
Presented to you by:
Beaster (Owner)
DirtyDeeds (Game-Dev)
badtothebow (GM)
Glitch (GM)

Player CAP: 4k !
Daily Backup
Anti Cheat system
Rates are x2
100% no lag
Great Website and Board!
Dedicated server!
Developer team and GM Team


WOW-X is a X2 Blizzlike server. We have 16GB of free memory + 8 super cores to help speed everything up. We have a fibre optic internet connection so expect a nice an comfy game play!


- 1 c++ guru
- 1 video creator
- 1 db developper


So you wana give us a try? What a great idea! I will get you going in no time! Check out the steps of this tutorial and jump to the right section.

Step 1, Register your self an account
Step 2, Download or update your wow game
Step 3, Change your realmlist file to point at wow-x instead of blizzard
Step 4, Setting up your characters

Step 1, Register your self an account
Before you can play of the wow-x server you must create your self a game account. You can do that by registering your self on the board. Your game account will be created when your done confirming your email. To get started,

click here Board - Registration Agreement! Be sure to validate your email or the game account will not be created.

Step 2, Download or update your wow game
If you don't have a world of warcraft game yet, you can download one at the correct game version using this torrent link.

World of Warcraft 4.3.4 (14.44 GB) for windows

World of Warcraft 4.3.4 (14.92 GB) for mac

If this is your first time downloading a torrent file, don't panic! First you need to download and install a torrent programme. The one I use is called BitComet. You can download that here BitComet - A free C++ BitTorrent/HTTP/FTP Download Client. You may also use anyother similar programmes out there as long as it works lol Once you have the torrent software installed, open up the torrent file and wait for the download

to complete. The game is 11 GB of size ... So you might have to wait a few hours ... It sux ... I know ... In the mean time, your free to browse the website and why not check out the board!

If you already have a World of Warcraft game but your version is below 4.3.4, then your going to have to update. That's very easy to do. Visit this link Patch mirrors - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft and download the correct

patch. Make sure you backup the game before you do anything ... You never know what can happen and starting over really sux!

Step 3, Change your realmlist file to point at wow-x instead of blizzard
Now that you have your wow game ready and patched up to 4.3.4, you need to change the realmlist file to point at the WOW-X server instead of blizzard. That's actually very easy. Open up your wow folder, navigate to the

data folder en double click on the language sub-folder. For example i have enGB. In that folder you will find a file named [realmlist.wtf]. Open it up and replace the hole content with:

set realmlist realmlist.wow-x.com

Save the file when your done and continue to step 4.

Step 4, Setting up your characters
Congratulations! Your all set to play on wow-x! I hope it was not to hard or to long for ya ... I know how installing wow can sometimes be a hassle. In any case, now that your done you may connect your self in game using your

website user/password. If you can't connect your self you might have forgotten to validate your email in the registration process. You might wana check out your mails.

Here, on WOW-X, we created an online shop for your characters. It's very easy to use. All you need to do is create your characters in game then press on 'ALT+ESC' to minimize the game to your task bare. Log on the website

and add items in your cart. When your done, from the side menu you can choose to witch character you want to send the items to. When your done adding the stuff to your cart, clique on the Paypal button and proceed to check

out. When your done, you will be redirected back to wow-x. You might notice that your cart has been emptied. It's normal hehe A few minutes latter, you will receive your items by in game mail. Find your self a mailbox and

enjoy your stuff. Don't panic if you don't receive them instantly ... it can take a few minutes for the server to distribute the mail. But if something really does go wrong, le me 'Beaster' know about it and I am sure we will

figgure this out. We also have a forum for your shop questions/suggestions located here Board - Website Shop.

If after reading all this you still need help getting online, use the board. Ye created a section just for that.
You can find it here Board.

› See More: wow-x.com 4.3.4 blizzlike/funserver with custome server shop and more!