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  1. #141
    DjAligator's Avatar
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    you missed some updates or i dunno whtat you did.

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  2. #142

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    Well can you tell me who to put the updates to go I'm MaNGOS/0.17.0-DEV / Revision 10677 | TRM CU 0079 YTDB Acid 349 39 10 677 MaNGOS ScriptDev2 1854

  3. #143
    DjAligator's Avatar
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    Mangos 10738 - 10777
    In fact set pet name to empety state redundent.
    Client work propertly also if used default name from creature template (set in create code).
    Cleanup pet remove code and some fixes.
    * Merge Player::RemovePet and Pet::Remove function code to Pet::Unsummon
      This let be sure that in all cases all required steps doen. For example this fix
      creature's guardians propertly remove from guardians list.
    * Add new pet save mode PET_SAVE_REAGENTS as replacement PET_SAVE_NOT_IN_SLOT+true-arg stable pair in old function args
      This will avoid use reagent save arg with wrong different save modes.
    * Fixed recently added code with absent check for re-summon protector pet call.
     Cleanups in spell effects names.
    Add AI function OwnerKilledUnit for protector pets (when owner kills unit)
    Add `spell_bonus_data`.`spell_bonus_data` field and support for RAP bonuses use for spells damage from table.
    Thanks to insider42 for prepering patch for mangos repo.
    Also added loading check for redundant ap/ap_dot data in table.
    Add AP/RAP bonus data to `spell_bonus_data`.
    Also remove related hardcoded cases.
    Prevent equip/unequip items in process logout
    Use ObjectGuid in spellauraholders instead uint64
    (based on rsa's repo commit 06342c1)
    Use objetguid for other .list auras command part
    Some other aura caster object guid use cases.
    Convert MonsterSay/Say and similar functions to ObjectGuid use.
    Convert Gameobject owner to objectguid use.
    Convert Gameobject owner to objectguid use.
    Use objectguids in item code.
    * Fixed unexpected container updated state after inventory load
    * Make .debug getitemstate command more friendly by args.
    Convert to objetguids map scripts and finally drop IS_PLAYER_GUID.
    Lost mangos.sql changes in one from recent commits.
    Use UNIT_FIELD_CRITTER for store minipet guid.
    Also move related code to Unit and allow summon minipets by creatures.
    Also fix creature's totems unsummon at owner remove from world.
    Use class specific combat rating factors from gtOCTClassCombatRatingScalarStore.dbc
    * Some classes had effect of melee haste buffed
    * Change to armor penetration rating was hidden there too
    Implement armor penetration limitations
    The tool-tip says "up to X%" for a reason...
    Implement zone limited pets unsummon at leave allowed zones.
    * Also remove redundant zone/area args for zone/area update function like UpdateZoneDependentAuras.
    * Merge Player::*AllControlledUnits functions to Unit version with replace option args by mask arg.
    * Unit::*AllControlledUnits guardian iteration make working with internal unsummon call suport for guardians case.
    Fixed typo in CONTROLED_*
    Correctly reset mob orientation upon reaching spawn point. Should also improve visualisation of mob orientation on clients
    Remove unneeded non-player Say et al.
    Now expected direct use non-player WorldObject::MonsterSay/etc version
    Basic support for target-name in MonsterSay/etc
    Change MonsterSay's target to pointer.
    Original patch provided by Wojta
    Note: From patch excluded talent 44543 and ranks stacking code.
          It look like need another implemention different from suggested,
          or at least more research.
    In patch added enum IgnoreUnitState and related checks now more cheating protected.
    Move comments at 61 line, no functional changes.
    Implement talent 44543 and ranks charges work.
    Also fix IGNORE_UNIT_TARGET_NON_FROZEN in part allow casting spell that required frozen target.
    Allow AURA_FORCE_MOVE_FORWARD to work on creatures and vehicles. For example, it fixes spell [68284]
