This server was once closed because we had a backstabber in our team this time around no such thing will happen!

We had over 400+ population on all realms and we would like to get it back.
Our server has a custom core based of TrinityCore & Mangos (IcyFireEMU)

IcyFire-Gaming is a strict pvP & sometimes PvE Server.
Are you looking for private server that can keep up with retail's pvp/pve?
Then IcyFire-Gaming is right place for you!

Our dedicated team is working hard on our emulator just for you!
Instant 80
You start with s8 gear & s8 T1 Weapons or heroic t10
PvP System
Old school PvP Titles & Ranks, earn Private / Scout -> Grand Marshal / High Warlord
Teleporter NPC
Morpher NPC
Fully stocked Malls
Almost all talents and spells work!
Working Arena.
Working Professions.
Working Pets.
ICC Scripted
GM Sponsored PvP Events
GM Sponsored PvE Events
Donor System: Donors will have access to cool features and items. Features include: Race Changes, Name Changes, Faction Changes.Items include mounts and companions. Also, they may donate for titles.[WIP]

There are 2 Malls :
Horde Mall

Alliance Mall

Server Specs & Features:
Host Information

Dedicated server specs:
System: Windows Server 2008 64 Bit
Processor: Intel Q9550, 4x 2.83 GHz CPU
Real Memory: 16 GB
Main Disk Space: 600.14 GB

IcyFire-Gaming's Staff Members:

Founder/Owner Thra:
Thra is the founder of IcyFire-Gaming, he keeps this server up and running. His specialty is C++ development, but sometimes he enjoys coding PHP too...

Developer/Co-Owner Blindspell:
Blindspell did most of core work for IcyFire-Gaming. He already coded most of instances and fixed all spells that are reported broken. Icyfire-Gaming would not be the same place without him.

Game Master/Moderator Noaa:
Noaa is the main Game Master of IcyFire-Gaming. He is answering all the tickets and he's on Skype support 24/7. Also he's pretty much keeping IcyFire-Gaming forums clean and smooth. All players love him.

Game Master/Event Master Septum:
Septum is one of the people who supported Icyfire-Gaming from the begining. He is here to help you he makes events all day long . He is a nice person and has scence of humour . All players are pleased with his progress here so far.

Game Master/Bug Reporter Valaran:
Valaran is the reason why we have so little this to fix . After joining IcyFire-Gaming many things have been fixed many bugged spells , many items ( I meen because of him soon everything will work 100%) !

If you dont believe me join Icyfire-Gaming!

I want to thank each and everyone of you in advance who decide to try the server

› See More: [AD]IcyFire-Gaming[Instant 80 3.3.xa PvP/PvE]