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Thread: 100% Firecrit (arenaaddicts)
16-02-10, 05:25 PM #1
100% Firecrit (arenaaddicts)
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Working on: Arena Addicts: Portal
Only server i have tested it on.
Fire Mage Combustion - FIREMAGEPEWPEWSPELL <-Very icky sticky needed
And someone to duel.
1: Cast the spell Combustion - FIREMAGEPEWPEWSPELL
2: Duel your friend and your cooldowns will be cleared.
3: Cast Combustion - FIREMAGEPEWPEWSPELL Again
4: Duel to clear cooldowns
Repeat step 1-2 or 1-4 (same -.-) 10 times and it will look like this....
And you will have 10x10%Firecrit. 10x10 = 100
That's HOT!
› See More: 100% Firecrit (arenaaddicts)No touching please.
12-03-10, 02:16 PM #2
woot epic . u know what core arena addicts is using?
12-03-10, 02:55 PM #3
It was fixed 1 weeek ago
And i think its a mangos based core since its so good haha
Mangos based cores have the award for less bugs atm hahaNo touching please.
13-03-10, 01:02 PM #4
yea bugless but hard to make a script :P
13-03-10, 01:22 PM #5
13-03-10, 03:00 PM #6
yea but harder than lua =)
27-03-10, 04:17 PM #7
Leet, lol. It's kinda handy scrolling through the exploit section as a P-Server owner, in here you find the bugs, and you can fix them.
03-05-10, 06:27 PM #8
Ty greato works like a charm for me
04-05-10, 07:00 PM #9
02-11-10, 03:32 PM #10
Register to remove this adThx for sharing
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