MIST OF PANDARIA SIEGE OF ORGRIMMAR - REPACK JADECORE 5.4.7This Repack is the continuation of some work done by many people was developed from the source of FIRESTORM has many arrangements that makes it different from other repack.There will be no free updates and the source is private. If you want some support or have some problem enter the new channel of DISCORD
Follow us in our discord's channel for support:
DiscordIf you want to do some testing of the server and see all the work done you can visit
http://solowow.sytes.net/ Thanks to Oznog.
>--- DUNGEONS ----Blackfathom Deeps - Available-Blackrock Depths - Available-Blackrock Mountain - Available-Dire Maul (East) - Available-Dire Maul (North) - Available-Dire Maul (West) - Available-Gnomeregan - Available-Lower Blackrock Spire - Available-Maraudon - Available-Ragefire Chasm - Available-Razorfen Downs - Available-Razorfen Kraul - Available-Scarlet Halls - Available-Scarlet Monastery - Available-Scholomance - Available-Shadowfang Keep - Available-Stratholme-Crusader's Square - Available-Stratholme-The Gauntlet - Available-The Deadmines - Available-The Stockade - Available-The Temple of Atal'Hakkar - Available-Uldaman - Available-Upper Blackrock Spire - Available-Wailing Caverns - Available-Zul'Farrak - Available --- RAIDS ----Ahn'Qiraj - Available-Blackwing Lair - Available-Molten Core - Available-Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj - Available
>--- DUNGEONS ----Auchenai Crypts - Available-Hellfire Ramparts - Available-Magisters Terrace - Available-Mana Tombs - Available-Old Hillsbrad Foothills - Available-Sethekk Halls - Available-Shadow Labyrinth - Available-The Alcatraz - Available-The Black Morass - Available-The Blood Furnace - Available-The Botanica - Available-The Mechanar - Available-The Shattered Halls - Available-The Slave Pens - Available-The Steamvault - Available-The Underbog - Available --- RAIDS ----Black Temple - Available-Gruul's Lair - Available-Hyjal Summit - Available-Karazhan - Available-Magtheridon's Lair - Available-Serpentshrine Cavern - Available-Sunwell Plateau - Available-Tempest Keep - Available
>--- DUNGEONS ----Ahn'Kahet:The Old Kingdom - Available-Azjol Nerub - Available-Drak'Tharon Keep - Available-Gundrak - Available-Halls of Lightning - Available-Halls of Reflection - Available-Halls of Stone - Available-Pit of Saron - Available-The Culling of Stratholme - Available-The Forge of Souls - Available-The Nexus - Available-The Oculus - Available-The Violet Hold - Available-Trial of the Champion - Available-Utgarde Keep - Available-Utgarde Pinnacle - Available --- RAIDS ----Icecrown Citadel - Available-Naxxramas - Available-Onixia's Lair - Available-The Eye of Eternity - Available-The Obsidian Sanctum - Available-The ruby Sanctum - Available-Trial of the Crusader - Available-Ulduar - Available-Vault of Archavon - Available
>--- DUNGEONS ----Blackrock Caverns - Available-End Time - Available-Grim Batol - Available-Halls of Origination - Available-Hour of Twilight - Available-Lost City of the Tol'Vir - Available-Shadowfang Keep - Available-The Deadmines - Available-The Stonecore - Available-The Vortex Pinnacle - Available-Throne of the Tides - Available-Well of Eternity - Available-Zul'Aman - Available-Zul'Gurub - Available--- RAIDS ----Baradin Hold - Available-Blackwing Descent - Available-Dragon Soul - Available-Firelands - Available-The bastion of Twilight - Available-Throne of the Four Winds - Available--- LEGENDARY QUEST ----legendary Daggers quest line - Available-Legendary Staff quest line - Available