    Show <overkill> value in combat logs.
    Remove useless code in PetAI::_stopAttack()
    Those are all processed elsewhere and _stopAttack() can not be called when pet is not alive.
    Fixed trainer flags uses for pet trainers.
    * Not exclude trainer flags for client for pet trainers.
    * Not report error for pet trianers empty spell lists.
    * Add check for redundent trainer spell data for pet trainers at server startup
    * Need hide train gossip option for pet trainers, but currently without it gossip
      window not open for pet trainer by some unknown reason.
    Fixed auction items filering by quality.
    Explictly include Threading.h into WorldRunnable.h
    Instead dependent from includes order in mangosd\WorldRunnable.cpp and mangosd\Master.cpp
    Fixed build for different PostgreSQL version at diff platforms.
    * Fixed Problem in different place define OID enums.
      Enums hardcoded in mangos code now as done for many other projects using PostgreSQL
    * Other PostgreSQL detection fixes.
    Fixed crash at empty build list in realm string.
    Implement more generic reputation spillover
    * Also fixes factions 1037 and 1052
    * More correct client output when reputation assigned to parent faction
    * reputation_spillover_template can still be used to override spillover from dbc
    Use separate vars to indicate whether reputation needs to be sent or needs to be saved.
    Not mark `reputation_spillover_template` empty state as error
    Now expected by default data used from dbc fields.
    Explictly include Threading.h into CliRunnable.h
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  4. #144
    DjAligator's Avatar
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    Mangos 10778 - 10792
    Make AI call OwnerKilledUnit() more proper.
    Affect any pet that are not being controlled (minipet/guardian/protector) and will also apply to pets owned by another creature.
    Allow ITEM_ENCHANTMENT_TYPE_COMBAT_SPELL to proc on special attacks too.
    Fixed warning in ReputationMgr::SetReputation.
    Use BattleGround(AV)TeamIndex enum types in AV battleground code.
    * Added BattleGroundAVTeamIndex enum type for 3-case special team list fo AV.
    * Rename BattleGroundTeamId -> BattleGroundTeamIndex for clarify
    * Some safe checks added and dropped bogus call RewardReputationToTeam in BattleGroundAV::HandleQuestComplete
      for BattleGroundTeamIndex as faction. Unclear for what it expected used so dropped.
    Use Team enum types in all appropriate cases and catches bug in result fix.
    * Fixed wrong arenaid use at leave arena queue.
    * Fixed memory lost and etc at not virtual EndBattleground call
    * Fixed crash at arena join with fake data from client.
    * Code cleanups.
    Fixed comment in characters.sql
    Restrict items with generated loot really to single character only.
    Fixed warnings at comparison BattleGroundTeamIndex and BattleGroundAVTeamIndex
    Maybe adding special operator== or != can be more nice way but for small used cases this
    not look so need really.
    A bit spell proc housekeeping
    * PPM values for enchanting spells 13898, 20029, 20032, 44524, 44576
    * Correct cooldown for enchanting spell 59625
    * Add procEx and cooldown for item 50198
    Add explicitly header dependences for Database/QueryResult.h
    Replace bytes in single field `bytes2` by independent fields for `creature_addon`.
    Allow use old non-builting ACE versions (pre-ACE-5.5.4) at Unix-side.
    This fix build error in relamd code in result
    nonexistence ACE_OFF_T in old ACE versions.
    Moved vmap code from shared to game project
    After this, realmd code does not contain anymore vmap code
    Small cleanup in VC100 filter about vmap files
    Fixed more warnings with BattleGroundTeamIndex/BattleGroundAVTeamIndex mixed use.
    Fixed warnings and need in redundent char* casts in database access code.
    YTDB 354
    + all fixes from forum
    + fix spawn
    + quest scripts
    + mob's gossip menus
    [http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/mangos-ytdb-scriptdev2-changelog-2232] Mangos + YTDB + Scriptdev2 + Changelog
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    Also you can find my releases on my forum

