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17-03-10, 04:34 AM #11
Register to remove this adits an ok pack but got some questions of your "extra" material. Why do u say that its an custom city for goblin and worgen?? all u done is set up an recallpoint in an random place in the world? ported to the locations and nothing there. not a singel worgen or house even. just empty land. and goblins.. well yes . there was some goblins. not a singel house though. just a random place in nagrand with a couple of goblins lol. I atleast dont call that a city the mall.. well there is vendors yes. but feels like u throw out 30 vendors in a hurry. they are just trown out on a flat ground. no houses or anything. TOC doesnt work. please dont write that u have things in the repack that arent there/not working. Some things that IS correct. flymount works in old world. teleportnpc , some problems but it works ok.
› See More: Bogdan's Repack 3.3.2 [ArcEmu] [Version 1]
23-03-10, 02:01 PM #12
Can i get a estimate on V2 :3 lol ^^???
30-03-10, 06:52 AM #13
Register to remove this adAwesome repack Keep it up