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16-02-10, 01:45 PM #41
Register to remove this adThe file that he is telling you is the localhost of windows
Go to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc and you will see it.
Usually is write protected so you have to unprotect it before edit it.
› See More: Epic RELEASE Beautiful Mind *3.3.2 Repack*
16-02-10, 01:54 PM #42
Snake your worse nightmare is here again:
Here are the errors that the rworld is outputting on the starting:
ERROR: Spell rank identifier(first_spell_id) 8350 listed in `spell_ranks` does not exist!
ERROR: Spell rank identifier(first_spell_id) 8443 listed in `spell_ranks` does not exist!
ERROR: Spell 55668 (rank 3) listed in `spell_ranks` for chain 55666 does not exist!
ERROR: Spell 8504 listed in `spell_bonus_data` does not exist
ERROR: Spell 8505 listed in `spell_bonus_data` does not exist
ERROR: Spell 11310 listed in `spell_bonus_data` does not exist
ERROR: Spell 11311 listed in `spell_bonus_data` does not exist
ERROR: Spell 25538 listed in `spell_bonus_data` does not exist
ERROR: Spell 25539 listed in `spell_bonus_data` does not exist
ERROR: Spell 61651 listed in `spell_bonus_data` does not exist
ERROR: Spell 61660 listed in `spell_bonus_data` does not exist
ERROR: Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 23301 listed for TargetEntry 29880 does not have any implicit target TARGET_UNIT_NEARBY_ENTRY(38) or TARGET_DST_NEARBY_ENTRY (46) ,TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_SRC(7), TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_DST(8), TARGET_UNIT_CONE_ENTRY(60), TARGET_GAMEOBJECT_NEARBY_ENTRY(40)
ERROR: Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 23301 listed for TargetEntry 29915 does not have any implicit target TARGET_UNIT_NEARBY_ENTRY(38) or TARGET_DST_NEARBY_ENTRY (46) ,TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_SRC(7), TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_DST(8), TARGET_UNIT_CONE_ENTRY(60), TARGET_GAMEOBJECT_NEARBY_ENTRY(40)
ERROR: Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 23301 listed for TargetEntry 29919 does not have any implicit target TARGET_UNIT_NEARBY_ENTRY(38) or TARGET_DST_NEARBY_ENTRY (46) ,TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_SRC(7), TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_DST(8), TARGET_UNIT_CONE_ENTRY(60), TARGET_GAMEOBJECT_NEARBY_ENTRY(40)
ERROR: Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 23301 listed for TargetEntry 30037 does not have any implicit target TARGET_UNIT_NEARBY_ENTRY(38) or TARGET_DST_NEARBY_ENTRY (46) ,TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_SRC(7), TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_DST(8), TARGET_UNIT_CONE_ENTRY(60), TARGET_GAMEOBJECT_NEARBY_ENTRY(40)
ERROR: Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 23301 listed for TargetEntry 30243 does not have any implicit target TARGET_UNIT_NEARBY_ENTRY(38) or TARGET_DST_NEARBY_ENTRY (46) ,TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_SRC(7), TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_DST(8), TARGET_UNIT_CONE_ENTRY(60), TARGET_GAMEOBJECT_NEARBY_ENTRY(40)
Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 23301 listed for TargetEntry 30250 does not have any implicit target TARGET_UNIT_NEARBY_ENTRY(38) or TARGET_DST_NEARBY_ENTRY (46) ,TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_SRC(7), TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_DST(8), TARGET_UNIT_CONE_ENTRY(60), TARGET_GAMEOBJECT_NEARBY_ENTRY(40)
ERROR: Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 23301 listed for TargetEntry 30332 does not have any implicit target TARGET_UNIT_NEARBY_ENTRY(38) or TARGET_DST_NEARBY_ENTRY (46) ,TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_SRC(7), TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_DST(8), TARGET_UNIT_CONE_ENTRY(60), TARGET_GAMEOBJECT_NEARBY_ENTRY(40)
ERROR: Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 23301 listed for TargetEntry 30632 does not have any implicit target TARGET_UNIT_NEARBY_ENTRY(38) or TARGET_DST_NEARBY_ENTRY (46) ,TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_SRC(7), TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_DST(8), TARGET_UNIT_CONE_ENTRY(60), TARGET_GAMEOBJECT_NEARBY_ENTRY(40)
ERROR: Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 23301 listed for TargetEntry 30725 does not have any implicit target TARGET_UNIT_NEARBY_ENTRY(38) or TARGET_DST_NEARBY_ENTRY (46) ,TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_SRC(7), TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_DST(8), TARGET_UNIT_CONE_ENTRY(60), TARGET_GAMEOBJECT_NEARBY_ENTRY(40)
ERROR: Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 51962 listed for TargetEntry 27986 does not have any implicit target TARGET_UNIT_NEARBY_ENTRY(38) or TARGET_DST_NEARBY_ENTRY (46) ,TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_SRC(7), TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_DST(8), TARGET_UNIT_CONE_ENTRY(60), TARGET_GAMEOBJECT_NEARBY_ENTRY(40)
ERROR: Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 51962 listed for TargetEntry 28047 does not have any implicit target TARGET_UNIT_NEARBY_ENTRY(38) or TARGET_DST_NEARBY_ENTRY (46) ,TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_SRC(7), TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_DST(8), TARGET_UNIT_CONE_ENTRY(60), TARGET_GAMEOBJECT_NEARBY_ENTRY(40)
ERROR: Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 51962 listed for TargetEntry 28568 does not have any implicit target TARGET_UNIT_NEARBY_ENTRY(38) or TARGET_DST_NEARBY_ENTRY (46) ,TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_SRC(7), TARGET_UNIT_AREA_ENTRY_DST(8), TARGET_UNIT_CONE_ENTRY(60), TARGET_GAMEOBJECT_NEARBY_ENTRY(40)
ERROR: `pool_creature` has a non existing creature spawn (GUID: 27516) defined for pool id (118), skipped.