  5. #145
    DjAligator's Avatar
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    Mangos 10793 - 10834
    Fixed build problems for vc90 after recent vmaps dir move.
    VC80/VC100 not affected by this.
    Player.h expected DBCStores.h including.
    So make it direct.
    I must less press random buttons before push in monkey mode.
    Use regular map case in all trigger checks.
    Check for valid sheath state in creature addon at startup.
    Some more warning fixes related to BattleGroundTeamIndex/BattleGroundAVTeamIndex.
    Add GetGuidStr() short call for GetObjectGuid().GetString() and use it.
    Use ObjectGuid in some battleground structures.
    Also fix some catches bugs in code in result.
    More ObjectGuid uses in battleground code.
    Use ObjectGuid in Mail code.
    Some catched bugs fixed in mixed uint32/guid values using cases.
    Use ObjectGuid in player loading code.
    Restore build at *nix.
    Remove code duplication in visibility distance check.
    at_same_transport already include player checks at assign and
    it move to common if make 3 distance cases exactly same.
    Fixed typo in m_PrematureCountDownTimer initila value set.
    Just fo note: in fact initial value assign not used because
    m_PrematureCountDownTimer always init and used only in case
    m_PrematureCountDonw == true
    Typo fix and memory layout optimization.
    Small cleanup and optimization in transport current point update.
    Remove diplicate World::GetQueueSize and rename functions to consistence naming
    More ObjectGuids specially in petition code.
    Some uint64<->uin32 bugs fixed at read guids from DB in petition code.
    Still exist 29 GUID_LOPART uses in code.
    Use ObjectGuids in chat commands.
    Still exist 15 GUID_LOPART uses in code.
    Use ObjectGuid for corpse owner guid.
    Still exist 9 GUID_LOPART uses in code.
    Use ObjectGuid for aura holder cast item guid.
    Still exist 7 GUID_LOPART uses in code.
    Convert to ObjectGuid aura cast item guid access function.
    Use in social lists API ObjectGuid form.
    0 GUID_LOPART uses in code. :)
    * Now no correct way access to internal structure of guid in uint64 form.
      For this always must be used ObjectGuid form.
    * Guids in uint64 form still used in some cases (many) but it uses as-is
      Main source of uint64 guids is non-converted opcode handlers.
    * Also ofc, possible cases wrong created uint64 guids by assign uint32 to uint64.
      For catch all cases need finish convertion to ObjectGuid all non-converted yet code.
    Add explicit include for ObjectGuid.h in AchievementMgr.h.
    Add dummy effect of spell 47170
    Fixed creature's speed recalculation, forgotten DB speed mods are used now
    Also properly update speeds at creature entry change(in case there are aura speed bonuses), thanks to Vladimir for pointing
    Speedup and cleanup quest counters update code.
    * Always use QuestStatus data for current counters set
      This let be sure that that we not have non sync values in client view and server state.
    * Remove some access functions for quest update fields that expected to be only updated/set.
    Restore anti-cheating check work at buy item
    Fixed "unsigned is never < 0" warning.
    Clear way access/set UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_*/PLAYER_BYTES* byte fields.
    Fix some bugs when all uint32 field modified instead byte parts.
    In some cases added byte way set/get but code line itself need additinal reserch/fix
    for use correctness in line pos.
    Fixed copy-paste typo in prev. commit.
    Move specific SQLStorage defines to game dir
    This let have in shared dir only generic declarations of class SQLStorage
    Not game specific details.
    Fix vmap_assembler compilation after vmap folder move
    Also make vmap_assembler compile sucessfuly with VC80.
    Add VC80 projects and solutions files where missing like vmap_extractor
    Fix warnings for TBB projects compilation using Visual Studio 10
    Also fix a small typo in prev commit.
    Update SpellFamily check functions.
    * Move SPELLFAMILY_* to DBCEnums.h and name it as SpellFamily
    * Use enum in Unit::GetAura, move family mask code to new SpellEntry helper function.
    * Avoid all auras scan in search of triggred spell for 20243.
     Prevent spell_proc_event entries to proc on any spell cast when SpellFamilyName is zero.
    Now only spells that actually deal damage or heal will trigger
    when neither SpellFamilyName nor ProcEx & PROC_EX_EX_TRIGGER_ALWAYS are set.
    Before, setting a SchoolMask would override this check, causing many bogus procs.
    Fixed crash at send mail from console
    Inspired by patch from rsa.
    Spawn pool at aura 63471 dispel in water.
    Avoid use unsafe remove auras in aura apply code.
    Specailly example Aura::HandleModCharm code where old code
    call RemoveSpellsCausingAura or (a) dead and not called,
    or (b) will remove aura self at call.
    * Added safe for aura holder context version of RemoveSpellsCausingAura
