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Thread: Capture the boss event
14-01-09, 10:23 AM #1
Capture the boss event
Register to remove this adThis code is done in lua and its a modifyed version of keegroths Lord Cyran script i have made it so that when a horde player kills it it will turn itself horde and when an allince kills it it will turn it allince making it so that whoever was the last one to knock it below 10% health gets him as there own boss.
Code:function LordCyran_EnterCombat (pUnit, event) pUnit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "Deviants...") pUnit:RegisterEvent("LordCyran_Fallout", 1000, 1) pUnit:RegisterEvent("LordCyran_Doomthrust", 24000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("LordCyran_Armorslice", 20000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("LordCyran_Phase2", 1000, 0) end function LordCyran_Fallout (pUnit, event) pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(31472, pUnit:GetClosestPlayer()) end function LordCyran_Doomthrust (pUnit, event) pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(30744, pUnit:GetMainTank()) end function LordCyran_Armorslice (pUnit, event) pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(15656, pUnit:GetMainTank()) end function LordCyran_Phase2 (pUnit, event) if pUnit:GetHealthPct() < 72 then pUnit:RemoveEvents() pUnit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "Bow before my Greatness!Proclaim yourselves among my faithful...and I may spare you") pUnit:RegisterEvent("LordCyran_Demoncall", 10000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("LordCyran_Lethal", 15000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("LordCyran_Valiant", 17000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("LordCyran_Phase3", 1000, 0) end end function LordCyran_Demoncall (pUnit, event) pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(28383, pUnit:GetMainTank()) end function LordCyran_Lethal (pUnit, event) pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(28308, pUnit:GetMainTank()) end function LordCyran_Valiant (pUnit, event) pUnit:CastSpell(46287) end function LordCyran_Phase3 (pUnit, event) if pUnit:GetHealthPct() < 49 then pUnit:RemoveEvents() pUnit:RegisterEvent("LordCyran_Demoralize", 20000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("LordCyran_Impale", 50000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("LordCyran_Terror", 35000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("LordCyran_Phase4", 1000, 0) end end function LordCyran_Demoralize (pUnit, event) pUnit:CastSpell(27780) end function LordCyran_Impale (pUnit, event) pUnit:CastSpell(19781) end function LordCyran_Terror (pUnit, event) pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(36950, pUnit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) end function LordCyran_Phase4 (pUnit, event) if pUnit:GetHealthPct() < 10 then pUnit:RemoveEvents() pUnit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "So...You have chosen...Death!") pUnit:CastSpell(39046) end pUnit:RegisterEvent("getplayerclass", 3000, 0) end function LordCyran_LeaveCombat (pUnit, event) pUnit:RemoveEvents() end function LordCyran_Die (pUnit, event) pUnit:RemoveEvents() pUnit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "Pity you cannot understand the reality of your situation....") end function getplayerclass (pUnit, event) local faction = pUnit:GetFaction() if faction = 1052 then pUnit:SetFaction(1036) else pUnit:SetFaction(1052) pUnit:RemoveEvents() end end RegisterUnitEvent(777884, 1, "LordCyran_EnterCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(777884, 2, "LordCyran_LeaveCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(777884, 4, "LordCyran_Die")
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