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31-08-10, 12:34 PM #201
Register to remove this adWell, one more question ?....
Check out that... i'm already create a new account for AHBot (should the account be GM level 3 or 0 ?) ... after that i create a new character 1 level in game with name: Ahbot -> after that i log in with that character in game and i'm didn't do anything else... just logout with him... the next step what i make it was to open my sqlyog and saw the Account ID and char guid numbers
Check out that pic (Click to enlarge):
and let you check the mangosd.config it's right on what you said of me before some posts:
That's right ?? I didn't see the reasen which don't work the bot ;(
› See More: [Release] TRM's Cthulhu Ftagn Dual-Database MaNGOS Repack ( - 32 & 64-bitLast edited by Stefan30; 31-08-10 at 12:47 PM.
31-08-10, 12:46 PM #202
31-08-10, 12:52 PM #203
So, when you click Search at the Armory, what happens?
If, and I'm assuming you didn't read, the ReadmeAHBOT.txt file in the Cumulative Update Pack you would set your min and max items for the Auction House...
Here's my settings:
Code:UPDATE auctionhousebot SET minitems = "100" WHERE name = "Alliance"; UPDATE auctionhousebot SET maxitems = "500" WHERE name = "Alliance"; UPDATE auctionhousebot SET minitems = "100" WHERE name = "Horde"; UPDATE auctionhousebot SET maxitems = "500" WHERE name = "Horde"; UPDATE auctionhousebot SET minitems = "100" WHERE name = "Neutral"; UPDATE auctionhousebot SET maxitems = "500" WHERE name = "Neutral";
You should get something like this when you click Search:
And, since I'm actually now CERTAIN you did not bother to read it... I'll post the portion you should have read.
#These are the settings in the Database:
#Each Auctionhouse has it's own set of these
MinItems = 0
#The Minimum number of items you want to keep in the auction houses.
#(default 0 - minimum will be the same as maximum).
#If it is higher than the value of the corresponding maxItems setting,
#it will be set down to match the maxItems setting.
MaxItems = 0
#The Maximum number of items you want to keep in the auction houses.
MinTime = 8
#The minimum number of hours for an auction.
MaxTime = 24
#The maximum number of hours for an auction.
#These must add up to 100 each one is the percentage
#of the auction items that should be trade goods of
#that quality. A value of 0 will disable.
PercentGreyTradeGoods = 0
PercentWhiteTradeGoods = 27
PercentGreenTradeGoods = 12
PercentBlueTradeGoods = 10
PercentPurpleTradeGoods = 1
PercentOrangeTradeGoods = 0
PercentYellowTradeGoods = 0
PercentGreyItems = 0
PercentWhiteItems = 10
PercentGreenItems = 30
PercentBlueItems = 8
PercentPurpleItems = 2
PercentOrangeItems = 0
PercentYellowItems = 0
#MinPrice(Color) is the minimum price adjustment for items. For example the default is 150, which means 150%. So if an item vendors for 1g it would go to auction for a minimum of 1.5g.
#MaxPrice(Color) is the maximum price adjustment for items.
#MinBidPrice(Color) these two control the starting bid as a percent of the buyout price. For example, if MinBidPrice is 30 and MaxBidPrice is 80 the starting bid for the auction will randomly be between 30-80% of the randomly chosen buyout price.
#MaxBidPrice(Color) these two control the starting bid as a percent of the buyout price. For example, if MinBidPrice is 30 and MaxBidPrice is 80 the starting bid for the auction will randomly be between 30-80% of the randomly chosen buyout price.
#MaxStack(Color) is maximum stack size to create for this quality type. A value of zero will disable the maximum stack size for this quality allowing the bot to create stacks (of random size) of items as big as the item type allows.
MinPriceGrey = 100
MaxPriceGrey = 150
MinBidPriceGrey = 70
MaxBidPriceGrey = 100
MaxStackGrey = 0
MinPriceWhite = 150
MaxPriceWhite = 250
MinBidPriceWhite = 70
MaxBidPriceWhite = 100
MaxStackWhite = 0
MinPriceGreen = 800
MaxPriceGreen = 1400
MinBidPriceGreen = 80
MaxBidPriceGreen = 100
MaxStackGreen = 3
MinPriceBlue = 1250
MaxPriceBlue = 1750
MinBidPriceBlue = 75
MaxBidPriceBlue = 100
MaxStackBlue = 2
MinPricePurple = 2250
MaxPricePurple = 4550
MinBidPricePurple = 80
MaxBidPricePurple = 100
MaxStackPurple = 1
MinPriceOrange = 4250
MaxPriceOrange = 5550
MinBidPriceOrange = 80
MaxBidPriceOrange = 100
MaxStackOrange = 0
MinPriceYellow = 5250
MaxPriceYellow = 6550
MinBidPriceYellow = 80
MaxBidPriceYellow = 100
MaxStackYellow = 0
#These are the multipliers that are applied to the vendor price for an item, that determines if AHBot will buy it or not.
