Hi all

Some info of the server...

-rate is 1X (blizzlike)
-low lag (100mb connection)
-99% uptime

We can transfer/copy characters from OTHER blizzlike servers if they provide a link to their armory.
The chars will have all the equipped items & gold , depending on their level
(the bags, bank items, FPs, spells will not be restored)

More information on the forum

host description:

- root admin : BloodLord ([email protected])
- dell server (Xeon 2GHZ quad)
- 16 gb ram
- 750 gb HDD
- supported players: 1 k+

Home page: eGaming WoW
Forum: eGaming Community

Join our server... have fun... and help us to grow our community...

Cya all in the game.

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