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Thread: [LUA] Team Battles
19-08-10, 10:03 PM #1
[LUA] Team Battles
Register to remove this adOkay, so I was going through my LUA folder when I noticed I had a lot of LUA's I had forgotten about. This hasn't been posted here, so I'll go ahead and post.
Team Battles - Pastebin
Code:-- Created by Grandelf local PREFIX = "#ra" local MSG_ON_QUEUE = "join" local MSG_ON_LEAVE_QUEUE = "leave" local MSG_CURRENTLY_IN = "in" R_A = { QUEUE_TBL = {}, BATTLE_TBL = {}, CLEAN_TBL = {}, KILL_TBL = {}, PHASE_TBL = {[1] = 1} } local Q_TBL = R_A.QUEUE_TBL local B_TBL = R_A.BATTLE_TBL local C_TBL = R_A.CLEAN_TBL local K_TBL = R_A.KILL_TBL local P_TBL = R_A.PHASE_TBL function RA_MSG_HOOK(event, plr, msg) if (string.lower(msg):find(PREFIX.." ") == 1) then local s_msg = msg:gsub(PREFIX.." ", "") if (string.lower(s_msg) == MSG_ON_QUEUE) then if (not plr:IsInGroup() and not plr:GetInstanceID()) then if (plr:GetPhase() > 1) then return 0; end if (not R_A.IsPlayerQueued(plr)) then table.insert(Q_TBL, plr) plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have been added to the queue.") else plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You are already in queue.") end else plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You can't join when you are in a group or instance.") end end if (string.lower(s_msg) == MSG_ON_LEAVE_QUEUE) then if (R_A.IsPlayerQueued(plr)) then table.remove(Q_TBL, R_A.IsPlayerQueued(plr)) plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have been removed from the queue.") else plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You aren't in queue.") end end if (string.lower(s_msg) == MSG_CURRENTLY_IN) then if (#Q_TBL > 0) then local A_PLR = 0 local H_PLR = 0 for _, v in pairs(Q_TBL) do if (v:GetTeam() == 0) then A_PLR = A_PLR + 1 else H_PLR = H_PLR + 1 end end plr:SendBroadcastMessage("Currently in queue:\nAlliance: "..A_PLR.."\nHorde: "..H_PLR) else plr:SendBroadcastMessage("There are no players in queue at this time.") end end return 0; end end function R_A.IsPlayerQueued(plr) for k, v in pairs(Q_TBL) do if (tostring(v) == tostring(plr)) then return k; end end return false; end ---------------------------------------- function TIMED_EVENTS() CleanQueue(); CleanBattle(); end function TIMED_REGISTER() REGISTER_TEAMS(); end ---------------------------------------- function CleanQueue() CLEAN_OFFLINE(Q_TBL); CLEAN_INSTANCE(Q_TBL); CLEAN_GROUP(Q_TBL); if (#C_TBL > 0) then CLEAN_TBL(Q_TBL); end end function CleanBattle() CLEAN_B_OFFLINE(B_TBL); CLEAN_MOUNTED(B_TBL); PLR_CHEAT(B_TBL); TEAM_RAMPAGE(); if (#C_TBL > 0) then CLEAN_TBL(B_TBL); end end function CLEAN_OFFLINE(TBL) for _, v in pairs(TBL) do if (not v:IsInWorld()) then table.insert(C_TBL, v) end end end function CLEAN_B_OFFLINE(TBL) for _, _v in pairs(GetActiveRounds()) do for k, v in pairs(TBL[_v]) do if (not v:IsInWorld()) then TBL[_v][k] = nil; collectgarbage() end end end end function CLEAN_INSTANCE(TBL) for _, v in pairs(TBL) do if (v:IsInWorld() and v:GetInstanceID()) then table.insert(C_TBL, v) end end end function