#1 means AHBot will pay the same as (or less than) a vendor would pay, 2 means up to twice as much, etc.
BuyerPriceGrey = 1
BuyerPriceWhite = 1
BuyerPriceGreen = 5
BuyerPriceBlue = 12
BuyerPricePurple = 15
BuyerPriceOrange = 20
BuyerPriceYellow = 22
#BuyerBiddingInterval is the time (in minutes) between bids.
#BuyerBidsPerInterval is the number of bids the buyer will make in a cycle
BuyerBiddingInterval = 1
BuyerBidsPerInterval = 1
How to use ahcommands from the console (CLI) or in game with GM level 3 players:
ahbotoptions - will display usage instructions
ahbotoptions help - will display the list of commands
ahexpire - will expire all the auctions in the requested auction house that were created by AHBot.
minitems - will set the minimum number of items in the AH before it starts being filled again.
maxitems - will set the maximum number of items in the AH.
mintime - will set the minimum time (in hours) for auctions to expire.
maxtime - will set the maximum time (in hours) for auctions to expire.
percentages - will set the percentage of each quality in the AH
minprice - will set the minimum price multiplier for auctions.
maxprice - will set the maximum price multiplier for auctions.
minbidprice - will set the minimum starting bid as a percent of the buyout price for auctions.
maxbidprice - will set the maximum starting bid as a percent of the buyout price for auctions.
maxstack - will set the maximum number of items in stacks for auctions. 0 will set the maximum to the maximum for that item type.
buyerprice - will set the bid price multiplier for auctions.
biddinginterval - will set the number of minutes between bids on auctions.
bidsperinterval - will set the number of bids to enter per cycle.
The auction house IDs are:
2 - Alliance
6 - Horde
7 - Neutral
AHBot Originally made by Chris K.
Much thanks to Chris K, grether and Dolomit6!
AHBot Now includes AHBuyer created by Kerbe as a derivative of AHBot, and later modified by ParadoxLast edited by CthulhuFtagn; 31-08-10 at 01:19 PM.
System & Security: HP Pavilion dv7-3160us Entertainment Notebook PC - My Video Link
| Windows 7 Home Premium x64 | avast! Free antivirus | ThreatFire | ZoneAlarm Free Firewall | Spybot - Search & Destroy | Malwarebytes Anti-Malware | Panda USB and AutoRun Vaccine | KeePass | TrueCrypt |
31-08-10, 01:47 PM #204
31-08-10, 02:34 PM #205
Not a problem, maybe that'll help others who couldn't get it started right.
System & Security: HP Pavilion dv7-3160us Entertainment Notebook PC - My Video Link
| Windows 7 Home Premium x64 | avast! Free antivirus | ThreatFire | ZoneAlarm Free Firewall | Spybot - Search & Destroy | Malwarebytes Anti-Malware | Panda USB and AutoRun Vaccine | KeePass | TrueCrypt |
31-08-10, 03:47 PM #206
all updates injected successfully server and auctionhouse working great keep up your great work man its appreciated on this end much
31-08-10, 05:17 PM #207
Awesome GJ, I will.
System & Security: HP Pavilion dv7-3160us Entertainment Notebook PC - My Video Link
| Windows 7 Home Premium x64 | avast! Free antivirus | ThreatFire | ZoneAlarm Free Firewall | Spybot - Search & Destroy | Malwarebytes Anti-Malware | Panda USB and AutoRun Vaccine | KeePass | TrueCrypt |
31-08-10, 07:03 PM #208
MySQL is reporting that my creature_respawn table from mangos DB is marked as broken and needs to be fixed, so I was wondering can anyone who's creature_respawn table isn't broken dump their SQL and share it with me to fix this ?
The 43-inch man
31-08-10, 07:27 PM #209
In SQLYog, click on the creature_respawn table then click Tools > Table Diagnostics then click Repair
System & Security: HP Pavilion dv7-3160us Entertainment Notebook PC - My Video Link
| Windows 7 Home Premium x64 | avast! Free antivirus | ThreatFire | ZoneAlarm Free Firewall | Spybot - Search & Destroy | Malwarebytes Anti-Malware | Panda USB and AutoRun Vaccine | KeePass | TrueCrypt |
01-09-10, 12:34 AM #210
Register to remove this adSo the repack works just fine. For some reason my friend who has the server can log in just fine yet when i go to connect, i get stuck in a loop at the realm selection screen. what would cause this and how can we fix it? thanks