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02-06-10, 11:00 AM #1
[Arcemu] Sangoma Healer LUA + SQL (heal/buff/gear fix/rmv ress sickness)
Register to remove this ad......A Pieterkii presentation........................
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A Sangoma npc (Lua + sql) that:
-Fixes all your gear
-Removes ressurection sickness
-Heals you to maximum health
-Buffs you abit
all if you are not in combat(being attacked)
-Download the npc here
-Extract it and insert/import it into your world database
-Make a new textfile in your scripts folder and save file as sangoma.lua
-paste the code below into that file, and save.
-Restart your emulator
-.npc spawn 40009 ingame, or whatever command u use.
Code:function Sangoma_OnTalk(Unit, event, player) Unit:GossipCreateMenu(50, player, 0) Unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Spiritual blessings", 1, 0) Unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end function Sangoma_OnSelect(unit, event, player, id, intid, code) if (intid == 1) then if (player:IsInCombat() == false) then unit:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "Removing you of your weaknesses.") player:RemoveAura(15007) player:SetHealthPct(100) player:RepairAllPlayerItems() unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(33077, player) unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(33078, player) unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(33079, player) unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(33080, player) unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(33081, player) unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(33082, player) Unit:GossipComplete(player) else unit:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "You are in combat. ") end end end RegisterUnitGossipEvent(40009, 1, "Sangoma_OnTalk") RegisterUnitGossipEvent(40009, 2, "Sangoma_OnSelect")
› See More: [Arcemu] Sangoma Healer LUA + SQL (heal/buff/gear fix/rmv ress sickness)
10-06-10, 02:30 AM #2
Register to remove this adNice Release.
But I would try using some more functions to make the Script a little bit Professional. So keep it up and keep working on you're scripts mate.
Great Job.Don't Forget to for useful releases!. It gives you good luck! Just Like Lucky charms!