ok so i just noticed no one has posted any good RM's so
here is the one i know thay works and is the best i run 243 and 3.0 and this is easy to modiy to tell it where to change what realm list in what folder

download link- Click here

i dont take credit for making this only for bringing it to *******

  • includes automatic updating for the RM
  • easy to use interface
  • RSS channel add
  • server site(if u want to add for u dont forget)

how to make it work

  1. first download and and put it to ur desktop
  2. delete ur old wow launcher
  3. ok in wowrm down at the bottom there is a "+" icon click it
  4. for server name put the server name such as limit wow
  5. for realm address put what u would for your realm list
  6. and click add
  7. to change ur folder u want the wowrm to change(it can be as many folders or realm listss
  8. say u want to change ur 3.0 folder just go to edit and addational settings and change path to ur 3.0 folder
  9. same as ur 2.4.3 folder
  10. GOOD LUCK!

if u need help add me on yahoo msnger and those of you who keep pming my server is down for the moment

[email protected]

› See More: [Release]WoW(RM) realm list modifyer