Originally posted by Arkadus
Credits to Arkadus

This is a MaNGOS zero 0.20 x32 latest updated build as of 24/11/2016, including added blizzlike enhancements that have been coded into this project to improve functionality where the official source isnt yet functional. This WoW server repack contains all the files that you need to run your own server excluding the C++ redistributibles, which can easily be downloaded from microsoft's website. This server is compatible with WoW client versions 1.12.1 / 1.12.2 / 1.12.3.


Latest Updates as of 24/11/2016

IMPORTANT: If you are transferring the character database from a previous version you will need to delete all information within character_aura and pet_aura


Fixed pets/characters crashing server with learned spells/active auras when logging in

Fixed NPC Vaelan Upper Blackrock Spire trigger


Fixed Polymorph/other spells no longer crashes server in PvP now 100% blizzlike

Fixed confuse/fear mechanics - confuse breaks on hit, fear doesnt 100% blizzlike

World boss Taerar encounter 100% Blizzlike

All raid/world bosses drop correct amount of gold

Fixed NPC/Player spells where certain player spells reduce in duration when cast in quick succession
where now only certain player spells decrease in duration

ZG - Hakkar now losses HP and proportional attack strength for each priest killed

Priest Mind vision Rank 2 no longer needs to be in line of sight to cast

Aggro/Deaggro mechanics slightly reworked now much more blizzlike - Bosses should no longer
lose aggro in any situation unless outside of visual range outside of an instance

NPC Guards damage has been re-calculated to be more blizzlike

Hunter's concussion shot now stops auto attack and pet attacking when hit

Fixed NPC spell crit chance now 0%

Reworked stun/fear/confuse/charm effects on spells/actions more blizzlike

Durability on armour/equipment is no longer lost from PvP combat

Core code has been enhanced and now more stable


Fixed Ouro & Skeram scripts in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj

Fixed pathing issues that made bosses randomly reset during a fight


Implemented subnet mask usage and fixed authorization issues for realm

Minor improvements and fixes to various things (e.g. implemented the Elemental invasion event)


Fixed NPC hunters pet deaggro when the owner deaggro's

Fixed when your pet is attacked you are now in combat with the attacker


Fixed crash when multiple players/pets run out of an NPC's aggro range

Fixed when NPC's deaggro they are no longer greyed out as if someone has tagged the NPC


Fixed gnomish death ray/shrink ray they now work as intended only the death ray doesnt vary in health drained atm static 106 per tick for 4 ticks

Updated a few more items/quests/spells to their correct values and mechanisms


Fixed crash when players logout of instance when dead

Improved latency issues with higher populated servers


Fixed festival bonfire crash

Fixed starting inventories and starting quickbar

Added SleepCommands in mangosd.conf so you can turn on/off some fixes which may have an impact on lag with large numbers of players on a server

Updated core code with more fixes

Updated database with latest dev updates

Fixed a wide range of different spells and abilities e.g. Cannabalize, Seal of command, Arcane Missile etc...


Fixed Molten Core script for majordomo summoning after runes are doused & ragnaros script


Major update to data files

Fixed Naxxramus and the server crashing bug

100% Fix NPC's no longer run past you when you start combat

100% Fix NPC's die at correct angle


Fixed you will now lose combat with NPC's when you exit a dungeon/raid instance

Updated core code with more fixes e.g. error on exit

Updated database with latest dev updates

Fixed spell aura's e.g. Thorns so they no longer crit

Fixed multiple server crashing bug's


Fixed fear motion effect is now running instead of walking

Gurubashi arena chest now spawns at correct times every 3 hours with correct loot

Fixed Hunter revive pet and call pet spells so they now work properly

Fixed wierd NPC's mounting onto random visual objects after deaggro

Fixed resistances at low level so they no longer provide crazy spell resist

Fixed you can now ghost run to any spirit healer and ressurect at your location rather than getting teleported back to your starting spirit healer


Modified weapon skill calculation again - more blizzlike than before

Fixed buffs (e.g. druid thorns) that cause damage on hit to display properly and calculate as a spell rather than raw damage

Updated creature movement so that it is less likely for a creature to run past you when engaging still not 100% fixed but much better

Kinda fixed creatures dieing at wierd angles


Updated core code with latest updates

Fixed warrior skills being delayed more than they should

Fixed starting inventory / bugged out starting thrown weapons that could crash the server


Updated database with various fixes

Updated weapon/defense skill system to be more blizzlike (can now train weapon skill on level 1's)

Fixed blizzlike NPC classes parry/dodge/block chances

Fixed - deaggro from distance properly

Fixed - in dungeon mobs chase further

Fixed - critters react blizzlike

Fixed - spell crit / dodge / melee crit / parry / block calculations are blizzlike

Fixed - no longer hitting attacks instantly after casting a spell

Fixed - Upper blackrock spire now works

Fixed - Other minor changes to make it more blizzlike etc...


OLD fixes implemented into the server:

(new) fixed - NPC's pets will now de-aggro when the NPC owner de-aggros

fixed - Mounted NPC's demount on aggression and remount after combat ends

fixed - All raid instances save progress, so if the server restarts the bosses that you killed wont respawn

fixed - Ironforge/Stormwind/Orgrimmar emote responses with /wave/kiss/shy/salute/chicken/rude

fixed - More quests fixed and improved

implemented - lvl60+ world elite/boss non-humanoids can now be kited indefinately (smiley face - i know its not 1.12.1 blizzlike but i loved this so much in vanilla i brought it back) mangosd.conf has an option to enable/disable infinite world bosses/lvl60+ elites combat range

(new) fixed - pets which are not defined in the database will no longer spawn

(new) fixed - pets will now regenerate mana after combat

updated - a number of NPC's equipment/waypoints/hp/mana/damage etc...

fixed - so many things that i cant even think of, but its fixed

updated - item drop rates/item loot templates for various quests/NPC's

updated - more NPC's loot templates/skinning templates fixed

updated - more dungeon/raid scripts including objects/rare spawns/creature location's/waypoints

Many other fixes and improvements have been implemented, this list would be too long to detail each one. So ive only detailed the fixes most people would notice. This server is updated with all the patches/updates on the official github repository.

Can be downloaded here -
WoW 1.12.x Server Repack Download

These package's contain everything u need to play WoW on your own server. You should have all the .exe/.dll/.conf etc... with a data folder in the same directory. Then in the data folder you should have 5 other folders, dbc/mysql55/vmaps/mmaps/maps. Then all you gotta do is run start.bat and give it 10 seconds to load the mysql database before pressing enter. Set your realmlist to then login. Simple as that.

› See More: WoW 1.12.x Repack - Blizzlike Server vanilla wow repack.