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Thread: Grunt party anyone?
14-01-09, 10:30 AM #1
Grunt party anyone?
Register to remove this adHey all i pulled it off again this time i took a basic script and made it for the primary use of grunts in some type of pvp zone these grunts if you get them below 10% health they will turn into your faction. this would make for a very interesting pvp zone. Just change the spawn ids one for the primary horde (starts out horde) and one for the primary ally.
Code:function LordCyran_EnterCombat (pUnit, event) pUnit:RegisterEvent("LordCyran_Phase4", 1000, 0) end function Gruntworker_Phase4 (pUnit, event) if pUnit:GetHealthPct() < 10 then pUnit:RemoveEvents() pUnit:RegisterEvent("getplayerclass", 3000, 0) end end function Gruntworker_LeaveCombat (pUnit, event) pUnit:RemoveEvents() end function getplayerclass (pUnit, event) local faction = pUnit:GetFaction() if faction = 1052 then pUnit:SetFaction(1036) else pUnit:SetFaction(1052) pUnit:RemoveEvents() end end RegisterUnitEnt(Allygruntid, 1, "Gruntworker_EnterCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(AllyGruntid, 2, "Gruntworker_LeaveCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(Hordegruntid, 1, "Gruntworker_EnterCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(Hordegruntid, 2, "Gruntworker_LeaveCombat")
› See More: Grunt party anyone?Last edited by Dimman; 06-09-10 at 01:51 AM.
29-06-10, 12:59 PM #2
05-09-10, 03:33 PM #3
Oh my god, change that horrid font color, it's making my eyes burn
Leecher - 01/07/10!
Active Member - 05/07/10!
Moderator - 14/08/10!
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06-09-10, 01:52 AM #4
19-09-10, 10:38 AM #5
Register to remove this adlol
nice job
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