shall be in the castbar
UnkStr: No clue ._.
SpellFocus: Thats the spell ID of the spell it's gonna cast, I used 24199 wich is knockback 35 triggers. just as an example
and leave the rest at 0.

Well thats about it It worked fine for me altough some spells require mana.. and wont be available to players without mana.

› See More: How to add spells to GameObjects