    * Cleanup old simple RemoveSpellsCausingAura code also.
     Cleanup shapeshift form code.
    YTDB 355
    + all fixes from forum
    + fix spawn
    + quest scripts
    + mob's gossip menus
    + new templates from WDB
    + processed 46 caches (4.0.1)
    [http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/mangos-ytdb-scriptdev2-changelog-2232] Mangos + YTDB + Scriptdev2 + Changelog
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  6. #146
    DjAligator's Avatar
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    Mangos 10835 - 10866
    Add/correct a couple more spell_proc_event entries for trinket related spells
    *Affected items: 45131, 45219, 50359, 50366, 50360, 50365,
              50353, 50348, 50362, 50363, 50342, 50343, 50358
    Again ignore EffectSpellClassMask when SchoolMask given in spell_proc_event.
    There's just too much garbage in dbc...
    Should restore some damage school based talents broken with [10830],
    hopefully without excessively triggering other spells again that shouldn't.
    Implement script effect of spell 26218.
    Also do small spells ordering around.
    Not report error for missing reqs for some quest timed achievements.
    This achievements in fact not required any additional checks.
    At far teleport fail retunr player to source point instead homebind.
    Implement server side part of SPELL_AURA_ADD_MECHANIC_ABILITIES (293) work.
    Also fix stealth/invisibility visual affect flags changed at some 3.x switch.
    Implement charges counting for magnet target auras.
    Also implement skip spell effects redirecting if magnet target can't be
    targeted by this spell effect base at spell effect target data requirements.
    Allow fill DB table spell_script_target for TARGET_AREAEFFECT_INSTANT(7)
    Without any database entries for spell, spell will work like before.
    Valid targets filled to database can only be creature type (corpse or alive).
    Fix AuraType 138 to not affect ranged haste, and rename to SPELL_AURA_MOD_MELEE_HASTE.
    Also type 192 had misleading name, rename to SPELL_AURA_MOD_MELEE_RANGED_HASTE.
    Remove small redundency in magnet spell charges checks.
    Add dummy effect of spell 49634 and dummy aura of spell 56511
    note* spell will need data in spell_script_target to work properly.
    note* the effect of 56511 does not work, see comment in code for details (code added in any case, to not forget the problem)
    Add dummy aura of spell 43874 (indirectly related to spell/effect 50133)
    Unsummon guardians at second item use for items without cooldown.
    New system for parallelizing client packet processing. Handle WorldSession updates in Map::Update() where we are safe to proceed. Thank you for all your feedback!
    Fix build with gcc.
    Move common check part for recently added filter classes to helper function.
    This is more safe have expected tio be same check in one function.
    Also apply some code style fixes.
    Small function order in sources update.
    Fixed typo in [10847]
     Report about GM invisible state at login if enable.
    Fixed crash at .character erase command use.
    Target selects all gameobject around destination, limited by adding spell with a corresponding gameobject entry in database table spell_script_target.
    Correct two whitespace errors
    Complete set Byte/ShortFlag value functions and use it for PLAYER_FIELD_BYTES proper access.
    Not expected any changes in work.
    Add triggered spell part for dummy effect of spell 43572
    Search for linked GO using the original used GO as base of the search
    Add some comments for future improvements of this function.
    Handle GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_TRAP in Use, as done for other GO types.
    This just move parts of existing code from TriggeringLinkedGameObject and does not affect summoned trap type GO's (or related to summoned).
    Large flightless birds (emu) think they are invisible, even when they are not.
    Only if _not_ isGMVisible, invisible notification can be sent :)
    Fixed not show and lost mail items in returned expire mails.
    * Use typename for mail item info vector.
    * Include tools/characters_mail_items_cleanup.sql for cleanup lost mail items.
      It also included as sql update part. Sql update also fix receiver for stored
      in DB expired mail items.
    Fixed triggering/use effects for item 54589, 54573, 37734, 32500, 28590.
    Implement itemsets 881, 882 at heal/damage target effect.
    Make DB code thread-safe. Original patch by Machiavelli and Kero99.
    Unsummon guardians at re-cast only for non-triggered case.
    YTDB 356
    + all fixes from forum
    + fix spawn
    + quest scripts
    + mob's gossip menus
    + new templates from WDB
    [http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/mangos-ytdb-scriptdev2-changelog-2232] Mangos + YTDB + Scriptdev2 + Changelog
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    Also you can find my releases on my forum