CLEAN_GROUP(TBL) for _, v in pairs(TBL) do if (v:IsInWorld() and v:IsInGroup()) then table.insert(C_TBL, v) end end end function CLEAN_MOUNTED(TBL) for _, _v in pairs(GetActiveRounds()) do for _, v in pairs(TBL[_v]) do if (v:IsMounted()) then v:Dismount() end end end end function CLEAN_TBL(TBL) for _, v in pairs(C_TBL) do for k, _v in pairs(TBL) do if (v == _v) then TBL[k] = nil; end if (_v:IsInWorld()) then _v:SendBroadcastMessage("You have been removed from the queue because you joined a group or an instance.") end end end C_TBL = {} collectgarbage() end ---------------------------------------- function REGISTER_TEAMS() while (true) do local A_PLR = 0 local H_PLR = 0 for k, v in pairs(Q_TBL) do if (v:GetTeam() == 0) then A_PLR = A_PLR + 1 else H_PLR = H_PLR + 1 end end if (A_PLR < 3 or H_PLR < 3) then break; end local count = 0 local ROUND_ID = ReturnPhase() local key B_TBL[ROUND_ID] = {} MixTable() for k, v in pairs(Q_TBL) do if (count < 6) then table.insert(B_TBL[ROUND_ID], v) Q_TBL[k] = nil; count = count + 1 else break; end end for k in ipairs(P_TBL) do key = k end P_TBL[key+1] = ROUND_ID table.insert(K_TBL, ROUND_ID) RegisterTimedEvent("RemoveK_TBL", 15000, 1, ROUND_ID) PrepareTeam(ROUND_ID) end end function PrepareTeam(ROUND_ID) for _, v in pairs(B_TBL[ROUND_ID]) do v:SendBroadcastMessage("You have 15 seconds to buff up after that the battle will start.") v:PhaseSet(ROUND_ID) if (v:GetTeam() == 0) then v:Teleport(530, 2893, 5955, 5.1) else v:Teleport(530, 2784, 5902, 5) end end RegisterTimedEvent("StartBattle", 15000, 1, ROUND_ID) end function DisbandTeams(ROUND_ID) for _, v in pairs(B_TBL[ROUND_ID]) do if (v:IsInWorld()) then if (v:GetTeam() == 0) then v:Teleport(0, -8913.23, 554.63, 94) else v:Teleport(1, 1502.70, -4415.42, 22) end if (not v:IsAlive()) then RegisterTimedEvent("RA_ress", 3000, 1, v) end v:PhaseSet(1) end end B_TBL[ROUND_ID] = nil; for k, v in pairs(P_TBL) do if (v == ROUND_ID) then P_TBL[k] = nil; end end collectgarbage() end function StartBattle(ROUND_ID) local A_PLR = 0 local H_PLR = 0 if (not B_TBL[ROUND_ID]) then return; end for k, v in pairs(B_TBL[ROUND_ID]) do if (v:GetTeam() == 0) then A_PLR = A_PLR + 1 else H_PLR = H_PLR + 1 end end if (A_PLR == 0 or H_PLR == 0) then return; end for _, v in pairs(B_TBL[ROUND_ID]) do if (v:GetTeam() == 0) then v:Teleport(530, 2880, 5941, 4.8) else v:Teleport(530, 2795, 5915, 4.1) end v:SendBroadcastMessage("Let the battle begin!") end end function MixTable() local Copy = DublicateTable(Q_TBL) Q_TBL = {} while (true) do local k = math.random(1, #Copy) table.insert(Q_TBL, Copy[k]) table.remove(Copy, k) if (#Copy == 0) then break; end end collectgarbage() end function DublicateTable(O_TBL) local N_TBL = {} for _, v in pairs(O_TBL) do table.insert(N_TBL, v) end return N_TBL; end function RemoveK_TBL(ROUND_ID) for k, v in pairs(K_TBL) do if (v == ROUND_ID) then K_TBL[k] = nil; end end collectgarbage() end function RA_ress(plr) plr:ResurrectPlayer() end ---------------------------------------- function TEAM_RAMPAGE() for _, v in pairs(GetActiveRounds()) do local A_PLR = 0 local H_PLR = 0 local