L][WildTribe L2J No Custom PvP Server


*Sp: 5000
*Adena: 5000
*Party Exp: 1000
*Party Sp: 1000


*Safe Full: 6
*Max Armor: 20
*Max Jewels: 20
*Max Weapon: 25
*Normal Enchant Rate: 70%
*Blessed Enchant Rate: 90%
*Normal LifeStone 76lvl 5%
*Mid Grade LifeStone 76lvl 10%
*High Grade LifeStone 76lvl 15%
*Top Grade LifeStone 76lvl 25%


*Farming coins (Gold coin)
*Vote reward items (Silver coin)

*Custom Events
*TVT Event
*CTF Event

*Custom Systems
*Vote reward system
*Teleport protection from flagged players
*Announcement Hero Login
*Announcement Castle Lord Login
*Announcement Days Before Olympiad End

*Custom Areas
*Farm Zones
*Leveling Zone
*Raid Boss Zone
*PvP/PK zone = Primeval Isle

*Custom NPC
*GM Shop
*Global Gatekeeper
*Wedding Manager
*Siege informer
*Clan Penalty - No Penalty
*Ally Penalty - No Penalty
*Grade Penalty - No Penalty
*New character start with 500kk adena
*Max Subclasses = 3
*Max Subclass level = 80
*Max Alliances = 3
*Active/passive augments Stack 1+1!
*All flood protections
*Spawn Protection = 20sec
*Events Protection
*PvP farming Protection
*Masterwork system.
*Easy Farm for adena and GoldBar exchange system.
*All skills are working.(C4-C5-C6 Skills Fully Working.)
*High balance.(All Classes Are balanced.)
*Subclass without quest
*Buffs 1hours
*Buff Slots: 64
*MultiBox Allowed
*Auto Skill Learn
*Mana Potions
*Olimpiad 2 Weeks
*Clan Hall
*Working Four Sepulchers

Custom Features:
*Max buff slots setted to: 64
* Max debuffs: 5
* Autolearn Skills
* Standard respawn delay: 30 seconds
* Custom Start up zone
* Unique Raid Bosses

*Custom Item For Noblesse Status
*Master Penalty
*Unigue PvP Reward system
*Every Night At 21:00 Anunncement Top PvP Player Of Day
*Auto Vote Reward System
*Unigue Enchant System
*Unique Agument Skills system You can use 1 active 1 passive skill.
*Many updates New Idea's Every Day!!

Custom Commands:

*.changepassword(You can change your password)
*.online(You can see how many are online)
*.stat(You can see stat of other player)
*.offline(You can sit offline and to sell/buy Something)
*New Ideas Soon...

Our Site: www.l2wildtribe.tk

› See More: Lineage 2 WildTribe Interlude PvP Server >SERVER IS ONLINE<