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Thread: Morial the Crazed
07-09-08, 09:46 PM #1
Morial the Crazed
Register to remove this adheres another boss release of mine..
-Morial the Crazed-
This is a different sort of fight that you dont encounter much in WOW
His Melee is Weak.. For a boss that is..
But he casts spells that are powerful and does so Quickly
He also Area confuses during the fight every so often( it is a fair amount be warned)
He will also cast Chains of ice at random targerts and root them with a DOT
At some point in time he creates a Frost portal and summons a Ice pet out of it.
Ice pet has a decent amount of hps and has 3 spells it casts itself..
below 20% Morial casts area confusion alot more so youll be confused about half the time during the fight and if you havent taken care of the icepet before then itll just run around and wipe your raid while your confused.
heres the LUA's and the Sqls for it all spawn id for Morial is 887899
Code:INSERT INTO creature_names (entry, name, subname, info_str, Flags1, type, family, rank, male_displayid, female_displayid, male_displayid2, female_displayid2, civilian, leader) VALUES ('887899','Morial the Crazed','Accursed Wizard','','0','7','0','3','2563','0','0','0','0','0') INSERT INTO creature_proto (entry, minlevel, maxlevel, faction, minhealth, maxhealth, mana, scale, npcflags, attacktime, mindamage, maxdamage, rangedattacktime, rangedmindamage, rangedmaxdamage, mountdisplayid, equipmodel1, equipmodel2, equipmodel3, respawntime, armor, resistance1, resistance2, resistance3, resistance4, resistance5, resistance6, combat_reach, auras, boss, money, invisibility_type, death_state, walk_speed, run_speed, fly_speed) VALUES ('887899','71','71','148','92021','92212','999871','0','2400','1200','1400','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','36000','2300','45','45','45','45','45','45','1','0','1','0','0','0','4.5','8','14') INSERT INTO creature_names (entry, name, subname, info_str, Flags1, type, family, rank, male_displayid, female_displayid, male_displayid2, female_displayid2, civilian, leader) VALUES ('887898','Summoned Frost Image','','','0','4','0','3','146','0','0','0','0','0') INSERT INTO creature_proto (entry, minlevel, maxlevel, faction, minhealth, maxhealth, mana, scale, npcflags, attacktime, mindamage, maxdamage, rangedattacktime, rangedmindamage, rangedmaxdamage, mountdisplayid, equipmodel1, equipmodel2, equipmodel3, respawntime, armor, resistance1, resistance2, resistance3, resistance4, resistance5, resistance6, combat_reach, auras, boss, money, invisibility_type, death_state, walk_speed, run_speed, fly_speed) VALUES ('887898','70','70','152','43123','44123','0','0','1600','1771','2491','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','1820','0','0','0','0','0','0','1','0','1','0','0','0','2.5','8','14')
Code:function FelWizard_EnterCombat (pUnit, event) pUnit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "You dare to challenge me here? Do you not know who i AM! ") pUnit:RegisterEvent("FelWizard_Firebolt", 1000, 1) pUnit:RegisterEvent("FelWizard_Blink", 9000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("FelWizard_Lightning", 5000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("FelWizard_Phase2", 1000, 0) end function FelWizard_Firebolt (pUnit, event) pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(39023, pUnit:GetClosestPlayer()) end function FelWizard_Blink (pUnit, event) pUnit:CastSpell(41397) end function FelWizard_Lightning (pUnit, event) pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(44318, pUnit:GetMainTank()) end function FelWizard_Phase2 (pUnit, event) if pUnit:GetHealthPct() < 76 then pUnit:RemoveEvents() pUnit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "The knowledge of the past is MINE! MINE!") pUnit:RegisterEvent("FelWizard_Flame", 4000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("FelWizard_Blink", 9000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("FelWizard_Shield", 5000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("FelWizard_Phase3", 1000, 0) pUnit:CastSpell(42049) X = pUnit:GetX(); Y = pUnit:GetY(); Z = pUnit:GetZ(); O = pUnit:GetO(); X = X + 4 Y = Y + 4 pUnit:SpawnCreature(887898, X, Y, Z, O, 73, 0); end end function FelWizard_Flame (pUnit, event) pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(40657, pUnit:GetMainTank()) end function FelWizard_Blink (pUnit, event) pUnit:CastSpell(41397) end function FelWizard_Shield (pUnit, event) pUnit:CastSpell(33054) end function FelWizard_Phase3 (pUnit, event) if pUnit:GetHealthPct() < 49 then pUnit:RemoveEvents() pUnit:RegisterEvent("FelWizard_Blast", 4000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("FelWizard_Blink", 9000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("FelWizard_Confuse", 5000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("FelWizard_Nova", 6000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("FelWizard_Deluge", 7000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("FelWizard_Phase4", 1000, 0) end end function FelWizard_Blast (pUnit, event) pUnit:CastSpell(37675) end function FelWizard_Blink (pUnit, event) pUnit:CastSpell(41397) end function FelWizard_Confuse (pUnit, event) pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(40453, pUnit:GetMainTank()) end function FelWizard_Nova (pUnit, event) pUnit:CastSpell(19821) end function FelWizard_Deluge (pUnit, event) pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(22744, pUnit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) end function FelWizard_Phase4 (pUnit, event) if pUnit:GetHealthPct() < 20 then pUnit:RemoveEvents() pUnit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "You were foolish to have confronted me in my arcane sanctum!") pUnit:RegisterEvent("FelWizard_Blink", 7000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("FelWizard_Deluge", 6000, 0) end end function FelWizard_Blink (pUnit, event) pUnit:CastSpell(41397) end function FelWizard_Deluge (pUnit, event) pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(22744, pUnit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) end function FelWizard_LeaveCombat (pUnit, event) pUnit:RemoveEvents() end function FelWizard_Die (pUnit, event) pUnit:RemoveEvents() pUnit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "Pitiful... To have been defeated by the likes of you...") end RegisterUnitEvent(887899, 1, "FelWizard_EnterCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(887899, 2, "FelWizard_LeaveCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(887899, 4, "FelWizard_Die")
Code:function Icesummon_EnterCombat (pUnit, event) pUnit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "Who must I slay Morial?") pUnit:RegisterEvent("FelWizard_Icefrost", 1000, 1) pUnit:RegisterEvent("FelWizard_Frostshield", 2000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("FelWizard_Frostflare", 5000, 0) end function Icesummon_Icefrost (pUnit, event) pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(43427, pUnit:GetClosestPlayer()) end function Icesummon_Frostshield (pUnit, event) pUnit:CastSpell(31256) end function Icesummon_Frostflare (pUnit, event) pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(21099, pUnit:GetMainTank()) end function Icesummon_LeaveCombat (pUnit, event) pUnit:RemoveEvents() end function Icesummon_Die (pUnit, event) pUnit:RemoveEvents() pUnit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "I...have....Failed") end RegisterUnitEvent(887898, 1, "Icesummon_EnterCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(887898, 2, "Icesummon_LeaveCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(887898, 4, "Icesummon_Die")
› See More: Morial the Crazed
07-09-08, 09:54 PM #2
Register to remove this adlol nice
, keep it up thats looking epic boss : p
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