A_AM, H_AM = ReturnTeamAmount(v) for _, _v in pairs(B_TBL[v]) do if (not _v:IsAlive()) then if (_v:GetTeam() == 0) then A_PLR = A_PLR + 1 else H_PLR = H_PLR + 1 end end if (A_PLR == A_AM) or (H_PLR == H_AM) then break; end end if (A_PLR == A_AM) then RegisterTimedEvent("DisbandTeams", 4000, 1, v) for _, val in pairs(B_TBL[v]) do val:SendBroadcastMessage("The horde has won this battle!") end elseif (H_PLR == H_AM) then RegisterTimedEvent("DisbandTeams", 4000, 1, v) for _, val in pairs(B_TBL[v]) do val:SendBroadcastMessage("The alliance has won this battle!") end end end end function PLR_CHEAT(TBL) for _, _v in pairs(GetActiveRounds()) do for k, v in pairs(TBL[_v]) do if (v:GetAreaId() ~= 3775) then v:CastSpell(5) end end end end function GetActiveRounds() local R_TBL = {} for _, v in pairs(P_TBL) do if (v ~= 1) then if (not KillTbl(v)) then table.insert(R_TBL, v) end end end return R_TBL; end function KillTbl(ROUND_ID) for _, v in pairs(K_TBL) do if (v == ROUND_ID) then return true; end end return false; end function ReturnTeamAmount(ROUND_ID) local A_PLR = 0 local H_PLR = 0 for k, v in pairs(B_TBL[ROUND_ID]) do if (v:GetTeam() == 0) then A_PLR = A_PLR + 1 else H_PLR = H_PLR + 1 end end return A_PLR, H_PLR; end ---------------------------------------- function ReturnPhase() local phase for k in ipairs(P_TBL) do phase = k end return 2^phase; end ---------------------------------------- function RA_ENTER_ARENA(event, plr) if (plr:GetAreaId() == 3775) and (plr:GetPhase() > 1) then if (not ReturnStatus(plr)) then plr:PhaseSet(1) end end end function RA_REPOP_ARENA(event, plr) if (plr:GetAreaId() == 3775) and (plr:GetPhase() > 1) then if (ReturnStatus(plr)) then return 0; end end end function RA_RESS_ARENA(event, plr) if (plr:GetAreaId() == 3775) and (plr:GetPhase() > 1) then if (ReturnStatus(plr)) then plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You can't ress in this battle.") return 0; end end end function GetRounds() local R_TBL = {} for _, v in pairs(P_TBL) do if (v ~= 1) then table.insert(R_TBL, v) end end return R_TBL; end function ReturnStatus(plr) local found = false for _, v in pairs(GetRounds()) do if (KillTbl(v)) then found = true; break; end for _, _v in pairs(B_TBL[v]) do if (tostring(_v) == tostring(plr)) then found = true break; end end if (found) then break; end end return found; end RegisterServerHook(4, "RA_ENTER_ARENA") RegisterServerHook(7, "RA_REPOP_ARENA") RegisterServerHook(16, "RA_MSG_HOOK") RegisterServerHook(32, "RA_RESS_ARENA") RegisterTimedEvent("TIMED_EVENTS", 5000,
› See More: [LUA] Team BattlesLast edited by Avidgamer; 22-08-10 at 12:50 PM.
22-08-10, 10:33 AM #2
Get out leecher. [Lua] Random Team Battles! - AC Web
22-08-10, 10:55 AM #3
Avid add credits.
No touching please.
22-08-10, 12:50 PM #4
I couldn't without knowing who created it. If people bothered to read they'd know I didn't create it, I never said I did, all I said was I found it in my LUA folder. Read before posting tbh...
22-08-10, 12:51 PM #5
01-09-10, 12:27 PM #6
Register to remove this adHAHA Pwn xD
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