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25-08-13, 06:31 PM #1
[FFXI] Ducks of Doom server! 7x xp rate, no xp loss on death
Register to remove this adDucks of Doom has created a new FFXI server! Yep it's an old school game but I used to spend hours daily sitting there running around and zoning mobs so it's great to have the chance to bring this game that I so loved to the masses!
Our server just recently opened so there is still a lot of methods to get growing and become the top of the server! Weekly patches are done to the server to make sure that it's as current as possible with all bug fixes and exploits and the downtime is normally only a few minutes which is a huge plus!
We do have donations with rewards however they are NOT anything you cannot get in game and we will NEVER sell GM status.
Server Specs? Hrm I SUPPOSE I can share that information :P
Server is a dedicated, Intel Xenon E5 with 6 cores and 64 GB of DDR3 ram on a 1GB unmetered port! So we do have room to expand as necessary
Goodie information is as follows -
- EXP gain rate: 7x
- No XP loss on death!
- Skill gains: twice normal rate
- Crafting gain: twice normal rate
- Starting gil: 5,000
- Gain all maps starting!
- Shops are 40% less than normal.
- Homepoints heal you.
Ready to try it? Head on over to http://ducksofdoom.in and click the FFXI banner to get started or visit our how to play guide. Already got FFXI and FFXI-Boot? Point your loader to ffxi.ducksofdoom.in then and create an account!And now..your moment of zen.
Our lame attempt at a video
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