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13-09-13, 12:23 PM #1
B-Zone WoW | "Stay on task! Do not waste time" | Progressive Midrate [3.3.5a]
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What is B-Zone WoW and why we chose this name?
B-Zone WoW , is a new Wrath Of The Lich Kings experience in World of Warcraft private servers competition.We want to offer to our players the best 3.3.5a progressive experience.We can guarantee that you will enjoy playing here, whether you like PVE or PVP or just Random Play.
We chose the name of the server to be, B-Zone WoW, because we are a part of B-Zone Gaming Community.
Our domain ".ro" was a gift from B-Zone Community for being a part of them, but our server was and will be an Intenational one.And for doing this, we chose to speak English in our Global Channel.
Why "Stay on task! Do not waste time" slogan?
Our slogan, "Stay on task! Do not waste time" is a quote chosen from a Sunwell Plateau boss named Kil'Jaedan and represent the main theme of building this server.The quote "Do not waste time" was chosen to encourage players to find something to do on our server.
How can you support us?
B-Zone WoW offers you the best custom support.We want to offer players as much support as possible by Emails/Tickets/Forum/PM. We are always looking to improve our server and we are looking for Staff (C++ developer), if you feel that that you have necessary experience and know to work in team Contact Us.
Details about Realm and Rates
Realm name: Legends
Monsters & Quest Xp Rate: x10[x15 for first month]
Normal/Uncommon/Rare Drops: x10
Professions Rate: x5
Honor Gain: x3
Money Drops: x15
Reputation Gain: x10
Exploring Xp: x1
Epic Drops: x5
We want to have just 1 realm, but we do not exclude out the possibility of including more in the future, whatever is needed so our users are able to enjoy the best experience when we have a high population.
Our realm will be a Progressive Realm.We will publish the updates and instances gradually in exactly the same chronological order in which Blizzard did, so that people become available for new challenges, and check who are the true heroes that will become legends. So, our community will have the opportunity to choose the way to experience the content. A small point for those interested: The content will remain progressive, the instances / raids maintain restrictions for entry, in the chronological order in which they were published.Our content will be divided in 4 contents(Patch 3.0.2,3.1.0,3.2.0 and 3.3.0). So every content will be opened every 1-2 months.
Working Content
B-Zone WoW want to offer the most scripted Wrath of The Lich King content and for this we will provide everyday Raids/Dungeons fixes.
PVE System(Wotlk/Tbc/Vanilla):
Naxxramas - 100% working
OS - 100% working
EOE - 100% working
Sunwell Plateau - 100% working
Black Temple - 100% working
Karazhan - 100% working
Zul'Aman - 100% working
Gruul's Lair - 100% working
Magtheridon's Lair - 100% working
Serpentshrine Cavern- 100% working
ICC - 90% working & closed
RS - 98% working & closed
TOC - 100% working & closed
Ulduar- 80% working & closed
Ahh'kahet: The Old Kingdom: 100% working
Azjol-Nerub: 100% working
Drak'Tharon Keep: 100% working
Gundrak: 100% working
Halls of Lightning: 100% working
Halls of Stone: 100% working
The Culling of Stratholme: 100% working
The Nexus: 100% working
The Oculus: 100% working
Utgarde Keep: 100% working
Utgarde Pinnacle: 100% working
Violet Hold: 100% working
Halls of Reflection: 100% working & closed
Pit of Saron: 100% working & closed
Trial of the Champion: working & closed
The Forge of Souls: 100% working & closed
PVP System
Random Battleground - 100% working
Warsong Gulch - 100% working
Arathi Basin - 100% working
Alterac Valley - 100% working
Eye of the Storm - 100% working
Strand of the Ancients - 100% working
Isle of Conquest - 100% working
Dalaran Arena - 100% working
Ring of Valor - 100% working
Nagrand Arena - 100% working
Blade's Edge Arena - 100% working
Ruins of Lordaeron - 100% working
For what kind of players is B-Zone WoW?
B-Zone WoW is an International server and this is what you can be focused on:
As happened in Retail, you can focus on what interests you most, whether you’re a person who loves quests and want to get the Loremaster, as if you are a pvp lover born and want to focus on the season of arena or do any kind of pvp (indoor, outdoor …). We consider it very important to complete the story of the characters, so those who are some achievement hunters will find here a perfect place to stay and accumulate the most achievements points possible or if you want, just explore the world. Of course, the PvE is one of the great qualities of WoW you’ll enjoy it being as Casual or Hardcore Raider. If you are someone who loves the thrill of patches strict progressively you have the option of these kinds of challenges on our progressive realm.
B-Zone WoW welcome any kind of guilds, both Hardcore PvE or PvP, as Roleplay, leveling guilds, twink guilds or social guilds where your character is without any special purpose. No matter what guild you belong to, you’re at home and you can enjoy your community, both ingame and on the website/forums.
What B-Zone WoW expect from players?
B-Zone WoW is looking for eager players that like PVP/PVE and know how to make a team with others players because our Server is at start.For making this server to grow we need help from our players and from our viewers.If you like our server bring your friends on it and try every 12 hours to vote us here:
Another possibility to help us is Like and Share our facebook page:
Where is hosted B-Zone WoW?
B-Zone WoW is hosted in Bucharest, on a Dedicated Server with belows specifications:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40 GHzz
Frequency: 3.4 GHz
Turbo Boost: 3.8 GHz
HDD: 120GB
NIC: GigaEthernet ( Connection: 1GB/s )
So.. you will not expect Lag.
Where can you find us and when will we be available?
Our official website is: WoW B-Zone 3.3.5a - Progressive Wrath Of The Lich King Begin the adventure that awaits you, us and our community.
You can find us also on:
› See More: B-Zone WoW | "Stay on task! Do not waste time" | Progressive Midrate [3.3.5a]
27-10-13, 12:35 PM #2B-Zone WoW is having new players every day, around 200 views on website, but not all players are staying on server and play here cuz of low pop.So I am thinking of making a promotion for a few new players.
What is the promotion about:
-Level 80 just on one character
-Reputations for items (Wyrmrest,Kirin Tor,Argent Crusade, Sons of Hodir,Oracles,Frenzy Heart,Knights of the Ebon Blade,Kalu'Ak)
-20.000 Gold
This promotion doesn't give you so much facilities but like this we can bring some new players and we can keep our balance on server between players and factions.
NOTE: This is just for new players not for already players.
So if you are a new player follow this steps:
Make an account here
Change realmlist to "logon.b-zone.ro"
Join Server
Make a ticket with: "I am a new player"
NOTE:Don't try to get more char cuz GM's can check if you have more char or characters on server
11-11-13, 07:15 AM #3
Register to remove this adBump, Halls of Reflection and Trial of Champion added on server and fully scripted
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