This is the latest Arctium Mist of Pandaria 5.2.0 sandbox/repack as of 5/5/2013.

revision 2 of repack
64 bit version
x86 core
32 Bit version
decryption key isTE8-kkIlpS7rOp9yy0uwelgSw-c-b5D3luim5dgQBOE

to use 32 bit version you will download the 32 bit version extract it and copy all content into the 64 bit repack's folder and load

1. Make sure you have Netframe 4.5 installed on your PC.

2. You must have Mist of Pandaria updated to the latest 5.2.0 build 16826 for this sandbox to work.

3. You have to patch your wow.exe with the patcher
click here for patcher
, simply make a copy of the original, and drop it onto the patcher, select number for 32bit or 64 bit. Make sure you put the patched exe into your wow folder. Now go to your wow WTF folder, and open the config file with notepad, add this line to the end of the file: SET realmlist ""

decryption key for download is
3hAlTAgI!Rz4X3EKKu_xPOvABybIgNxX9dqY4lzy2ZumVZc7VU x8

4. To start, go to the Arctium Core folder and execute Mysqlstarter.exe, then realmserver.exe, and last, worldserver.exe. * note * Mysql will open then close, it's in the background, you can log into mysql with a gui app, username is "root" the password is ascent. When you shut everything down, make sure to go to processes and manually shutdown Mysql.

6. Start MOP with the patched wow.exe, user name is mat, password is mat.

Here is the source from Arctium:

All credits go to Fabian and the rest of the Arctium crew for the core and portable mysql db.

Credits to Craigy109 for sharing Arctium info with first compile on Acweb.

thanks to
for a better db for spawns and gameobjects

thanks to
for the support and some tips to clean up the repack

what core / database supports

Add all game objects up to wotlk
spawn all game objects up to Wotlk
added all creatures up to wotlk
spawned all creatures up to wotlk

what core does not support

everything else including raids items mounts spells etc

will work on more when the core supports it

CREDITS : magickiller123

› See More: Magic's 5.2.0 Repack - Sandbox