ERROR: Table 'spell_loot_template' entry 69412 isn't spell id (random item creating) and not referenced from loot, and then useless
ERROR: SQL: SELECT name, crc FROM addons
ERROR: query ERROR: Table 'ribon_characters.addons' doesn't exist
ERROR: The table `addons` is empty
ERROR: CreatureEventAI: Event 94000121 Action 1 uses non-existent SpellID 55651
ERROR: CreatureEventAI: Event 2999800 Action 1 uses non-existent SpellID 55671.
ERROR: CreatureEventAI: Event 2999800 Action 2 uses non-existent SpellID 55710.
ERROR: CreatureEventAI: Event 3375300 Action 1 uses non-existent SpellID 63584.
ERROR: CreatureEventAI: Event 3375300 Action 2 uses non-existent SpellID 63580.
ERROR: CreatureEventAI: Event 3375200 Action 1 uses non-existent SpellID 63585.
ERROR: CreatureEventAI: Event 3375200 Action 2 uses non-existent SpellID 63581.
ERROR: CreatureEventAI: Event 3375100 Action 1 uses non-existent SpellID 63586.
ERROR: CreatureEventAI: Event 3375100 Action 2 uses non-existent SpellID 63582.
ERROR: CreatureEventAI: Event 3375000 Action 1 uses non-existent SpellID 63587.
ERROR: CreatureEventAI: Event 77770081 Action 1. SpecialFlags for quest entry 12330 does not include |2, Action will not have any effect.
ERROR: CreatureEventAI: Event 77770496 Action 1. SpecialFlags for quest entry 452 does not include |2, Action will not have any effect.
ERROR: CreatureEventAI: Event 77770497 Action 1. SpecialFlags for quest entry 452 does not include |2, Action will not have any effect.
ERROR: CreatureEventAI: Event 77770498 Action 1. SpecialFlags for quest entry 452 does not include |2, Action will not have any effect.
ERROR: RScript: RegisterSelf, but script named npc_playermaster does not have ScriptName assigned in database.
ERROR: RScript: RegisterSelf, but script named instance_icecrown_citadel does not have ScriptName assigned in database.
ERROR: RScript: RegisterSelf, but script named boss_marrowgar does not have ScriptName assigned in database.
ERROR: RScript: RegisterSelf, but script named boss_deathwhisper does not have ScriptName assigned in database.
ERROR: RScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_cult_fanatic does not have ScriptName assigned in database.
ERROR: RScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_cult_adherent does not have ScriptName assigned in database.
ERROR: RScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_vengeful_shade does not have ScriptName assigned in database.
ERROR: RScript: RegisterSelf, but script named boss_algalon does not have ScriptName assigned in database.
ERROR: RScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_collapsing_star does not have ScriptName assigned in database.
ERROR: RScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_xm024 does not have ScriptName assigned in database.
ERROR: RScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_xe321 does not have ScriptName assigned in database.
ERROR: RScript: RegisterSelf, but script named npc_zidormi does not have ScriptName assigned in database.
Since I dont know what and how serious exactly are I've reported them all to you.
16-02-10, 02:15 PM #43
16-02-10, 04:16 PM #44
16-02-10, 07:33 PM #45
Snake, can you tell me how I can create other accounts on this emu?
It's the first time that I use this distribution and is quite different form the classical mangos.
I found, digging around in the distribution, a rospora page, but there is no way to set it up properly since I dont have the user/password for.
16-02-10, 09:02 PM #46
17-02-10, 05:29 AM #47
17-02-10, 05:34 AM #48
17-02-10, 06:50 AM #49
Thanks for your patience Snake,
My bad .. the problem was that I accidentaly *cough*disabled*cough* the console input in the configuration misreading it for the remote parameter .
I'm a noooooob!
If you do a further repack/update could you consider to ad a playerbot as well if possible?
17-02-10, 06:40 PM #50
Register to remove this adwelcome *cough* i will *cough* consider that