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Thread: Eternal-WoW
01-08-13, 06:15 PM #1
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Registrations: Account Registrations
Realmlist: logon.eternal-wow.com
Community: Forums
Eternal-WoW Realms:
Wrath of the Lich King (3.3.5a):
- Eternal (Instant 80 - Extreme PvP)
- Redemption (10x Rate - PvPvE)
- Genesis (2x Rate - PvE)
- Remorse (255 fun)
Cataclysm (4.3.4):
- Apocalypse (7x Rate - PvPvE)
Quick Facts:
- Vote rewards and donation rewards delivered to the in-game mailbox
- Custom player tools (revive, unstuck, fix)
- Days, sometimes weeks, of uptime
- Upwards of 3000+ players (and growing) at peak gaming hours
- Professionally managed servers with some of the most knowledgeable staff around
- Please join us on our 70 slot high quality TeamSpeak server so you can chat with other players! (Address: voice.eternal-wow.com:4000)
Custom Content:
- Remorse (Fun 255 realm) has a full array of custom content from quests, gear and instances.
- Each Realm has their own mall (Horde and Alliance).
- Every realm has a Teleporter to teleport a player to anywhere in the world of Eternal-Wow.
- Donation- and Vote points are redeemable for really cool gear in-game.
- Custom Events every single day on all of our realms.
- Transmogification of gear.
- Maze events and Staircase Events.
Read more at our site: Eternal-WoW | WoTLK and Cata Realms
Have Fun and don't forget to vote for Eternal-WoW
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