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16-10-21, 04:02 AM #1
ShadowLands Repack | Epic Release from shadowcore Modded Support ShadowLands
Register to remove this adHello AllUnfortunately THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED.
This is Closed as no further development (Links removed)
Thanks to Allah for Giving and Forgiveness.
Beautiful Mind Repacks,
Today I do represent Shadow Core Modded Support Shadow Lands (Build
All Classes and Races Works %%
Attn: - This is for Private use and not to be used online
As Requested kill Command added 0 Syntax: .kill - Used to kill selected Player or Creature.
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v0.5 Release
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v0.6 Release
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v0.7 Release
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In case You do not want to download the following files extractors included in the repack
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v0.8 Released
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Add the following query to v2 repack to sl_world
INSERT INTO `command` (`name`, `permission`, `help`) VALUES ('kill', 855, 'Syntax: .kill to kill Selected Creature or Player');
You may download client from the following link
through link
Repack VIP / SL / Client
enUS Minimal
You may use the minimal client by the following steps
1- Extract OriginalLauncher_37474.rar
2- Locate game folder by battle net loader
3- Choose game settings
4-In settings under downloads choose the following option to disable game patch upgrade at any time battle net try to upgrade game patch press pause to stop it
4-In the wow folder / Wtf / Config = SET portal ""
5- Start wow client using launcher
The game will gets the missing data through battle net
ruRU Full
In Game
MySQL <----- Localhost
root <---- user
asnaeb <---- password
3306 <---- port
(As a start) it's always better to run setup_xampp.bat you'll find it at x:\Beautiful_Mind_9.0.2.37474_v@n\xampp Where x is installing Directory
And press 1 when Promoted to refresh repack folder and location
This repack is for personal use only
Any one will use it online at his own risk And I am not responsible for legal rights
Thanks in advance
Best Regards
› See More: ShadowLands Repack | Epic Release from shadowcore Modded Support ShadowLands edited by Beautiful Mind; 26-07-24 at 04:33 AM.
23-10-21, 10:30 AM #2
thank you for the share
23-10-21, 12:53 PM #3
24-10-21, 08:46 PM #4
Looks promising. Gonna check it out
25-10-21, 01:31 AM #5
25-10-21, 02:08 PM #6
25-10-21, 02:10 PM #7
26-10-21, 11:23 AM #8
26-10-21, 11:53 AM #9
26-10-21, 03:48 PM #10
Register to remove this adThank you very much