>--- DUNGEONS ----Temple of Jade SerpentNormal - AvailableHeroic - AvailableChallenge - Available-Gate of the Setting SunNormal - AvailableHeroic - AvailableChallenge - Available-ScholomanceNormal - AvailableHeroic - AvailableChallenge - Available-Shado-Pan MonasteryNormal - AvailableHeroic - AvailableChallenge - Available-Siege of Niuzao TempleNormal - AvailableHeroic - AvailableChallenge - Available-Stormstout BreweryNormal - AvailableHeroic - AvailableChallenge - Available -Scarlet HallsNormal - AvailableHeroic - AvailableChallenge - Available-Scarlet MonasteryNormal - AvailableHeroic - AvailableChallenge - Available--- RAIDS ----Siege of Orgrimmar - 9 / 14 - Available-Throne of Thunder - 13 / 13 - Available-Terrace of Endless Spring - 3 / 4 - Available-Heart of Fear - 6 / 6 - Available-Mogushan Vault - 6 / 6 - Available--- SCENARIOS ----Assault on Zanvess - Available-Theramore's Fall - Available-Blood on the Snow - Available-Arena of Annihilation - Available--- PANDARIA WORLD BOSSES ----Sha of Anger - working!-Galleon - working!-Oondasta - working!-Nalak - working!-Chi-Ji, The Red Crane - working!-Yu'Lon, The Jade Serpent - working!-Niuzao, The Black Ox - working!-Xuen, The White Tiger - working!-Ordos, Fire-God of the Yaungol - working!-Zandalari Warbringer and Zandalari Warscout - working! /mount, texts, spells, loot.../--- LEGENDARY QUEST ----Legendary Cloack quest line - Available--- TIMELESS ISLE ----All quest working!-Ordos working!-Celestials working! /movement, texts, spells.../-Rare Mobs - 31 / 31 working! /movement, texts, spells.../-Time-Lost Shrine working! /texts and spells-Treasures Chest working!-All Gameobject in Timeless Isle working!--- ISLE OF THUNDER ----All PVP quest working! /Tactical Mana Bombs onli works on VIP Repack/-All Rares working!-All creatures as added SmartAI and Loots and corrected spawns--- OTHER CONTENT ----Pandaren starting zone working!-Battle Pets PVP working!-Dungeon Finder working!-Raid Finder working!-Scenarios Finder working!-All Professions working!-Black Market working!
>--- ARENAS ----Blade's Edge Arena - Available-Dalaran Sewers - Available-Nagrand Arena - Available-Ruins of Lordaeron - Available-The Tiger's Peak - Available-Tol'Viron Arena - Available-Circle of Blood - Available-Ring of Trials - Available--- BATTLEGROUND ----Alterac Valley - Available-Strand of the Ancients - Available-Isle of Conquest Requires - Available-Warsong Gulch - Available-Twin Peaks - Available-Arathi Basin - Available-Eye of the Storm - Available-Battle for Gilneas - Available-Deepwind Gorge - Available-Silvershard Mines - Available-Temple of Kotmogu - Available-Rated Battlegrouds - Available-War Games - Available--- WARRIOR ----Talents working!-Spells working!-Spec working!-Glyps working!--- ROGUE ----Talents working!-Spells working!-Spec working!-Glyps working!--- DRUID ----Talents working!-Spells working!-Spec working!-Glyps working!--- MAGE ----Talents working!-Spells working!-Spec working!-Glyps working!--- PRIEST ----Talents working!-Spells working!-Spec working!-Glyps working!--- SHAMAN ----Talents working!-Spells working!-Spec working!-Glyps working!--- PALADIN ----Talents working!-Spells working!-Spec working!-Glyps working!--- WARLOCK ----Talents working!-Spells working!-Spec working!-Glyps working!--- MONK ----Talents working!-Spells working!-Spec working!-Glyps working!--- DK ----Talents working!-Spells working!-Spec working!-Glyps working!--- HUNTER ----Talents working!-Spells working!-Spec working!-Glyps working!--- VIP UPDATES ----Char Boost-AHbot-Siege of Orgrimmar Bosses 14/14 working!-Siege of Niuzao Temple Normal, Heroic and Challenge Mode working!-More quest working!-More fixes for Dungeons and Raids working!-Flexible Raid-Fix for Legendary quest-NPC Teleport-NPC Promotion-Mounts Grinning Reaver and Warforged Nightmare-Fix Spell Mage Ring of Frost-Fix Spell Monk Transcendence and transcendence transfer-Fix spell Monk Chi Burst-All Glyphs working!-All isle of Thunder Rares working!-Pandaren starting zone working!-Worgen starting zone working!-Goblin starting zone working!-Web_WoW Fusion CMS with all modules and themes--- COMING SOON ----Bizmo's Brawlpup and Brawl'gar Arena-Lion Landing in krasarang Wild-Operation:Shieldwall-Dominance Offensive-Fix more Scenarios-Fix more Events
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Credits doverman930