  7. #147
    DjAligator's Avatar
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    Mangos 10867 - 10894
    Implement templates for trainer spell data in `npc_trainer_template`.
    New table let avoid duplication similar trainer spells for different trainers.
    Fixed spell 53479.
    (based on insider42's repo commit b0343e1)
    Fixed typo in mangos.sql added in recent commit.
    Properly remove deleted character from friends of online players.
    Avoid lost arena match at leave queue (before invite to match)
    Grr, restore code style.
    Fixed crash for case when trainer have only data in npc_trainer_template.
    Good know base at report that this feature so quick start used actively ;)
     Update ACE to v5.8.3
    (based on zergtmn's repo commit 3a8c259)
    (based on zergtmn's repo commit 946c1a8)
     Update ACE version in NEWS/ChangeLog
    Really fix crash in SendTrainerList :/
    Traditional 'Waypoint' post-fix in mangos.sql
    Update achievement at maximize skill level by command or config option.
    Remove support unused option SocketSelectTime in mangosd.conf
     Avoid constant re-save BG entry data at each save for player at bg/arena.
    Lost important line in prev. commit.
    No error output for empty npc_trainer* tables
    Implement item 49982, 50641 equip effect
    Pet with same level as owner must have xp = 0
    Thanks to Click for original patch and problem description.
    Hunter pet can't have < owner-5 level
    Also make tame time check call safe.
    Fixed crash at GO use in case GO owner/first user offline state.
    Add dummy aura effect of spell 42515
    Use 0.0f in one function and prevent some compiler warnings.
    Add dummy aura effect of spell 42517
    Merge apply/remove cases for recently added dummy auras.
    Access for core/scripts to creature race info in model dbc
    Fix load creature *addon data from database
    Speedup check code at `gossip_menu_option` loading.
    Fixed problems with new ACE lib on Darwin systems
    (based on cipherCOM's repo commit ce2638f)
    YTDB 357
    + all fixes from forum
    + fix spawn
    + quest scripts
    + mob's gossip menus
    [http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/mangos-ytdb-scriptdev2-changelog-2232] Mangos + YTDB + Scriptdev2 + Changelog
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    Also you can find my releases on my forum

  8. #148

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    This is a new site for developers of private servers for online game World of Warcraft. This site is under construction and filling content. Wanted moderators, writers, news, and just good people.

    This site is located on the home computer, after its completion wakes moved to hosting.


  9. #149

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    Thanks :P

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